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Hesiod: Theogonia

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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1-115: Prooemium
Click to Expand/Collapse Option116-153: The Beginning of Things, Chaos, Gaia, Uranos
Click to Expand/Collapse Option154-210: The Castration of Uranus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option211-232: Night and her Offspring
Click to Expand/Collapse Option233-336: The Offspring of Pontus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option337-370: Children of Tethys and Oceanus: Catalogue of Rivers and the Oceanides
Click to Expand/Collapse Option371-403: The Offspring of Theia and Hyperion, Creias and Eurybia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option404-452: Hecate
Click to Expand/Collapse Option453-506: Birth of Zeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option507-616: Iapetus und Klymene
Click to Expand/Collapse Option617-719: Titanomachia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option720-779: Tartarus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option820-880: Typhoeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option881-1020: The Rulership Zeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option1021-1022: Greeting the Muses
Δημήτηρ μὲν Πλοῦτον ἐγείνατο δῖα θεάων,
Ἰασίῳ ἥρωι μιγεῖσ’ ἐρατῇ φιλότητι
νειῷ ἔνι τριπόλῳ, Κρήτης ἐν πίονι δήμῳ,
ἐσθλόν, ὃς εἶσ’ ἐπὶ γῆν τε καὶ εὐρέα νῶτα θαλάσσης
πᾶσαν· τῷ δὲ τυχόντι καὶ οὗ κ’ ἐς χεῖρας ἵκηται,
τὸν δὴ ἀφνειὸν ἔθηκε, πολὺν δέ οἱ ὤπασεν ὄλβον. 
969-974 Demeter, bright goddess, was joined in sweet love with the hero Iasion in a thrice-ploughed fallow in the rich land of Crete, and bare Plutus, a kindly god who goes everywhere over land and the sea's wide back, and him who finds him and into whose hands he comes he makes rich, bestowing great wealth upon him. 
Κάδμῳ δ’ Ἁρμονίη, θυγάτηρ χρυσῆς Ἀφροδίτης,
Ἰνὼ καὶ Σεμέλην καὶ Ἀγαυὴν καλλιπάρηον
Αὐτονόην θ’, ἣν γῆμεν Ἀρισταῖος βαθυχαίτης,
γείνατο καὶ Πολύδωρον ἐυστεφάνῳ ἐνὶ Θήβῃ. 
975-978 And Harmonia, the daughter of golden Aphrodite, bare to Cadmus Ino and Semele and fair-cheeked Agave and Autonoe whom long haired Aristaeus wedded, and Polydorus also in rich-crowned Thebe. 
κούρη δ’ Ὠκεανοῦ Χρυσάορι καρτεροθύμῳ
μιχθεῖσ’ ἐν φιλότητι πολυχρύσου Ἀφροδίτης
Καλλιρόη τέκε παῖδα βροτῶν κάρτιστον ἁπάντων,
Γηρυονέα, τὸν κτεῖνε βίη Ἡρακληείη
βοῶν ἕνεκ’ εἰλιπόδων ἀμφιρρύτῳ εἰν Ἐρυθείῃ. 
979-983 And the daughter of Ocean, Callirrhoe was joined in the love of rich Aphrodite with stout hearted Chrysaor and bare a son who was the strongest of all men, Geryones, whom mighty Heracles killed in sea-girt Erythea for the sake of his shambling oxen. 
Τιθωνῷ δ’ Ἠὼς τέκε Μέμνονα χαλκοκορυστήν,
Αἰθιόπων βασιλῆα, καὶ Ἠμαθίωνα ἄνακτα. 
984-985 And Eos bare to Tithonus brazen-crested Memnon, king of the Ethiopians, and the Lord Emathion. 
αὐτάρ τοι Κεφάλῳ φιτύσατο φαίδιμον υἱόν,
ἴφθιμον Φαέθοντα, θεοῖς ἐπιείκελον ἄνδρα·
τόν ῥα νέον τέρεν ἄνθος ἔχοντ’ ἐρικυδέος ἥβης
παῖδ’ ἀταλὰ φρονέοντα φιλομμειδὴς Ἀφροδίτη
ὦρτ’ ἀνερειψαμένη, καί μιν ζαθέοις ἐνὶ νηοῖς
νηοπόλον μύχιον ποιήσατο, δαίμονα δῖον. 
986-991 And to Cephalus she bare a splendid son, strong Phaethon, a man like the gods, whom, when he was a young boy in the tender flower of glorious youth with childish thoughts, laughter-loving Aphrodite seized and caught up and made a keeper of her shrine by night, a divine spirit. 
