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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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nirātma nirjīva niṣpudgala dharmā 2r deśehi nāyaka anaṃtayaśāḥ |
śāntaḥ praśānta upaśāṃta satā ayam īdṛśa parṣa agravarā || 1 || 
gso med srog med bdag med chos kyi rnams || mgon po mtha’ yas grags mṅas bśad du gsol ||
’khor ’di ’di ’dra dam pa mchog lags te || źi ba rtag źi rtag tu ñe bar źi || 
(19)世尊大導師 名徳稱無量
(20)今此大衆集 願説寂滅法 
(18)無我無命無育法 無邊名稱爲我宣
(19)寂靜極寂常寂然 如是此衆最勝者(20) 
Leader of unbounded fame, teach us about the moments of existence which are selfless, without a life principle and without a personality. This excellent congregation, so great, is peaceful, eminently and deeply peaceful. 
dṛṣṭīgatāna katha bodhi bhave mānaṃ ca krodha tathā īrṣyam api |
rāgasvabhāva katha bodhi bhave deśehi nāyaka anaṃtayaśāḥ 2 || 2 || 
lta ba’i rnam pa ji ltar byaṅ chub lags || khro daṅ phrag dog ṅa rgyal bral ba daṅ ||
’dod chags dṅos bral ji ltar byaṅ chub lags || mgon po mtha’ yas grags mṅas bśad du gsol || 
(21)邪見諸愛慢 嫉妬瞋恚性
(22)云何即是道 大音方便説 
諸見云何是菩提 憍慢瞋恚及嫉妬
(21)欲體云何是菩提 爲説導師無邊稱(22) 
How can viewpoints be Awakening, how can conceit, aversion and jealousy? How can the essence of passion be Awakening, teach us, leader of unbounded fame! 
nirvāṇa yatra na bhave anigha saṃskāradhātu katha bodhi bhave |
yathā dharma advaya bhaveyu jina pravyāharāhi gira kāruṇika || 3 || 
skyon bral thar pa gaṅ la ma mchis pa’i || ’du byed khams kyaṅ ji ltar byaṅ chub lags ||
ji ltar chos rnams gñis su ma mchis pa || rgyal ba thugs rje mṅa’ bas bśad du gsol || 
(23)云何涅槃相 與世法無異
(24)諸法無有二 大悲爲演説 
涅槃若無無煩惱 行界云何是菩提
(23)其體無二佛亦然 爲我演説大悲者(24) 
Where there is no nirvāṇa, flawless one, how can the sphere of conditioned things be Awakening? Compassionate and victorious, explain in words how moments of existence are beyond duality. 
atyaṃtamukta katha dharma bhave nirvāṇasādṛśa vimuktisamā |
ākāśasādṛśa bhave ya kathaṃ saṃ3ge asakta na ca baddha kvaci || 4 || 
chos rnams śin tu rnam par grol gyur ciṅ || mya ṅan ’das daṅ grol mñam ji ltar lags ||
chags pa ma chags nam mkha’i tshul ’dra źiṅ || ’chiṅ bar mi ’gyur gaṅ lags mgon po gsuṅ || 
(25)云何諸法性 畢竟無有礙
(26)其性如涅槃 亦同於解脱
(27)無縛亦無解 亦復如虚空 
諸法云何畢竟脱 涅槃相似解脱同
(25)云何當復等虚空 無礙無著無處繋(26) 
You, who are boundlessly free, how can the moments of existence be like nirvāṇa, like freedom; how can a [person] be like space, not attached in any attachment, not bound anywhere? 
karaviṃkabrahmarutadevarutā vimalaprabhā kanakavarṇanibhā |
śuddhaprabhasvara anaṃtaguṇā deśehi dharmata atyaṃta mune || 5 || 
ka la piṅ ka tshaṅs pa lha yi gsuṅ || ’od la dri med gser gyi mdog mṅa’ ba ||
yid ’oṅ ’od gsal yon tan mchog mṅa’ bas || chos ñid rtag par tshul gcig bka’ stsal gsol || 
(28)迦羅頻伽音 大梵清淨聲
(29)身色喩天金 淨命無量徳
(750b1)演説實相法 畢竟無縛解 
迦羅頻伽梵天音 無垢光明金光色
(27)清淨光音無邊徳 當爲説法畢無塵(28) 
You have the voice of the Kalaviṃka bird, your speech is like that of Brahmā, and that of the Gods; you are unblemished light, with a colour like gold; you who are pure splendour with infinite fualities, teach us, sage, the infinite state of things. 
kathaṃ bodhi samabhāva nīvaraṇā bodhisvabhāva katha kāma bhave |
dharmā 4 adharma katham ekanayā khagasādṛśā vimalā śuddha katha || 6 || 
sgrib pa ji ltar byaṅ chub mñam pa lags || byaṅ chub raṅ bźin ji ltar chos rnams lags ||
chos daṅ chos min ji ltar ’dra ba lags || de gñis ji ltar nam mkha’ mtshuṅs pa lags || 
(2)云何此五蓋 而等於菩提
(3)云何是菩提 即同諸業性
(4)是法是非法 云何同一相
(5)如是畢竟淨 唯願爲演説 
云何諸蓋等菩提 云何欲是菩提體
(29)法非法道云何一 無垢清淨等虚空(762a1) 
How is Awakening the same as the hindrances; how can passion be the essence of Awakening? And how are truth and untruth really of one principle, pure and unblemished, like the wind? 
yatrā na saṃkhya na asaṃkhya bhave parinirvṛtā dharma bhaveya katham |
bodhiṃ pi yatra na bhave anighā sarvajñatā pi na bhaveya katham || 7 || 
chos rnams graṅs daṅ bgraṅ ba ma mchis śiṅ || źiṅ daṅ mñam par de dag ji ltar ’gyur ||
skyon bral byaṅ chub de la ma mchis śiṅ || de la kun mkhyen ma mchis ji ltar lags || 
(6)無數無非數 諸法畢竟滅
(7)一切種智相 及以菩提道
(8)二法云何無 惟願爲演説 
若無有數無無數 已滅度法云何是
(2)菩提若無無著者 遍智云何亦復無(3) 
How can the moments of existence be extinguished where there is no reasoning, nor non-reasoning? How can there be no omniscience where there is no Awakening, O faultless one? 
kriya akriyā 2v akaraṇā ca bhave graha agrāha eta ubhau na bhave |
satva pi tatra na kadāci bhave dharme hi āraṃbaṇa naiva bhave || 8 || 
bgyi daṅ bgyid daṅ bgyi ba’i raṅ bźin daṅ || gzuṅ daṅ ’dzin pa nam yaṅ ma mchis la ||
sems can rnams kyaṅ rtag par ma mchis śiṅ || de la chos spyod ji ltar ma mchis ’gyur || 
(9)無作無非作 無著無非著
(10)畢竟無衆生 諸法中無礙 
是作非作無有諍 取及不取並無體
(4)衆生於中不曾有 法中障礙亦復無(5) 
Activity and non-activity are non-causes. As for grasping nor non-grasping, neither of them exist. Living beings never exist there, because there is no physical basis to be found among the dharmas. 
yatrā na śīla na ca kṣāṃti bhave dauśīliyā pi na bhaveya kvacit |
dhyānaś ca prajña na bhaveya kathaṃ ajñāna jñāna na labheya kvacit || 9 || 
de la tshul khrims bzod pa ma mchis śiṅ || tshul khrims ’chal pa’aṅ de la ma mchis la ||
bsam gtan śes rab de la ma mchis śiṅ || rtogs daṅ ma rtogs ma mchis ji ltar lags || 
(11)無戒無忍辱 亦無有毀戒
(12)無智亦無慧 亦無非智慧 
於中無戒復無忍 破戒亦復無一處
(6)定之與智如是無 無智及智無所得(7) 
How can it be that there is never immorality where there is no morality and no tolerance? How can we find neither ignorance nor knowledge where there is no meditation or insight? 
vimalā viśuddha katha dharmā bhave niṣkiṃcanā khagasamā ca bhave |
cittaṃ kadāci na ca śleṣa kvacin niścetanā ca kathaṃ dharma bhave || 10 || 
chos rnams dri med dag pa ji ltar lags || nam mkha’ ’dra źiṅ ci yaṅ ma lags la ||
nam yaṅ sems kyi raṅ bźin mi dmigs śiṅ || chos rnams sems med ji ltar lags par ’gyur || 
(13)是法常清淨 惟願爲演説
(14)云何一切法 寂滅如虚空
云何是法淨無垢 而無所有等虚空
(8)心於一時無得處 無心云何而是法(9) 
How can the moments of existence be unblemished and pure, being nothing in particular like wind? How can moments of existence be without thinking, never thought and nowhere clinging? 
