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Hesiod: Theogonia

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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1-115: Prooemium
Click to Expand/Collapse Option116-153: The Beginning of Things, Chaos, Gaia, Uranos
Click to Expand/Collapse Option154-210: The Castration of Uranus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option211-232: Night and her Offspring
Click to Expand/Collapse Option233-336: The Offspring of Pontus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option337-370: Children of Tethys and Oceanus: Catalogue of Rivers and the Oceanides
Click to Expand/Collapse Option371-403: The Offspring of Theia and Hyperion, Creias and Eurybia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option404-452: Hecate
Click to Expand/Collapse Option453-506: Birth of Zeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option507-616: Iapetus und Klymene
Click to Expand/Collapse Option617-719: Titanomachia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option720-779: Tartarus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option820-880: Typhoeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option881-1020: The Rulership Zeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option1021-1022: Greeting the Muses
χαίρετε τέκνα Διός, δότε δ’ ἱμερόεσσαν ἀοιδήν·
κλείετε δ’ ἀθανάτων ἱερὸν γένος αἰὲν ἐόντων,
οἳ Γῆς ἐξεγένοντο καὶ Οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος,
Νυκτός τε δνοφερῆς, οὕς θ’ ἁλμυρὸς ἔτρεφε Πόντος.
εἴπατε δ’ ὡς τὰ πρῶτα θεοὶ καὶ γαῖα γένοντο
καὶ ποταμοὶ καὶ πόντος ἀπείριτος οἴδματι θυίων
ἄστρά τε λαμπετόωντα καὶ οὐρανὸς εὐρὺς ὕπερθεν·
[οἵ τ’ ἐκ τῶν ἐγένοντο, θεοὶ δωτῆρες ἐάων·]
ὥς τ’ ἄφενος δάσσαντο καὶ ὡς τιμὰς διέλοντο,
ἠδὲ καὶ ὡς τὰ πρῶτα πολύπτυχον ἔσχον Ὄλυμπον.
ταῦτά μοι ἔσπετε Μοῦσαι Ὀλύμπια δώματ’ ἔχουσαι
ἐξ ἀρχῆς, καὶ εἴπαθ’, ὅτι πρῶτον γένετ’ αὐτῶν.
104-115 Hail, children of Zeus! Grant lovely song and celebrate the holy race of the deathless gods who are for ever, those that were born of Earth and starry Heaven and gloomy Night and them that briny Sea did rear. Tell how at the first gods and earth came to be, and rivers, and the boundless sea with its raging swell, and the gleaming stars, and the wide heaven above, and the gods who were born of them, givers of good things, and how they divided their wealth, and how they shared their honours amongst them, and also how at the first they took many-folded Olympus. These things declare to me from the beginning, ye Muses who dwell in the house of Olympus, and tell me which of them first came to be.
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