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De unges forbund (The League of Youth)

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En halv million? Å, véd De hvad, lad os nu blive ved de hundred tusend. Men hverken den halve million eller de hundrede tusend skrabes sammen med så aldeles rene hænder; – jeg mener ikke ligeoverfor verden; gudbevares; lovene kan man jo nok holde sig efterrettelig; men ligeoverfor ens egen bevidsthed. Sligt noget kan jo naturligvis ikke min søn bekvemme sig til. De kan derfor være ganske rolig: grosserer Bratsbergs virksomhed kaster såmæn ingen halv million af sig.
(Selma, i spadseredragt, kommer fra baggrunden.)
Their half million! Oh, come now, let us keep to the hundred thousands. But neither the half million nor the hundred thousands can be scraped together with perfectly clean hands: -- I don’t mean in the eyes of the world; Heaven knows it is easy enough to keep within the law; but in respect to one’s own conscience. Of course my son cannot descend to anything questionable; so you may be quite sure Mr. Erik Bratsberg’s financial operations won’t bring in any half millions. SELMA, in walking dress, enters from the back.
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF