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Ibn Khaldun: Muqaddima Book Six

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI. The various kinds of sciences. The methods of instruction. The conditions that obtain in these connections. The chapter includes a prefatory discussion and appendices
Ed. Quatremère (1858) 364
في الفكر الإنساني
Tr. Pirizade (ed. Bulaq 1274 = 1858)
فصل سادسك اوّلكى فصلى فكر انسانى بياننده در ٭
Tr. Cevdet Paşa (ed. Istanbul 1277 = 1860)
فصل : فكر انسانى بياننده در
Tr. Cevdet Paşa (ed. Yıldırım et al. 2008)
Fasıl : Fikr-i İnsânî Beyânındadır
Transl. Rosenthal (1958) 411
1. Man's ability to think.
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