yatra parijña na bhaveya kvacin na ca bhāvanā na pi ca sākṣikṛyā |
prahāṇa yatra na bhaveya 3 kvaci ākāśadhātu katha satva bhavet || 11 || 
yoṅs su śes bgyi ji ltar ma mchis śiṅ || sgom daṅ mṅon bgyi mchis pa ma lags la ||
gaṅ du’aṅ de la spaṅ ba ma mchis pas || sems can ji ltar nam mkha’i dbyiṅs ’dra lags || 
無見斷證修 (16)一切諸衆生 同如虚空相 
於中知見無所有 無有念修亦無證
(10)於中亦復無所斷 衆生云何空界同(11) 
How can being be like the sphere of space where there is nowhere comprehension, no cultivation, no realization and nowhere renunciation? 
ekānayā yatra dharma bhave yatrā pravṛtti na ca jātu bhave |
utpāda jātu na bhaveya kvaci etadṛśā dharmata deśayehi || 12 || 
gaṅ la chos ñid gcig gi tshul gyur pa || de la raṅ bźin nam yaṅ ma mchis la ||
skye ba nam yaṅ de la ma mchis pa’i || chos kyi tshul ni mgon pos bśad du gsol || 
(17)一相法亦無 心行亦叵得
於中法體是一行 於中無生亦無轉
(12)發起及生無所有 如是等法勝人説(13) 
theach us about this state of things where the moments of existence are in accordance with the one principle, where there is indeed no activity and no origination anywhere! 
yatrā na śaikṣa na bhave arhaṃ pratyekabuddha na bhaveya kvaci |
4 bodhigaveṣa na labheya kvaci na ca āgatā na gata dharma bhave || 13 || 
de la slob daṅ dgra bcom ma mchis te || raṅ rgyal ji ltar mchis pa ma lags śiṅ ||
byaṅ chub tshol ba’i chos kyaṅ ma mchis la || soṅ daṅ ’oṅs pa ma mchis ji ltar lags || 
(19)亦無辟支佛 亦無求菩薩 
於中無學無羅漢 縁覺亦復無所有
(14)求菩提者不可得 此法無來亦無去(15) 
Where there is no disciple, no arhat or isolated buddha, where no-one takes up the fuest for Awakening, and there is no coming and going of moments of existence, 
yatra na vāsa na ca sthāna bhave naiva gatā na pi ca āgamanam |
na ca āgatā na gata dharma kvaci sthānasthitā acalam ekasamā || 14 || 
gaṅ la gnas daṅ rten pa ma mchis śiṅ || ’oṅ daṅ ’gro ba dag kyaṅ ma mchis la ||
chos rnams ’gro daṅ ’oṅ daṅ bral bas na || ri bźin mi g-yo brtan gnas ji ltar lags || 
(20)無住無休止 無來亦無去
(21)諸法無動相 常住如須彌 
於中無住亦無處 亦無有去亦無來
(16)無來去法復云何 如彼須彌住不動(17) 
where there is no remaining, no stability, nor any subject of going or coming, no moments of existence come or gone anywhere, with stable stillness in a state which is one and the same, 
yatrā na saṃjña na ca 3r rūpa bhave rūpasvabhāva katha bodhi bhave |
rūpaṃ ca bodhi bhave advayatā etadṛśā dharmata brūhi jina || 15 || 
de la ji ltar ’du śes gzugs ma mchis || gzugs kyi raṅ bźin ji ltar byaṅ chub lags ||
gzugs daṅ byaṅ chub ji ltar gñis ma mchis || dri med mchog mṅa’ rgyal bas de dag gsuṅs || 
(22)無相亦無色 色性即是道
(23)色性佛道一 如是法願説 
於中無想亦無色 色體云何是菩提
(18)色與菩提無有二 如是法體勝人演(19) 
where there is no concept and no form, how can Awakening have form as its essence? How can there a be non-duality of form and Awakening? thell us about this state of things, Victorious One! 
yatrā na buddha na ca dharma bhave saṃghā ca yatra na bhaveya kvaci |
buddhāś ca dharma tatha saṃghavarā ete bhaveya katha2m ekanayāḥ || 16 || 
saṅs rgyas gaṅ la ma mchis chos dag daṅ || dge ’dun gaṅ la ma mchis de slad du ||
saṅs rgyas chos daṅ dge ’dun mchog gi rnams || de dag gcig gi tshul du ji ltar ’gyur || 
(24)云何無佛法 亦無有衆僧
(25)是三寶一相 惟願爲演説 
Where there is no Buddha and no teaching, where there is nowhere a congregation, how can those Buddhas, the teaching and the congregations be of one principle? 
yatrā na śuṇya animitta bhave na śleṣa naiva aśleṣa bhavet |
nāmā anāma katha dharma bhave girighoṣakalpa tha pratiśrusamā || 17 || 
gaṅ la stoṅ daṅ mtshan ñid ma mchis śiṅ || ’du daṅ ’bral ba de la ma mchis la ||
chos rnams miṅ daṅ miṅ med bral ba ste || sgra brjod brag ca ’dra ba ji ltar lags || 
(26)無空無無相 亦無有無作
(27)不合亦不散 名相法亦無
(28)諸法畢竟空 如響無作者 
於中無空無無相 無有染著無無著
(20)名與無名法云何 言道猶如於山響(21) 
Where it is not empty or without distinguishing marks, neither clinging nor non-clinging, neither a name nor not a name, how can a moment of existence be like an echo, resembling a sound in the mountains? 
utpāda yatra na bhaveya nighā anutpāda yatra na bhaveya kvaci |
3 na ca nirvṛtā na ca saṃsaraṇā katha sarvadharma bhava ekanayāḥ || 18 || 
skye daṅ skye med gaṅ la ma mchis śiṅ || gaṅ la skyon bral mya ṅan ’das pa daṅ ||
’khor ba dag kyaṅ de la ma mchis pas || chos rnams thams cad tshul gcig ji ltar ’gyur || 
(29)無生無無生 無滅無往來 
於中無生無惱者 於中亦復無無生
(22)無有已滅亦無遮 諸法云何是一行(23) 
How is it that all moments of existence are of one principle, O faultless one, where there is no origination, no non-origination, no nirvāṇa and no round of rebirth, 
yatrā na deva na ca nāga bhave na ca kiṃnarā na pi ca yakṣa bhave |
narakāpi tatra na bhaveya kvaci naivāgatīyu na pi satva bhave || 19 || 
lha daṅ klu dag de la ma mchis śiṅ || gnod sbyin mi’am ci daṅ ’dre dag daṅ ||
sems can dmyal ba de la ma mchis śiṅ || ji ltar de la sems can lam ma mchis || 
(750c1)無天無龍神 夜叉緊那等
(2)無人無地獄 無餓鬼畜生
(3)無衆生五道 願説如是法 
於中無天亦無龍 無緊那羅夜叉等
(24)於中泥犁無所有 無有所趣及衆生(25) 
where there are no gods, no snake gods, no centaurs and no demons, no hell at all, nor states of existence? 
yad bhāṣa4se nāyaka dharmavarā yo bhāṣaṃti tīrthika pāpamatī |
tāv ubhau katha bhave ’kanayā sarvākṣarā ekapraveśa bhave || 20 || 
mgon pos chos rnams gaṅ gsuṅs tshul dag daṅ || sdig pa’i blo can mu stegs gaṅ smra ba ||
de dag gñis su ma mchis ji ltar lags || yi ge kun la gcig tu ji ltar ’gyur || 
(4)如導世師人 外道非見者
(5)其有所演説 云何等無二
(6)諸文字語言 是法皆一相
(7)世尊大慈愍 願開是法門 
若説導師最勝法 若説惡意諸外道
(26)此二云何是一行 諸字如是皆入一(27) 
The precious dharma which you, our leader, are expounding, and that spoken by the evil ascetics, how can those two be of one principle, how can there be only one entrance to all syllables? 
atha khalu bhagavāṃ siṃhavikrāṃtagāmisya bodhisatvasya mahāsatvasya sādhukāram adāt | 3v  sādhu sādhu kulaputra āścaryaṃ yāva sarvalokavipratyayanīkā eṣā praśnaparipṛcchā |  saṃmohamātraṃ kulaputra sadevako loka āpadyeta alaṃ kulaputra kiṃ tavānena praśnaparipṛcchayā |  abhūmir atra ādikarmi2kānāṃ bodhisatvānāṃ śuṇyatādṛṣṭīnāṃ ānimittadṛṣṭīnāṃ apraṇihitadṛṣṭīnāṃ anutpādadṛṣṭīnāṃ | abhāvadṛṣṭīnāṃ | alakṣaṇadṛṣṭīnāṃ | nirvāṇadṛṣṭīnāṃ | buddhadṛṣṭīnāṃ | bodhidṛṣṭīnāṃ |  naitaṃ kulaputra dharmadeśanā ādi3karmikāṇāṃ bodhisatvānāṃ vaktavyā |  tat kasmād dhetoḥ  sarveṇa sarva kuśalamūlā na samudāgacchaṃti utpathe ca bhaveya buddhabodhiḥ ucchedaṃ vā śāśvataṃ vā pateyuḥ na ca jāneya kiṃ sandhāya tathāgatena 4 dharmo deśita iti | 
de nas bcom ldan ’das kyis byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po seṅ ge’i rtsal gyis ’gro ba la legs so źes bya ba gnaṅ ste |  | rigs kyi bu legs so legs so || khyod kyis ji tsam du ’jig rten thams cad kyis yid ches par dka’ ba’i dri ba ’di dris pa ṅo mtshar che’o ||  rigs kyi bu chog mod khyod kyis ’di dris pas ci źig bya |  ’di ni byaṅ chub sems dpa’ las daṅ po pa stoṅ pa ñid kyi lta ba can | mtshan ma med pa’i lta ba can | smon pa med pa’i lta ba can | skye ba med pa’i lta ba can | dṅos po med pa’i lta ba can | mtshan ñid med pa’i lta ba can | saṅs rgyas kyi lta ba can | byaṅ chub kyi lta ba can dag gi gnas ma yin no ||  rigs kyi bu chos bstan pa ’di ni byaṅ chub sems dpa’ las daṅ po pa’i mdun du mi brjod do ||  de ci’i phyir źe na |  | de ni de’i dge ba’i rtsa ba rnams thams cad kyi thams cad du rgyun chad du ’oṅ ṅo || saṅs rgyas kyi byaṅ chub las kyaṅ ñams par ’gyur srid do || rtag pa’am chad par yaṅ lhuṅ du ’oṅ ṅo || de bźin gśegs pas kyaṅ ci las dgoṅs te chos bstan mi śes srid do || 
(8)爾時世尊讃師子遊歩菩薩摩訶薩言。  善哉(9)善哉。善男子。汝所問者甚爲希有。一切世(10)間之所難信。  善男子。止止勿問。所以者何。  (11)新發意菩薩。於此空見無相見無作見無生(12)見無所有見無取相見佛見菩提見。所不能(13)及。  善男子。如此法者不應在新學菩薩前説。  (14)何以故。  若聞是法或斷善業。於佛道中則行(15)邪道。若墮斷滅。若墮計常。不知如來以何(16)方便隨宜所説。 
爾時世尊讃師子遊歩菩薩摩訶薩言。  甚善(28)甚善。希有善家子。汝今所問。乃至諸世不(29)能信受。  諸天等世當住迷惑。善家子。汝今(762b1)不須問是因縁。  善家子。初業菩薩於此非地。(2)謂空見者。無相見者。無願見者。無生見者。(3)無有見者。無相貌見者。涅槃見者。佛陀見(4)者。菩提見者。  善家子。初業菩薩前不應説(5)此法。  何以故。  諸善根斷必有是處。於佛菩(6)提則行非道。若墮斷常。不知如來以何意義(7)而説此法。 
Then the Lord praised the bodhisattva, the Great Being Siṃhavikrāntagāmin:  Good, very good, son of good family! Your fuestion is wonderful, even to the point of being contradictory to the interests of the world.  The world with its gods may even fall into confusion. So enough of your posing fuestions in this way.  This is not a field for bodhisattvas at the beginning of their practice, who have naive views on emptiness, naive views on the absence of distinguishing marks, on the absence of wishful thinking and non-origination, on non-existence, absence of characteristics, naive views on nirvāṇa, the Buddha and Awakening.  This teaching of dharma should not be propounded to bodhisattvas at the beginning of their practice.  And why is that?  They will not be provided with any roots for the good, their Awakening will be far away, and they will fall into discontinuity and eternalism, and they will not know that the Tathāgata teaches the dharma with certain hidden intentions. 
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