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MSV 3,0: Bhikṣuṇīprātimokṣa

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBhikṣuṇīprātimokṣa
Pāyantika 53: 
yaṅ dge sloṅ ma gaṅ dge sloṅ ma (5) ’am! dge slob ma ’am | dge tshul mi ltuṅ bzed dam || chos gos sa | dra pa’am | pharo bu’am | skra rags sam | dge sloṅ gi ’tsho ba’i yo byaṅ gaṅ yaṅ ruṅ ba sbeṅ dam sbed dam sbed du ’jug na de ’dra ba’i rkyen ma gtogs te ltuṅ byed do || 
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