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TitleQvindekjønnets Rettigheder forsvarede
SubtitleMed tilføiede Anmærkninger over politiske og moralske Gjenstande. Andet Bind. Tillæg til Nytaarsgaven for 1802
Responsibleaf Maria Wollstonecraft
Efter Ch.G. Salzmanns Oversættelse, og med hans Fortale og Tillæg
ved Jørgen Borch, Dr. Phil. og Sognepræst til Gloslunde og Græshouge i Lolland
Translated title[Woman's Rights vindicated] A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects. Vol II.
Publication placeKiøbenhavn
Publication year[1801]
PublisherPaa Hofboghandler Simon Poulsens Forlag
Printertrykt hos P. Poulsen
Format8°; 296 p
Mode of inspectionMaterial
CommentsThere are two copies at KB; the one which have been digitized has one title page which indicates that it is a supplement to the New Year's Gift of 1802; the other one has two title pages, the first without, the second with this information. The two copies are otherwise identical.
Page number 38 and 39 do not exist.


NameFunction(s) on the book marketBorn - DeadGender
Borch, JørgenPriest (sogneprest)
1767 - 1824Male