κούρην δ’ Αἰήταο διοτρεφέος βασιλῆος
Αἰσονίδης βουλῇσι θεῶν αἰειγενετάων
ἦγε παρ’ Αἰήτεω, τελέσας στονόεντας ἀέθλους,
τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπέτελλε μέγας βασιλεὺς ὑπερήνωρ,
ὑβριστὴς Πελίης καὶ ἀτάσθαλος ὀβριμοεργός·
τοὺς τελέσας ἐς Ἰωλκὸν ἀφίκετο πολλὰ μογήσας
ὠκείης ἐπὶ νηὸς ἄγων ἑλικώπιδα κούρην
Αἰσονίδης, καί μιν θαλερὴν ποιήσατ’ ἄκοιτιν. 
992-1002 And the son of Aeson by the will of the gods led away from Aeetes the daughter of Aeetes the heaven-nurtured king, when he had finished the many grievous labours which the great king, over bearing Pelias, that outrageous and presumptuous doer of violence, put upon him. But when the son of Aeson had finished them, he came to Iolcus after long toil bringing the coy-eyed girl with him on his swift ship, and made her his buxom wife. 
καί ῥ’ ἥ γε δμηθεῖσ’ ὑπ’ Ἰήσονι ποιμένι λαῶν
Μήδειον τέκε παῖδα, τὸν οὔρεσιν ἔτρεφε Χείρων
Φιλλυρίδης· μεγάλου δὲ Διὸς νόος ἐξετελεῖτο. 
1000-1002 And she was subject to Iason, shepherd of the people, and bare a son Medeus whom Cheiron the son of Philyra brought up in the mountains. And the will of great Zeus was fulfilled. 
αὐτὰρ Νηρῆος κοῦραι ἁλίοιο γέροντος,
ἤτοι μὲν Φῶκον Ψαμάθη τέκε δῖα θεάων
Αἰακοῦ ἐν φιλότητι διὰ χρυσῆν Ἀφροδίτην·
Πηλεῖ δὲ δμηθεῖσα θεὰ Θέτις ἀργυρόπεζα
γείνατ’ Ἀχιλλῆα ῥηξήνορα θυμολέοντα. 
1003-1007 But of the daughters of Nereus, the Old man of the Sea, Psamathe the fair goddess, was loved by Aeacus through golden Aphrodite and bare Phocus. And the silver-shod goddess Thetis was subject to Peleus and brought forth lion-hearted Achilles, the destroyer of men. 
Αἰνείαν δ’ ἄρ’ ἔτικτεν ἐυστέφανος Κυθέρεια,
Ἀγχίσῃ ἥρωι μιγεῖσ’ ἐρατῇ φιλότητι
Ἴδης ἐν κορυφῇσι πολυπτύχου ἠνεμοέσσης. 
1008-1010 And Cytherea with the beautiful crown was joined in sweet love with the hero Anchises and bare Aeneas on the peaks of Ida with its many wooded glens. 
Κίρκη δ’ Ἠελίου θυγάτηρ Ὑπεριονίδαο
γείνατ’ Ὀδυσσῆος ταλασίφρονος ἐν φιλότητι
Ἄγριον ἠδὲ Λατῖνον ἀμύμονά τε κρατερόν τε·
[Τηλέγονον δὲ ἔτικτε διὰ χρυσῆν Ἀφροδίτην·]
οἳ δή τοι μάλα τῆλε μυχῷ νήσων ἱεράων
πᾶσιν Τυρσηνοῖσιν ἀγακλειτοῖσιν ἄνασσον. 
1011-1016 And Circe the daughter of Helius, Hyperion's son, loved steadfast Odysseus and bare Agrius and Latinus who was faultless and strong: also she brought forth Telegonus by the will of golden Aphrodite. And they ruled over the famous Tyrenians, very far off in a recess of the holy islands. 
Ναυσίθοον δ’ Ὀδυσῆι Καλυψὼ δῖα θεάων
γείνατο Ναυσίνοόν τε μιγεῖσ’ ἐρατῇ φιλότητι. 
1017-1018 And the bright goddess Calypso was joined to Odysseus in sweet love, and bare him Nausithous and Nausinous. 
αὗται μὲν θνητοῖσι παρ’ ἀνδράσιν εὐνηθεῖσαι
ἀθάναται γείναντο θεοῖς ἐπιείκελα τέκνα. 
1019-1020 These are the immortal goddesses who lay with mortal men and bare them children like unto gods. 
[νῦν δὲ γυναικῶν φῦλον ἀείσατε, ἡδυέπειαι
Μοῦσαι Ὀλυμπιάδες, κοῦραι Διὸς αἰγιόχοιο.] 
1021-1022 But now, sweet-voiced Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis, sing of the company of women. 
