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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
17. Dharmaratnanidhāna  How then, son of good family, does the bodhisatva grasp the treasury of the Dharma Jewel (dharmaratnanidhāna) of the Awakened Lords?  Son of good family, the treasury of the Dharma Jewel (dharmaratnanidhāna) of the Awakened Lords is imperishable (akṣaya).  Thus, as many as are the entrances into the essential character of behaviour in all living beings, so many are the entrances into knowledge which is the gate into the treasury of the Dharma Jewel of the Awakened Lords (yāvantaḥ sarvasatvānāṃ caritalakṣaṇānupraveśās tāvad api buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ dharmaratnanidhānamukhajñānapraveśāḥ).  Just as the behaviour of living beings is imperishable and endless, in the same way, the treasury of the Dharma Jewel of the Awakened Lords is also imperishable and endless (yathā satvacaritam akṣayam anatam evam api buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ dharmaratnanidhānāny akṣayāṇi anatāni).  From the night (rātri) when the Tathāgata attained awakening (bodhiprāpta) to the night of his extinction (parinirvāṇa), the treasury of the Dharma Jewel (dharmaratnanidhāna) has been explained, is being explained, and will be explained by the Tathāgata. All of them are what they really are (tathatā), not different from what they are (avitathatā), and nothing else but what they are (ananyathā).  Why is it called ‘such’ (kasmāt tatheti)? Since it is the entrance into the peace of suchness, it is called 'such’ (tathatāśāntisaṃprasthitatvāt tatheti).  Why is it called ‘suchness without error’ (kasmāt avitatheti)? Since it is the entrance into the highest truth, it is called ‘suchness without error.’ (paramārthasatyasaṃprasthitatvāt tatheti)  Why is it called ‘suchness that is not other’ (kasmāt ananyatatheti)? Since he seeks nothing else but the essential nature (svabhāva), there is no other.  Further, as for the treasury of the Dharma Jewels of the Awakened Lords, even though living beings of a system of threefold thousand great thousand worlds (trisāhasramahāsahasralokadhātuparyāpanna) were as learned as (bāhuśruta) Ānanda, all of them would not be able to understand even a syllable (akṣara) in hundreds of thousands of millions of aeons (kalpakoṭīśatasahasra); and further they would not be able to teach even a single meaning (ekārtha) - such a true teaching (yathābhūtadeśanā) is the treasury of Dharma Jewels belonging to the Awakened Lords.  The bodhisatvas, having grasped it, do not forget (saṃpramoṣayati) any letter or lose any meaning (artha), and they please (ārādhyati) all living beings, gratify (ārāgayati) all the Buddhas, vanquish all the Evil Ones (sarvamāra), subjugate all other heretics (sarvānyatīrthika), and appease all vices (sarvakleśa). Thus they understand the Dharma Jewel Words.  In this way, son of good family, the bodhisatva grasps the treasury of the Dharma Jewel (dharmaratnanidhāna) of the Awakened Lords. 
