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HK01: Ynglinga Saga

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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1. Of the Situation of Countries
Click to Expand/Collapse Option2. Of the People of Asia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option3. Of Odin's Brothers
Click to Expand/Collapse Option4. Of Odin's War With the People of Vanaland
Click to Expand/Collapse Option5. Odin Divides His Kingdom: Also Concerning Gefion
Click to Expand/Collapse Option6. Of Odin's Accomplishments
Click to Expand/Collapse Option7. Of Odin's Feats
Click to Expand/Collapse Option8. Odin's Lawgiving
Click to Expand/Collapse Option9. Of Odin's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option10. Frey's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option11. Of King Fjolne's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option12. Of Swegde
Click to Expand/Collapse Option13. Of Vanlande, Swegde's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option14. Of Visbur, Vanlande's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option15. Of Domald, Visbur's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option16. Of Domar, Domald's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option17. Of Dygve, Domar's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option18. Of Dag The Wise
Click to Expand/Collapse Option19. Of Agne, Dag's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option20. Of Alric and Eric
Click to Expand/Collapse Option21. Of Yngve and Alf
Click to Expand/Collapse Option22. Of Hugleik
Click to Expand/Collapse Option23. King Gudlog's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option24. Jorund, Yngve's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option25. Of King On, Jorund's Son
Click to Expand/Collapse Option26. Of Egil and Tunne
Click to Expand/Collapse Option27. Of King Ottar
Click to Expand/Collapse Option28. Of King Adils' Marriage
Click to Expand/Collapse Option29. Of King Adils' Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option30. Rolf Krake's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option31. Of Eystein and the Jutland King Solve
Click to Expand/Collapse Option32. Of Yngvar's Fall
Click to Expand/Collapse Option33. Of Onund the Land-clearer
Click to Expand/Collapse Option34. Of Ingjald the Bad
Click to Expand/Collapse Option35. Of King Onund's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option36. The Burning in Upsal
Click to Expand/Collapse Option37. Of Hjorvard's Marriage
Click to Expand/Collapse Option38. War Between Ingjald and Granmar and Hjorvard
Click to Expand/Collapse Option39. Death of the Kings Granmar and Hjorvard
Click to Expand/Collapse Option40. Of Ingjald's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option41. Of Ivar
Click to Expand/Collapse Option42. Of Olaf the Tree-feller
Click to Expand/Collapse Option43. Olaf the Tree-feller's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option44. Of Halfdan Hvitbein
Click to Expand/Collapse Option45. Of Ingjald, Brother of Halfdan
Click to Expand/Collapse Option46. Of King Eystein's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option47. Of Halfdan the Mild
Click to Expand/Collapse Option48. Of Gudrod the Hunter
Click to Expand/Collapse Option49. Of King Olaf's Death
Click to Expand/Collapse Option50. Of Rognvald the Mountain-high
Diplomatic edition (MENOTA) 48,23-49,1
Frá þessaʀi oʀosto er langt (24) ſagt i ſciolldủnga ſǫgo, oc ſva (25) fra þvi er Rólfr Kraci com (26) til upſala til Aðils. þa ſeri (27) Rólfr Kraci gullino a fýris (49,1) vǫllo.
Norm 57
Frá þessarri orrostu er langt sagt í Skjǫldunga sǫgu ok svá frá því, er Hrólfr kraki kom til Uppsala til Aðils. Þá søri Hrólfr kraki gullinu á Fýrisvǫllu.
Transl. S. Schjött (1900) 32
Dette slage er de mykje fortalt um i Skjoldunga-soga, og likeins um at Rolv Krake kom til Uppsalir til Adils; de var den gongen Rolv Krake saadde gulle paa Fyrisvollane.
Transl. G. Storm (1900) 31
om denne kamp fortælles længe i Skjoldungesagaen og ligesaa om, at Rolv Krake kom til Adils i Upsaler; da saaede Rolv Krake guldet paa Fyresvoldene.
Transl. Monsen and Smith (1932) 22
that battle is told of at length in the Skjoldungasaga, where it is also told how Rolf Krake came to Adils in Upsala and then sowed the gold on the Fyrisvold.
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