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HK01: Ynglinga Saga

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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1. Of the Situation of Countries
Click to Expand/Collapse Option2. Of the People of Asia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option3. Of Odin's Brothers
Click to Expand/Collapse Option4. Of Odin's War With the People of Vanaland
Click to Expand/Collapse Option5. Odin Divides His Kingdom: Also Concerning Gefion
Click to Expand/Collapse Option6. Of Odin's Accomplishments
Click to Expand/Collapse Option7. Of Odin's Feats
Click to Expand/Collapse Option8. Odin's Lawgiving
Click to Expand/Collapse Option9. Of Odin's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option10. Frey's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option11. Of King Fjolne's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option12. Of Swegde
Click to Expand/Collapse Option13. Of Vanlande, Swegde's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option14. Of Visbur, Vanlande's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option15. Of Domald, Visbur's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option16. Of Domar, Domald's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option17. Of Dygve, Domar's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option18. Of Dag The Wise
Click to Expand/Collapse Option19. Of Agne, Dag's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option20. Of Alric and Eric
Click to Expand/Collapse Option21. Of Yngve and Alf
Click to Expand/Collapse Option22. Of Hugleik
Click to Expand/Collapse Option23. King Gudlog's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option24. Jorund, Yngve's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option25. Of King On, Jorund's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option26. Of Egil and Tunne
Click to Expand/Collapse Option27. Of King Ottar
Click to Expand/Collapse Option28. Of King Adils' Marriage
Click to Expand/Collapse Option29. Of King Adils' Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option30. Rolf Krake's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option31. Of Eystein and the Jutland King Solve
Click to Expand/Collapse Option32. Of Yngvar's Fall
Click to Expand/Collapse Option33. Of Onund the Land-clearer
Click to Expand/Collapse Option34. Of Ingjald the Bad
Click to Expand/Collapse Option35. Of King Onund's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option36. The Burning in Upsal
Click to Expand/Collapse Option37. Of Hjorvard's Marriage
Click to Expand/Collapse Option38. War Between Ingjald and Granmar and Hjorvard
Click to Expand/Collapse Option39. Death of the Kings Granmar and Hjorvard
Click to Expand/Collapse Option40. Of Ingjald's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option41. Of Ivar
Click to Expand/Collapse Option42. Of Olaf the Tree-feller
Click to Expand/Collapse Option43. Olaf the Tree-feller's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option44. Of Halfdan Hvitbein
Click to Expand/Collapse Option45. Of Ingjald, Brother of Halfdan
Click to Expand/Collapse Option46. Of King Eystein's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option47. Of Halfdan the Mild
Click to Expand/Collapse Option48. Of Gudrod the Hunter
Click to Expand/Collapse Option49. Of King Olaf's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option50. Of Rognvald the Mountain-high
Diplomatic edition (MENOTA) 41,24-42,1
Siþan dreif (25) til hans mart illþyðis fólc. lágo (26) vti v a morcom. ſtủndom hliopo þeir (27) i heroð oc rænto menn eða drapo. (42,1)
Norm 51
Síðan dreif til hans mart illþýðisfólk, lágu úti á mǫrkum, stundum hljópu þeir í heruð ok ræntu menn eða drápu.
Transl. S. Schjött (1900) 28
Sidan dreiv de mange illgjerningsmenn til han; dei laag ute paa skogen, og stundom snøgga dei seg ned i bygdine og røva fraa folk eller drap deim.
Transl. G. Storm (1900) 27
Siden drev mange onde mennesker til ham; de laa ude i skogene, og stundom løb de ind i bygdene og rante eller dræbte folk.
Transl. Monsen and Smith (1932) 18
Afterwards many evil men went to him; they lay in the woods and at times they rushed into dwellings and robbed or killed the folk there.
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