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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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ويجمل بالكاتب أنْ يدرس فيها أسرار الطبيعة البشرية وخفايا القلب الإنساني الغامض ، والتطوّر الاجتماعي والأخلاقي ، وعوامل الحضارة والبيئة والوراثة في نفوس الأشخاص،
wa-yaǧmulu bi’l-kātib ʔan yadrusa fī-hā ʔasrār al-ṭabīʕaẗ al-bašariyyaẗ wa-ḫafāyā al-qalb al-ʔinsānī al-ġāmiḍ, wa’l-taṭawwur al-iǧtimāʕī wa’l-ʔaḫlāqī, wa-ʕawāmil al-ḥaḍāraẗ wa’l-bīʔaẗ wa’l-wirāṯaẗ fī nufūs al-ʔašḫāṣ,
In it, a writer should ideally study the hidden secrets of the human heart; [he should also study] social and moral development as well as the influence of civilisation, milieu, and what is inherited genetically1 in the characters’ psyche.
1. ʕawāmil al-ḥaḍāraẗ wa’l-bīʔaẗ wa’l-wirāṯaẗ – three key terms that show that the author is well-read in European positivist theories about the influence of civilisation, (social) milieu and genetic factors on human behaviour.
AR: kātib, darasa (dars / dirāsaẗ), ʔasrār (sirr), ṭabīʕaẗ, bašarī (bašar), ḫafāyā, qalb, ʔinsānī, ġāmiḍ (ġumūḍ), taṭawwur, iǧtimāʕī (muǧtamaʕ), ʔaḫlāq, ʕawāmil (ʕāmil), ḥaḍāraẗ, bīʔaẗ, wirāṯaẗ, nufūs (nafs), ʔašḫāṣ
EN: heart, social and moral development, civilisation, milieu, genetically, characters’ psyche
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF