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Hesiod: Theogonia

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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1-115: Prooemium
Click to Expand/Collapse Option116-153: The Beginning of Things, Chaos, Gaia, Uranos
Click to Expand/Collapse Option154-210: The Castration of Uranus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option211-232: Night and her Offspring
Click to Expand/Collapse Option233-336: The Offspring of Pontus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option337-370: Children of Tethys and Oceanus: Catalogue of Rivers and the Oceanides
Click to Expand/Collapse Option371-403: The Offspring of Theia and Hyperion, Creias and Eurybia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option404-452: Hecate
Click to Expand/Collapse Option453-506: Birth of Zeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option507-616: Iapetus und Klymene
Click to Expand/Collapse Option617-719: Titanomachia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option720-779: Tartarus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option820-880: Typhoeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option881-1020: The Rulership Zeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option1021-1022: Greeting the Muses
Ἥρη δ’ Ἥφαιστον κλυτὸν οὐ φιλότητι μιγεῖσα
γείνατο, καὶ ζαμένησε καὶ ἤρισεν ᾧ παρακοίτῃ,
ἐκ πάντων τέχνῃσι κεκασμένον Οὐρανιώνων. 
927-929 But Hera without union with Zeus--for she was very angry and quarrelled with her mate--bare famous Hephaestus, who is skilled in crafts more than all the sons of Heaven.
929a-929t But Hera was very angry and quarrelled with her mate. And because of this strife she bare without union with Zeus who holds the aegis a glorious son, Hephaestus, who excelled all the sons of Heaven in crafts. But Zeus lay with the fair-cheeked daughter of Ocean and Tethys apart from Hera.... ((LACUNA)) ....deceiving Metis (Thought) although she was full wise. But he seized her with his hands and put her in his belly, for fear that she might bring forth something stronger than his thunderbolt: therefore did Zeus, who sits on high and dwells in the aether, swallow her down suddenly. But she straightway conceived Pallas Athene: and the father of men and gods gave her birth by way of his head on the banks of the river Trito. And she remained hidden beneath the inward parts of Zeus, even Metis, Athena's mother, worker of righteousness, who was wiser than gods and mortal men. There the goddess Athena) received that whereby she excelled in strength all the deathless ones who dwell in Olympus, she who made the host-scaring weapon of Athena. And with it (Zeus) gave her birth, arrayed in arms of war. 
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