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PP: Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā

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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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atha khalv āyuṣmān subhūtiḥ dharmapravegenāśrūṇi prāmuṃcat | pravartayaṃ so ’śrūṇi parimārjya bhagavaṃtam etad avocat |  āścaryaṃ bhagavan | paramāścaryaṃ sugata | yāvad ayaṃ dharmaparyāyaḥ tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | yato me bhagavan | jñānam utpannaṃ na mayā jātv eva dharmaparyāyaḥ śrutapūrvaḥ |  parameṇa te bhagavan | āścaryeṇa samanvāgatā bhaviṣyaṃti ya iha sūtre bhāṣyamāṇe bhūtasaṃjñām utpādayiṣyaṃti | yā caiṣā bhagavan | bhūtasaṃjñā saivāsaṃjñā tasmāt tathāgato bhāṣate bhūtasaṃjñā bhūtasaṃjñeti | 
爾時須菩提聞說是經深解義趣涕淚悲泣而白佛言  希有世尊佛說如是甚深經典我從昔來所得慧眼未曾得聞如是之經  世尊若復有人得聞是經信心清淨則生實相當知是人成就第一希有功德世尊是實相者則是非相是故如來說名實相 
爾時須菩提聞說是經深解義趣涕淚悲泣捫淚而白佛言  希有婆伽婆希有修伽陀佛說如是甚深法門我從昔來所得慧眼未曾得聞如是法門  何以故須菩提佛說般若波羅蜜即非般若波羅蜜世尊若復有人得聞是經信心清淨則生實相當知是名成就第一希有功德世尊是實相者則是非相是故如來說名實相實相 
爾時淨命須菩提由法利疾即便悲泣抆淚而言  希有世尊希有修伽陀如此經典如來所說我從昔來至得聖慧未曾聞說如是經典  何以故世尊說般若波羅蜜即非般若波羅蜜故說般若波羅蜜世尊當知是人則與無上希有之法而共相應聞說經時能生實想世尊是實想者實非有想是故如來說名實想說名實想 
爾時淨命須菩提由法利疾即便悲泣收淚而言  希有世尊希有修伽陀如此經典如來所說我從昔來至得聖慧未曾聞說如是經典  何以故世尊說般若波羅蜜即非般若波羅蜜故說般若波羅蜜世尊當知是人則與無上希有之法而共相應聞說經時能生實想世尊是實想者實非有想是故如來說名實想說名實想 
爾時命者善實法疾轉力淚出彼淚拭已世尊邊如是言  希有世尊最勝希有善逝所有此法本如來說此我世尊智生不我曾生來如是色類法本聞  先最勝彼世尊希有具足眾生有當若此經中說中實想發生當彼何所因若此世尊實想彼如是非想彼故如來說實想實想者 
爾時具壽善現聞法威力悲泣墮淚俛仰捫淚而白佛言  甚奇希有世尊最極希有善逝如來今者所說法門普為發趣最上乘者作諸義利普為發趣最勝乘者作諸義利世尊我昔生智以來未曾得聞如是法門  世尊若諸有情聞說如是甚深經典生真實想當知成就最勝希有何以故世尊諸真實想真實想者如來說為非想是故如來說名真實想真實想 
爾時妙生聞說是經深解義趣涕淚悲泣而白佛言  希有世尊我從生智以來未曾得聞如是深經  世尊當何名此經我等云何奉持佛告妙生是經名為般若波羅蜜多如是應持何以故佛說般若波羅蜜多則非般若波羅蜜多(lines added)世尊若復有人聞說是經生實想者當知是人最上希有世尊此實想者即非實想是故如來說名實想實想 
| de nas tshe dang ldan pa rab ’byor chos kyi shugs kyis mchi ma phyung ste | des mchi ma phyis nas bcom ldan ’das la ’di skad ces gsol to |  | ’di ltar chos kyi rnam grangs ’di de bzhin gshegs pas gsungs pa ni bcom ldan ’das ngo mtshar to | | bde bar gshegs pa ngo mtshar to | | bcom ldan ’das bdag gi ye shes skyes tshun chad bdag gis chos kyi rnam grangs ’di sngon nam yang ma thos so |  | bcom ldan ’das mdo bshad pa ’di la gang dag yang dag par ’du shes bskyed par ’gyur ba’i sems can de dag ni ngo mtshar rab dang ldan par ’gyur ro | | de ci’i slad du zhe na | bcom ldan ’das yang dag par ’du shes pa gang lags pa de nyid ’du shes ma mchis pa’i slad du ste | de bas na yang dag par ’du shes yang dag par ’du shes zhes de bzhin gshegs pas gsungs so | 
tendeče amin qabiy-a-tu subudi nam-un küčun-iyer (22a)nilbusun γarγaγad : tere nilbusun-iyan arčilu bürün ilaǰu tegüs nögčigsen-e eyin kemen öčibei :  ilaǰu tegüs nögčigsen a ene nom-un ǰüil-i kedüi toγatan tegünčilen iregsedün nomlaγsan inu : ilaǰu tegüs nögčigsen a γayiqamsiγ /kü/ buyu : sayibar oduγsan a γayiqamsiγ kü bolumui : ilaǰu tegüs nögčigsen a minu bilge bilig törögsen-eče /inaγsi/ ene nom-un ǰüil-i erte urida keǰiy-e ber ese sonosuluγ-a bi ::  ilaǰu tegüs nögčigsen a ene sudur-i nomlaγsan-dur : ked-be ünen maγad sedkil egüskekün bolqun tedeger amitan neng asuru (22b)γayiqamsiγ-tu bolqu bolumui : tere yaγun-u tulada kemebesü : ilaǰu tegüs nögčigsen a ünen maγad ab ali sedkiküi : teyin büged sedkiküi ügei-yin tulada buyu : tegüber ünen maγad sedkiküi kemen tegünčilen iregsen nomlaǰuqui :: 
Then the Venerable Subhūti burst into tears at the impact of the dharma. Wiping his tears away as he continued to shed them, he said this to the Lord,  “It is a marvellous thing, Lord, it is a most marvellous thing, Blessed One, that this round of teachings has been preached by the Realized One. Since knowledge arose for me, Lord, I have never heard a round of teachings of this kind before.  They will come to be endowed with a most marvellous thing, Lord, who when this discourse is being preached conceive the idea that it is the truth. But any such idea of truth, Lord, is indeed idealess. Therefore the Realized One preaches the so-called ‘idea of truth.’ 
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