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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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فأدب الغد سيُقام في عرفنا على دعامة الملاحظة والتحليل النفسي الرامِيانِ إلى تصوير الحياة كما هي بلا مبالغة أو تقصير ،
fa-ʔadab al-ġad sa-yuqām fī ʕurfi-nā ʕalà daʕāmaẗ al-mulāḥaẓaẗ wa’l-taḥlīl al-nafsī al-rāmyāni ʔilà taṣwīr al-ḥayāẗ ka-mā hiya bi-lā mubālaġaẗ ʔaw taqṣīr,
For, in our opinion, tomorrow’s literature will be erected on the pillars of observation and psychological analysis,1 both of which aim to portray life as it is, without exaggeration or reduction,
1. Perhaps, al-taḥlīl al-nafsī should even be rendered as ‘psychoanalysis’ here. Given ʕUbayd’s positivist-scientistic approach, the term may not only mean the study of a person’s character but already an established scientific discipline. Sabry Hafez, however, would not think so: »The emphasis on psychology and psychoanalysis can be understood only in their literary sense and not as a specialized knowledge of the subject. They are meant as an interest in the character’s psyche through artistic and intuitive insight into the personality and its motivation for the action action« – S. Hafez, The Genesis of Arabic Narrative Discourse, Saqi Books, 1993: 293 (n. 86).
AR: ʔadab, ġadan, mulāḥaẓaẗ, taḥlīl, nafsī, taṣwīr, ḥayāẗ, ka-mā huwa/hiya
EN: observation, psychological, analysis, portray life as it is, without exaggeration or reduction
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