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Når vi døde vågner (When We Dead Awaken)

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(ivrig, river hatten af sig og tørrer sveddråberne af panden).
Ja men hør nu også, hvorledes jeg har stillet mig selv hen i gruppen. Foran ved en kilde, lige som her, sidder en skyldbetynget mand, som ikke kan komme helt løs fra jordskorpen. Jeg kalder ham angeren over et forbrudt liv. Han sidder der og dypper sine fingre i det rislende vand – for at skylle dem rene, – og han nages og martres ved tanken om, at det aldrig, aldrig lykkes ham. Han når i al evighed ikke fri op til opstandelsens liv. Blir evindelig siddende igen i sit helvede.
[Eagerly, taking off his hat and drying the drops of sweat upon his brow.]
Yes, but let me tell you, too, how I have placed myself in the group. In front, beside a fountain--as it were here--sits a man weighed down with guilt, who cannot quite free himself from the earth-crust. I call him remorse for a forfeited life. He sits there and dips his fingers in the purling stream--to wash them clean--and he is gnawed and tortured by the thought that never, never will he succeed. Never in all eternity will he attain to freedom and the new life. He will remain for ever prisoned in his hell.
对,可是让我也告诉你,我把自己怎么安置在群像里。在前方,在一股泉水旁边--- 就像在这里一样--- 坐着一个人,身子被罪孽压住,不能完全离开地皮。我把那人叫作为了生活被断送而忏悔的人。他坐在水声潺潺的溪边,手指头浸在水里--- 打算把它们洗净--- 想起了他的事业永无成功之日,心里煎熬得好生难受。即使到了地老天荒的年代,他也休想获得自由和新生活。他只能永久幽禁在自己的地狱里。
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF