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Aristoteles: Rhetorica

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Rhet gre 1378b12-13
(καὶ γὰρ τὰ κακὰ καὶ τἀγαθὰ ἄξια οἰόμεθα σπουδῆς (13) εἶναι, καὶ τὰ συντείνοντα πρὸς αὐτά·
Anonymus, 8th century (?) A.D. ara 25v20-21
فإن الشرور والخيرات قد تظن مستوجبة للعناية واللوازم لهذه أيضا
Rhys Roberts 1924 eng
We think bad things, as well as good ones, have serious importance; and we think the same of anything that tends to produce such things,
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