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TitleFortegnelse paa danske Fruentimmer-Skrifter
First lineEr Religion uundværlig for vor Slægt, saa er det især for dennes qvindelige Deel.
ResponsibleHøst, Jens Kragh
Pages25, 97-121
Text type, genreBibliography
TopoiWomen, religion, superstition, bigotry, decency, philosophy, upbringing, health, medicine, history, geography, moral, mythology, poetry, song, account of journey, grammar, language, letter writing, science, botany, cooking, journals
Author's nationalityDanish
Author's genderMale


TitlePublication placeYear
Lommebog for Fruentimmer, København1796


NameFunction(s) on the book marketBorn - DeadGender
Høst, Jens KraghMan of letters, translator, historian1772 - 1844Male