Works and Editions / Content Editors


First lineDet som udfordrer det næste Stæd i eders Tanker, er, hvorledes at leve med en Mand
ResponsibleSaville, George
Text type, genreEssay
TopoiHusband, marriage, happiness, lack of autonomy, pragmatism, unequality between genders, male reason, authority, kindness, divorce, female weakness, holy marriage, unhappy marriage, honour, reputation, quarrel, gossip, modesty, virtue, drunkenness, pride, anger, arrogance, humours, avarice, stupidity, power, freedom, friendship, servants, piety
Author's nationalityEnglish
Author's genderMale
Original workThe Lady’s New Year’s Gift: or Advice to a Daughter


TitlePublication placeYear
Et Fruentimmers Ny Aars GaveKøbenhavn1744


NameFunction(s) on the book marketBorn - DeadGender
Lodde, Barthold JohanAuthor, translator, editor1706 - 1788Male