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Aristoteles: Rhetorica

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Rhet gre 1401a5-7
ἐν τοῖς ἐνθυμήμασι τὸ συνεστραμμένως καὶ (6) ἀντικειμένως εἰπεῖν φαίνεται ἐνθύμημα (ἡ γὰρ τοιαύτη (7) λέξις χώρα ἐστὶν ἐνθυμήματος)·
Rhys Roberts 1924 eng
(a) One variety of this is when—as in dialectic, without having gone through any reasoning process, we make a final statement as if it were the conclusion of such a process, ‘Therefore so—and—so is not true’, ‘Therefore also so—and—so must be true’
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