List of names:
Acaste, Achelous, Achilles, Actaea, Admete, Aeacus, Aeetes, Aegeum, Aello, Aeneas, Aesepus, Aeson, Aether, Agaue, Agave, Aglaea, Agrius, Aidoneus, Alcmena, Alcmene, Alimede, Alpheus, Amphirho, Amphitrite, Amphitryon, Anchises, Apesas, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ardescus, Ares, Arges, Argos, Ariadne, Arima, Aristaeus, Artemis, Asia, Asteria, Astraeus, Athena, Athena, Athena, Athene, Atlas, Atropos, Autonoe, Bellerophon, Bia, Blame, Boreas, Briareos, Brontes, Cadmeans, Cadmus, Caicus, Calliope, Callirrhoe, Calypso, Cephalus, Cerberus, Cerceis, Ceto, Chaos, Charites, Cheiron, Chimaera, Chrysaor, Chryseis, Circe, Cleio, Clotho, Clymene, Clytie, Coeus, Cottus, Cratos, Crete, Crius, Cronos, Cyclopes, Cymatolege, Cymo, Cymodoce, Cymopolea, Cymothoe, Cyprogenes, Cyprus, Cythera, Cytherea, Dark-haired, Dawn, Day, Death, Deceit, Demeter, Desire, Destinies, Dike, Dione, Dionysus, Disputes, Doom, Doris, Doto, Dreams, Dynamene, Earth, Earth's, Earth-Shaker, Echidna, Eileithyia, Eione, Eirene, Electra, Eleuther, Emathion, Enyo, Eos, Eosphorus, Epimetheus, Erato, Erebus, Eridanus, Erigenia, Erinyes, Eros, Erythea, Ethiopians, Euagore, Euarne, Eucrante, Eudora, Euenus, Eulimene, Eunice, Eunomia, Euphrosyne, Eupompe, Europa, Euryale, Eurybia, Eurynome, Eurytion, Euterpe, Famine, Fate, Fates, Fear, Forgetfulness, Friendship, Galatea, Galaxaura, Galene, Geryones, Giants, Glauce, Glauconome, God, Gods, Gorgons, Graces, Graiae, Granicus, Gyes, Hades, Hail, Haliacmon, Halie, Harmonia, Harpies, Heaven, Hebe, Hecate, Helicon, Heliconian, Helios, Helius, Hephaestus, Heptaporus, Hera, Heracles, Hermes, Hermus, Hesiod, Hesperides, Hestia, Hills, Himerus, Hippo, Hipponoe, Hippothoe, Horae, Hydra, Hyperion, Ianeira, Ianthe, Iapetus, Iasion, Iason, Ida, Idyia, Ino, Iolaus, Iolcus, Iris, Ister, Lachesis, Ladon, Lame, Laomedea, Latinus, Lawlessness, Leagore, Lerna, Leto, Lightener, Limping, Lord, Lyctus, Lyetus, Lying, Lysianassa, Maia, Meander, Mecone, Medea, Medeus, Medusa, Meliae, Melian, Melite, Melobosis, Melpomene, Memnon, Menestho, Menippe, Menoetius, Metis, Minos, Mnemosyne, Moerae, Muses, Nausinous, Nausithous, Nemea, Nemean, Nemertes, Nemesis, Nereus, Neso, Nessus, Night, Nike, Nilus, Nisaea, Notus, Nymphs, Oath, Obriareus, Ocean, Ocean's, Oceanus, Ocypetes, Ocyrrhoe, Odysseus, Olmeius, Olympian, Olympus, Orthus, Othyrs, Pallas, Panic, Panopea, Parnassus, Parthenius, Pasithea, Pasithoe, Pegasus, Peleus, Pelias, Pemphredo, Peneus, Permessus, Perseis, Persephone, Perses, Perseus, Petraea, Phaethon, Phasis, Pherusa, Philommedes, Philyra, Phocus, Phoebe, Phoebus, Phorcys, Pieria, Plexaura, Ploto, Pluto, Plutus, Polydora, Polydorus, Polyhymnia, Polynoe, Pontoporea, Pontus, Poseidon, Prometheus, Pronoe, Proto, Protomedea, Prymno, Psamathe, Pytho, Rhea, Rhesus, Rhodea, Rhodius, Ruin, Sangarius, Scamander, Sea, Selene, Semele, Simois, Sleep, Sphinx, Spring, Steropes, Sthenno, Storm-swif, Strength, Strife, Strymon, Styx, Sun, Tartarus, Telegonus, Telesto, Terpsichore, Tethys, Thaleia, Thaumas, Theban-born, Thebe, Theia, Themis, Themisto, Thetis, Thoe, Tiryns, Titan, Titans, Tithonus, Toil, Tretus, Trito, Tritogeneia, Triton, Tyche, Typhaon, Typhoeus, Tyrenians, Unwearying, Urania, Woe, Xanthe, Zelus, Zephyr, Zephyrus, Zeus, Zeuxo. 
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