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Boethius: De Consolatione Philosophiae

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook I: THE SORROWS OF BOETHIUS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook II: THE VANITY OF FORTUNE’S GIFTS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook III: TRUE HAPPINESS AND FALSE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook IV: GOOD AND ILL FORTUNE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook V: FREE WILL AND GOD’S FOREKNOWLEDGE
lat 524 A.D. V,4p
Ratio uero hanc quoque transcendit speciemque ipsam quae singularibus inest uniuersali consideratione perpendit.
ger Notker ca. 950-1022 A.D.
Ratio uero hanc transcendit. Áber dér sín . dér ratio héizet . tér úber-stépfet imaginationem. Et perpendit ipsam speciem . quę singularibus inest . uniuersali consideratione. Únde bechénnet er sáment-háftîgo dáz pílde . dáz súnderîgo éteuuâr ána-skînet. An démo nomine homo . uuírt sáment fernómen . dáz éinzên . únde súnderîgo geséuuen uuírdet an platone . cicerone . socrate . únde óuh súnderîgo âne sîe in gehúht chúmet.
(fra Simon de Freine ca. 1189-1200) fra Jean de Meun ca. 1300
Raison seurmonte ymaginacion et comprent, par un commun regart, l’espece commune qui est es singulierez piecez.
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