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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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وهم متّفقون معنا على ضئولة آدابنا الحالية وجمودها ومتطلّعون إلى آداب جديدة تضارع الآداب الغربية بالصفة العلمية والطريقة التحليلية والمرامي الفنّية ،
wa-hum muttafiqūna maʕa-nā ʕalà ḍuʔūlaẗ ʔādābi-nā ’l-ḥāliyyaẗ wa-ǧumūdi-hā wa-mutaṭalliʕūna ʔilà ʔādāb ǧadīdaẗ tuḍāriʕu ’l-ʔādāb al-ġarbiyyaẗ bi’l-ṣifaẗ al-ʕilmiyyaẗ wa’l-ṭarīqaẗ al-taḥlīliyyaẗ wa’l-marāmī al-fanniyyaẗ,
Like us, they are convinced that our current literature is weak and stagnating, and they are very much looking forward to seeing [the emergence of] a new literature that will be a [real] contemporary of Western literaturescience-based, [psycho-] analytical, and with high aesthetic ambition.1
1. bi’l-ṣifaẗ al-ʕilmiyyaẗ wa’l-ṭarīqaẗ al-taḥlīliyyaẗ wa’l-marāmī al-fanniyyaẗ. In the last adjective, the original meaning of fann as ‘technique’ is still very prominent. ʕUbayd is convinced that mastering storytelling technique has to play a key role when modern Egyptian fiction should succeed as an art.
AR: ḍuʔūlaẗ, ʔādāb, ǧumūd, ǧadīd, muḍāraʕaẗ, ġarbī (ġarb), ʕilmī (ʕilm, ʕilmiyyaẗ), taḥlīl, fannī (fann)
EN: a [real] contemporary of Western literature, science-based, [psycho-], analytical, aesthetic ambition
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