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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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وسينشأ من هنا تعدُّد الأنواع الأدبية والمذاهب الكتابية ممّا يدعو إلى رقي الأدب الحديث،
wa-sa-yanšaʔu min hunā taʕaddud al-ʔanwāʕ al-ʔadabiyyaẗ wa’l-maḏāhib al-kitābiyyaẗ mimmā yadʕū ʔilà ruqiyy al-ʔadab al-ḥadīṯ,
and from here a whole variety of literary genres and writing styles1 will emerge, which will enhance further development2 in modern literature,
1. The term used here is maḏāhib, pl. of maḏhab ‘way of doing; school, trend’. 2. raqy or ruqiyy, vn. of raqiya ‘to ascend, climb, rise, advance’. From the same root r-q-y, the vn. of form V, taraqqī, is the Nahḍa’s standard term used to render the notion of ‘progress, rise, progressive development’.
AR: našaʔa (našʔaẗ, nušūʔ), taʕaddud, ʔanwāʕ (nawʕ), ʔadab / ʔadabī, maḏāhib (maḏhab), kitābaẗ, ruqiyy, ḥadīṯ (ḥadāṯaẗ)
EN: development…
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