  善男子。云何菩薩持諸佛法寶藏者。  善男子。如來藏無盡亦無量。至一切處。悦可一切衆生。    如衆生諸行諸根諸解。無量阿僧祇。不可思議。不可稱不可量。諸佛法寶藏。無量阿僧祇。不可思議。不可稱不可量。亦復如是。          佛法寶藏文字。假令一切衆生如阿難等。一劫乃至百劫。不能受持讀誦。能令通利除義。所以者何。如來一切法寶藏唯有一義。所謂離欲義。寂滅義。涅槃義。  若菩薩聞如來法寶藏已。隨力所受。受持讀誦通利。善順正觀如所受行。  菩薩入法藏門。堅持思惟。不依一切相行。則得陀羅尼門三昧門。得陀羅尼門三昧門已。能持一如來法寶藏文字及義。若二若三若四若五。若十二十三十四十五十。若百若千若百千。乃至無量無邊阿僧祇。不可思議不可稱不可量。無有量過諸量。於一切諸佛法寶藏心不散亂。受持讀誦通利文字及義。廣爲人説。依義不依文。淨意成就所聞説法。乃至一句文義不失。能淨辯門。善能巧説悦可衆心。爲諸佛所歎。亦能降伏諸魔外道。及供養三寶。乃至不見一法異於法性。不壞本際。不動於如。 
不空奉         詔譯
善男子諸佛法藏無有窮盡。  以一切有情根性行相差別無量。諸佛世尊爲令趣入。隨其爾所差別根性。説法寳藏。  亦有爾所無量無邊。是故名爲佛法寶藏。復次如來證菩提夜般涅槃夜於其中間已説今説當説。  是故名爲佛法寶藏。復次如來證菩提夜般涅槃夜於其中間已説今説當説。所有一切悉名如説不異説眞説。  云何名爲如説。如彼眞如平等而説故名如説。    云何不異説。所説之法依勝義諦。平等無二名不異説。云何眞説。稱法自性名爲眞説。  復次諸佛法藏。不可以文字説。假使滿於三千大千世界一切有情。皆如阿難陀多聞第一。於百千倶胝劫中。説於一義不可究盡。如是諸佛無邊法藏。  菩薩悉能如法受持。一切文字皆不廢忘。於一切義無有差異。使諸有情皆得歡喜。供養奉事一切如來。摧壞一切魔怨。制伏一切外道。息滅煩惱顯揚正法。  如是善男子。是名持佛世尊佛法寶藏。 
  rigs kyi bu de la (3) ji ltar na byaṅ chub sems dpa’ saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das dag gi chos dkon mchog gi mdzod ’dzin pa yin źe na |  rigs kyi bu saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das ’dag gi chos dkon mchog gi mdzod ni mi zad pa ste |  sems can thams cad kyi spyod pa’i mtshan ñid la rab tu ’jug (4) pa ji sñed pa saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi chos dkon mchog gi mdzod la gzud pa’i ye śes la ’jug pa’aṅ de sñed do ||  ji ltar sems can gyi spyod pa mi zad ciṅ mtha’ med pa de bźin du saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi chos dkon mchog gi mdzod kyaṅ mi (5) zad ciṅ mtha’ med pa’o ||  chos dkon mchog gi mdod ces bya ba ni gaṅ gi nub mo de bźin gśegs pas byaṅ chub brñes pa nas | gaṅ gi nub mo yoṅs su mya ṅan las ’das pa de’i bar du de bźin gśegs pas bśad pa daṅ ’chad pa daṅ | ’chad par ’gyur ba de thams (6) cad ni de bźin no ||  ci’i phyir de bźin źes bya źe na | de bźin ñid źi ba la yaṅ dag par źugs pas de’i phyir de bźin źes bya’o ||  ci’i phyir ma nor ba de bźin ñid ces bya źe na | don dam pa’i bden pa la yaṅ dag par źugs pa (7) de’i phyir ma nor ba de bźin ñid ces bya’o ||  ci’i phyir na gźan ma yin pa de bźin ñid ces bya źe na | de bdag gi ṅo bo ñid ma yin par gźan du mi btsal te | de’i phyir gźan ma yin pa’o ||  yaṅ saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi chos dkon mchog gi mdzod ni stoṅ gsum (267b1) gyi stoṅ chen po’i ’jig rten gyi khams su gtogs pa’i sems can rnams maṅ du thos pa kun dga’ bo lta bur gyur kyaṅ de dag thams cad kyis bskal pa bye ba phrag stoṅ du yaṅ yi ge khoṅ du chud par mi nus so || yaṅ don gcig tu bstan te ji lta ba bźin du bstan pa ’di lta bu (2) ni saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi chos dkon mchog gi mdzod do ||  de byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams ’dzin te ji ltar yi ge thams cad mi brjed ciṅ don thams cad mi ñams par sems can thams cad mgu bar byed | saṅs rgyas thams cad rab tu mñes par byed | (3) bdud thams cad pham par byed | mu stegs can gźan thams cad tshar gcod || ñon moṅs pa thams cad źi bar byed ciṅ de dag la chos dkon mchog rab tu sgrogs pa de ltar ’dzin to ||  rigs kyis bu de ltar na byaṅ chub sems dpa’ saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi chos (4) dkon mchog gi mdzod ’dzin pa yin no || 
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