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Fru Inger til Østråt (Lady Inger of Östråt)

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Eder spørger jeg; thi det er eder, som skal svare for, at hun måtte lade sit unge liv. Glad var hun som en fugl om våren, da hun sejled fra Østråt for at gæste Merete i Bergen. Et år efter stod hun atter her i stuen; men da var hendes kinder hvide, og døden havde ædt sig ind i hendes bryst. Ja, I undres, min moder! I mente nok, at denne stygge hemmelighed var begraven med hende; – men hun har sagt mig alt. En høvisk ridder havde vundet hendes hjerte. Han vilde ægte hende. I vidste, at det gældte hendes ære. Men I blev ubøjelig, – og eders barn måtte dø. I ser, jeg véd det alt!
It is you I ask; it is you that must answer for her young life. She was glad as a bird in spring when she sailed from Östråt to be Merete’s guest. A year passed, and she stood in this room once more; but her cheeks were white, and death had gnawed deep into her breast. Ah, you wonder at me, my mother! You thought that the ugly secret was buried with her;--but she told me all. A courtly knight had won her heart. He would have wedded her. You knew that her honour was at stake; yet your will never bent--and your child had to die. You see, I know all!
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF