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Aristoteles: Rhetorica

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Rhet gre 1385a25-28
διὸ οἱ ἐν πενίᾳ παριστάμενοι καὶ (26) φυγαῖς, κἂν μικρὰ ὑπηρετήσωσιν, διὰ τὸ μέγεθος τῆς δεήσεως (27) καὶ τὸν καιρὸν κεχαρισμένοι, οἷον ὁ ἐν Λυκείῳ τὸν φορμὸν (28) δούς.
Rhys Roberts 1924 eng
Hence those who stand by us in poverty or in banishment, even if they do not help us much, are yet really kind to us, because our need is great and the occasion pressing; for instance, the man who gave the mat in the Lyceum.
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF