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Aristoteles: Rhetorica

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Rhet gre 1362a2-4
αἰτία δ’ ἐστὶν ἡ τύχη ἐνίων μὲν καὶ ὧν αἱ τέχναι, (3) πολλῶν δὲ καὶ ἀτέχνων, οἷον ὅσων ἡ φύσις (ἐνδέχεται δὲ (4) καὶ παρὰ φύσιν εἶναι)·
Anonymus, 8th century (?) A.D. ara
والعلّة في ذلك الجدّ وهو لبعض الصناعة واكثر ذلك يكون بلا صناعة بمنزلة الذين تقوى طباعهم على قبول ما هو خارج من الطبيعة .
Rhys Roberts 1924 eng
Some of the things that are due to luck may also be due to artificial contrivance; but many are independent of art, as for example those which are due to nature — though, to be sure, things due to luck may actually be contrary to nature.
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF