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Boethius: De Consolatione Philosophiae

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook I: THE SORROWS OF BOETHIUS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook II: THE VANITY OF FORTUNE’S GIFTS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook III: TRUE HAPPINESS AND FALSE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook IV: GOOD AND ILL FORTUNE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook V: FREE WILL AND GOD’S FOREKNOWLEDGE
lat 524 A.D. IV,4p
quos non ab iratis sed a propitiis potius miserantibusque accusatoribus ad iudicium ueluti aegros ad medicum duci oportebat, ut culpae morbos supplicio resecarent.
ger Notker ca. 950-1022 A.D.
Quos oportebat duci ad iudicium . ueluti ęgros ad medicum . non ab iratis accusatoribus . sed a propitiis potius miserantibusque . ut morbos culpę resecarent supplicio. Tîe ze dínge gefûoret sóltôn uuérden . fóne íro léidaren . álso man sîeche fûoret ze árzate . náls túrh ház . núbe dúrh knâda . únde irbármeda . dáz sie ín dâr frúmetin ûz-ersníten dero súndôn gállûn. Táz íst argumentum a similii. Uuánda álso corpus pedárf medicinę . sô bedárf óuh anima.
(fra Simon de Freine ca. 1189-1200) fra Jean de Meun ca. 1300
et plus couvenable chose fust que li accuseur, non pas courrouciéz mais de bonnairez et piteus, les menassent a jugement, si comme on maine les maladez au mire, pour ce que il retrenchassent les maladiez du pechié par tourment.
eng Chaucer 1343-1400 A.D.
the whiche shrewes, it were a more covenable thing, that the accusours or advocats, nat wroth but pitous and debonair, ledden tho shrewes that han don wrong to the Iugement, right as men190 leden syke folk to the leche, for that they sholde seken out the maladyes of sinne by torment.
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