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Thomas de Aquino: Summa Theologica
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSUMMA THEOLOGICA III,1-75
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII SENTENTIA, 1,1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSUMMA THEOLOGICA I-II,4-112
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionOPUSCULUM XXIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSUMMA THEOLOGICA, I,4-32
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionQUDLIBET IV-VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionOPUSCULUM XXII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSUMMA THEOLOGICA, I-II,112-114
Thomas de Aquino: Summa Theologica
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1. Introduction
2. Bibliography
3. Credits



This Bibliotheca Polyglotta publication of the Middle High German SUMMA is dedicated to my good friend and colleague Professor Christoph Harbsmeier. He drew my attention to this work, and inspired me (Jens Braarvig) to put it online.

The Middle High German SUMMA is a very important work for understanding how the German language to a great extent has been influenced by Latin terminologies. In the translation process which the work represents, German equivalents were created as loan-translations, and, for the purpose, newly created terms in the then German language of the 13th century, which make up a substantial part of the German Wortschatz. As such the work is very important for understanding the European Begriffsgeschichte.

Abbreviations for the whole library.


Bayard Quincy MORGAN and Friedrich Wilhelm STROTHMANN: Middle High German Translation of the 'Summa Theologica' by Thomas Aquinas. Ed. with a Latin-German and a German-Latin Glossary by  (Stanford University Publications. Language and Literature VIII,1), Stanford/California-London-Oxford 1950

CORPUS THOMISTICUM. Sancti Thomae de Aquino: SUMMA THEOLOGIAE. Textum Leoninum Romae 1888 editum ac automato translatum a Roberto Busa SJ in taenias magneticas denuo recognovit Enrique Alarcón atque instruxit.


Input by Jens Braarvig, January 2013.

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