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Olaf Liljekrans

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Vel sandt; den megen gammen og glæde
sletingen véd om hernede. –
Har du aldrig hørt om hougkongens skat,
der lyser som røden guld hver nat;
men vil du med hænder tage derpå,
intet du finder uden grus og strå;
og hør mig, Alfhild! det vel sig hænder,
at livet artes på samme sæt;
kom det ikke for nær, det træffer sig let
at fingrene små du brænder.
Vel sandt, det skinner som himmelens stjerne,
men kun naar du ser det fra det fjerne.
(bemærker fru Kirsten udenfor til højre )
Min moder – hun vil sige dig – nu går jeg ind.
Alle engle drysse sin fred i sit sind!
(Han går mod huset, men standses af fru Kirsten. – Himlen overtrækkes af mørke skyer, vinden begynder at suse i trætoppene. – Alfhild staar hensunken i dybe tanker.)

’Tis true; but no such joy and pleasure
Has any one felt here below.--
Have you never heard of the mountain king’s treasure,
Which night after night like gold would glow;
But if you would seize the gold in your hand,
You nothing would find save gravel and sand;
And listen, Alfhild! it often is true
That life turns out in the selfsame way;
Approach not too near, it may happen to you,
That you burn your fingers some day.
’Tis true it may shine like a heavenly star,
But only when seen from afar.
[He becomes aware of Lady Kirsten off the stage to the right.]

My mother--she’ll tell you--I shall depart.
The angels above send their peace to your heart!
[He goes towards the house but is stopped by LADY KIRSTEN.--The sky becomes overcast with dark clouds; the wind begins to howl in the tree-tops.--ALFHILD stands absorbed in deep thought.]
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF