Work/ Edition Author
You are here: Bibliografi > Robinsonades > Works > The Life of Charlotta du Pont, Robinsonade > Editions > The Life of Charlotta du Pont, London, 1739


TitleThe Life of Charlotta du Pont : An English Lady; Taken from her own Memoirs. Giving an Account how she was trepan'd by her Stepmother to Virginia, how the Ship was Taken by some Madagascar Pirates, and retaken by a Spanish Man of War. Of her Marriage in the Spanish West-Indies, and Adventures whilst she resided there, with her return to England. And the History of several Gentlemen and Ladys whom she met withal in her Travels; some of whom had been Slaves in Barbary, and others cast on Shore by Shipwreck on the barbarous Coasts up the great River Oroonoko: with their Escape thence, and safe Return to France and Spain. A History that contains the greatest Variety of Events that ever was publish'd.
SourceGove, p.239
Mode of inspectionSecondary


Popular titleGenreHeroYear of origin
The Life of Charlotta du PontRobinsonade Female and male 1723


NamePseudonymBorn - DeadGender
Aubin, Penelope [1679] - 1738Female