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Nāgārjuna: Mūlamadhyamakakārikā

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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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San: La Vallée Poussin (1913) 238,13-239,7
tan mṛṣā moṣadharma yad yadi kiṃ tatra muṣyate |
etat tūktaṃ bhagavatā śūnyatāparidīpakam || 2 ||
Chi: Kumārajīva, T. 1564 17b3-4
虛誑妄取者 是中何所取
佛說如是事 欲以示空義
Tib: Tg, tsa 8a3-4
gal te slu chos gang yin pa | | de brdzun de la ci zhig slu | |
bcom ldan ’das kyis de (4)gsungs pa | | stong nyid yongs su bstan pa yin | |
Eng: Streng (1967)
2. “If that which has deceptive basic elements is vain, what is there which deceives?”
This was spoken by the glorious one to illuminate “emptiness.”
Eng: Batchellor (2000)
If whatever is a deceptive phenomenon is false, what is deceptive about it [in what way is it deceptive]? That statement by the Bhagavan is a complete presentation of emptiness.
Piṅgalanetra 賓伽羅 "中論 (Madhyamakaśāstra)" T.1564 17b2-18a26
答曰(3)虚誑妄取者 是中何所取(4)佛説如是事 欲以示空義(5)若妄取相法即是虚誑者。是諸行中爲何(6)所取。佛如是説。當知説空義。問曰。云何(7)知一切諸行皆是空。答曰。一切諸行虚妄(8)相故空。諸行生滅不住。無自性故空。諸行(9)名五陰。從行生故。五陰名行。是五陰皆虚(10)妄無有定相。何以故。如嬰兒時色非匍匐(11)時色。匍匐時色非行時色。行時色非童子時(12)色。童子時色非壯年時色。壯年時色非老年(13)時色。如色念念不住故。分別決定性不可(14)得。嬰兒色爲即是匍匐色乃至老年色爲(15)異。二倶有過。何以故。若嬰兒色即是匍匐(16)色。乃至老年色者。如是則是一色皆爲嬰(17)兒。無有匍匐乃至老年。又如泥團常是泥(18)團終不作瓶。何以故。色常定故。若嬰兒色(19)異匍匐色者。則嬰兒不作匍匐。匍匐不作(20)嬰兒。何以故。二色異故。如是童子少年壯年(21)老年色不應相續。有失親屬法無父無(22)子。若爾者。唯有嬰兒應得父。餘則匍匐乃(23)至老年不應有分。是故二倶有過。問曰。色(24)雖不定。嬰兒色滅已。相續更生乃至老年(25)色。無有如上過。答曰。嬰兒色相續生者。(26)爲滅已相續生。爲不滅相續生。若嬰兒色(27)滅。云何有相續。以無因故。如雖有薪(28)可燃。火滅故無有相續。若嬰兒色不滅(29)而相續者。則嬰兒色不滅。常住本相亦無(17c1)相續。問曰。我不説滅不滅故相續生。但(2)説不住相似生故言相續生。答曰。若爾者。(3)則有定色而更生。如是應有千萬種色。但(4)是事不然。如是亦無相續。如是一切處(5)求色無有定相。但以世俗言説故有。如(6)芭蕉樹求實不可得。但有皮葉。如是智者(7)求色相。念念滅更無實色可得。不住色形(8)色相。相似次第生難可分別。如燈炎分別(9)定色不可得。從是定色更有色生不可(10)得。是故色無性故空。但以世俗言説故有。(11)受亦如是。智者種種觀察。次第相似故生滅(12)難可別知。如水流相續。但以覺故説三受(13)在身。是故當知。受同色説。想因名相生。(14)若離名相則不生。是故佛説。分別知名字(15)相故名爲想。非決定先有。從衆縁生無定(16)性。無定性故如影隨形。因形有影。無形(17)則無影。影無決定性。若定有者。離形(18)應有影。而實不爾。是故從衆縁生。無自(19)性故不可得。想亦如是。但因外名相。以世(20)俗言説故有。識因色聲香味觸等眼耳鼻舌(21)身等生。以眼等諸根別異故。識有別異。是(22)識爲在色爲在眼爲在中間。無有決定。(23)但生已識塵識此人識彼人。知此人識爲(24)即是知彼人識。爲異是二難可分別。如(25)眼識耳識亦難可分別。以難分別故。或(26)言一或言異。無有決定分別。但從衆縁(27)生故。眼等分別故空無自性。如伎人含一(28)珠出已復示人則生疑。爲是本珠爲更有(29)異。識亦如是。生已更生。爲是本識爲是異(18a1)識。是故當知。識不住故無自性。虚誑如幻。(2)諸行亦如是。諸行者身口意。行有二種淨(3)不淨。何等爲不淨。惱衆生貪著等名不淨。(4)不惱衆生實語不貪著等名淨。或増或減。(5)淨行者。在人中欲天色天無色天受果報(6)已則減。還作故名増。不淨行者亦如是。在(7)地獄畜生餓鬼阿修羅中受果報已則減。還(8)作故名増。是故諸行有増有減故不住。如(9)人有病。隨宜將適病則除愈。不將適病(10)則還集。諸行亦如是。有増有減故不決定。(11)但以世俗言説故有。因世諦故得見第(12)一義諦。所謂無明縁諸行。從諸行有識著。(13)識著故有名色。從名色有六入。從六入(14)有觸。從觸有受。從受有愛。從愛有取。(15)從取有有。從有有生。從生有老死憂悲苦(16)惱恩愛別苦怨憎會苦等。如是諸苦皆以行(17)爲本。佛以世諦故説。若得第一義諦生眞(18)智慧者則無明息。無明息故諸行亦不集。(19)諸行不集故見諦所斷身見疑戒取等斷。及(20)思惟所斷貪恚色染無色染調戲無明亦斷。(21)以是斷故一一分滅。所謂無明諸行識名色(22)六入觸受愛取有生老死憂悲苦惱恩愛別苦(23)怨憎會苦等皆滅。以是滅故五陰身畢竟滅(24)更無有餘。唯但有空。是故佛欲示空義(25)故。説諸行虚誑。復次諸法無性故虚誑。虚(26)誑故空。
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