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salim‑ سَلِمَ , a (salāmaẗ , salām)
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I
to be safe and sound, unharmed, unimpaired, intact, safe, secure; to be unobjectionable, blameless, faultless; to be certain, established, clearly proven (fact); to be free (from); to escape (min a danger) – WehrCowan1979.
▪ From Sem *ŠLM ‘to be whole, sound’. The vb. may be from the adj. Sem *šalim‑ (Ar ↗salīm).
▪ The whole complex of Sem *ŠLM (> Ar ↗SLM) is believed by some to be a development from a biconsonantal Sem *√ŠL(W) ‘to be untroubled, safe, be at ease; to stay quietly, be at rest’ (cf. Ar ↗SLW).
▪ (sālim: safe and sound, not threatened) ▪ eC7 Q 63:43 wa-qad kānū yudʕawna ʔilà ’l-suǧūdi wa-hum sālimūna ‘they were invited to prostrate themselves when they were safe [but refused]’
▪ Fronzaroli#4.10a: Akk šalmu ‘sound, intact’ (CAD: šalmu, f. šalimtu, ‘1 healthy, sound, in good condition, whole, intact, entire, correct, proper, safe, reliable, truthfull, favorable, propitious; 2 solvent, financially sound’), Ug šlm ‘to be intact’, Hbr šālēm, Syr šalmā, Ar salīm ‘sound, intact’, salima, SAr slm ‘to be sound, intact’.
▪ Zammit2002 / CAD: Akk šalāmu (vb.) ‘1 to stay well; 2 to be in a good condition, intact, arrive safely, become safe, go safely through the river ordeal; 3 to be favourable, propitious; 4 to be successful, prosper, succeed; 5 to be completed, be completely carried out, reach completion; 6 to obtain financial satisfaction, receive full payment’, Ug šlm ‘to be intact’, Phn šlm ‘well-being; completion’, Hbr šālēm ‘to be complete, sound’, Aram šᵉlēm ‘to be perfect, complete’, Syr šalem ‘to be complete’, šᵉlāmā ‘safety, health’, SAr stlm (t-stem) ‘to gain security (with a deity)’, Gz salām ‘incolumitas, salus’, Ar salām ‘safety’, sālim ‘one who is safe’.
▪ Tropper2008: Ug ŠLM G ‘vollständig, heil sein; in Frieden sein’, D ‘vollständig machen, Ersatz leisten, zurückzahlen, vergelten; Heil schenken; in heilem Zustand erhalten; mit jdm Frieden schließen’, Š ‘Ersatz (Fronarbeit) leisten’, N ‘(vollständig) erhalten bleiben’.
▪ Dolgopolsky2012#2046: Akk ŠLM ‘to be completed; to stay well; to be in good condition, intact’, BiblHbr šālēm ‘to remain whole, unscathed, be(come) completed, keep quiet’, Ug ŠLM ‘estar/ir bien, estar en paz’, EmpAram ŠLM ‘to be (re)paid’, BiblAram ŠLM ‘to be finished’, Ar SLM ‘to be(come) safe’ (> ‘to be free from vice/defect’), Min ŠLM ‘être indemne’; DERIV (Sem *šalim‑ >) Akk šalmu ‘whole, intact, entire, healthy, sound’, BiblHbr šālēm, JA šᵊlēm ‘complete, unmolested, peaceful’, Ar salima ‘to be safe’; (Sem *šalām‑ ‘unharmed state’ >) Akk šalāmu ‘health, (physical) well-being; welfare (of a country or city), safe course or completion of a journey’, Ug šlm ‘paz, salud, bienestar’, BiblHbr šālôm ‘unharmed state, well-being, peace’ (> a greeting), Phn šlm ‘peace, prosperity’, Palm šlm ‘peace’, BiblAram šᵊlām ‘peace, prosperity’ (as well as a greeting), EmpAram šlm ‘welfare, well-being, health’, JEA šᵊlām, šᵊlāmā ‘id.; soundness, health’, Ar salām‑ ‘safety, security’ (> ‘immunity, freedom from faults or vices’ > ‘obedience to God’, a greeting), Sab Min šlm ‘peace’ (> šlm ‘to sue for peace’), Gz salām ‘peace, safety’ (and a salutation), hence D-stem *√ŠLːM > Pun slːm ‘to accomplish’, BiblHbr Phn Palm Akk √ŠLːM ‘to (re)pay, give restitution for’, Ug šlːm ‘to pay, deliver’. – For possible cognates outside Sem, cf. SLM_1 s.v. ↗SLM.
▪ Huehnergard2011 reconstructs Sem *ŠLM ‘to be whole, sound’ and the ComSem n. *šalām‑ ‘well-being, welfare, peace’.
▪ The proper etymon is perhaps the adj. ↗salīm (or, rather, its Sem ancestor, *šalim‑ ‘sound, intact’) rather than the vb. salima, which in this case would be a secondary formation from salīm. This is what Fronzaroli#4.10a seems to believe when he groups the Ar vb. under Sem *šalim‑.
▪ Klein1987 suggests that the Hbr base ŠLM that is cognate to Ar SLM, probably developed from the base Hbr ŠLH/W ‘to be quiet, tranquil, at ease’1 through the medium of šālôm, which he thinks stands to Hbr ŠLH in the same way as Hbr ʕērôm ‘naked’ stands to Hbr ʕRH ‘to lay bare’ (cf. Ar ↗ʕRY).
▪ In a similar vein Dolgopolsky2012#2046 derives Sem *ŠLM ‘to be completed, remain whole, be intact, sound and safe’ (with its derivatives Sem *šalim‑ ‘complete, whole, intact, entire, healthy, sound’ and Sem *šalām‑ ‘unharmed state’) as an extension in *‑m from Sem *ŠLW ‘to be untroubled, safe, be at ease; to stay quietly, be at rest’. In addition, he connects the latter to an IE *sōlo‑, *solwo‑ ‘entire’2 If this is tenable, then Ar salima is a distant relative of Engl whole and health, Fr salut and Ge heil, Heil. Dolgopolsky assumes Nostr *s̄alû (or *s̄Eʔalû) ‘intact (> entire), in good condition, healthy’ to be the common ancestor of the Sem and IE words.
1. Cf. BAram šᵊlê ‘to be at ease’, Aram šᵊlâ, šᵊlê ‘to be at ease, tranquil, careless, thoughtless; to err, forget; to go astray’, Syr šᵊlâ ‘to be quiet, tranquil; to cease’, Ar ↗salā ‘to forget, be forgetful, neglectful, content, free’. 2. > oInd sarva‑ ‘entire, whole, intact, all, every’, Av haᵘrva‑ id., ‘sound’, oPers haruva‑ ‘whole, entire’, nPers har ‘every, all, all kind of, any’, Grk hólos, hoûlos ‘whole, entire, complete’, hoúlō ‘to be whole\sound’, Lat salvus ‘safe, unhurt, well, sound’, salūs / salūt-is ‘health, soundness’, Arm ołǯ (< *soli̯o‑) ‘alive, living; sound, healthy; complete, entire’.
▪ Cf. ↗salām, ↗ʔislām, ↗muslim, ↗Sulaymān.
BP#294sallama, vb. II, to preserve, keep from injury, protect from harm, save; to hand over intact; to hand over, turn over, surrender; to deliver; to lay down (arms); to surrender, give o.s. up; to submit, resign o.s.; to greet, salute; to grant salvation (God to the Prophet); to admit, concede, grant (bi‑; to consent (bi‑ to approve of, accept, sanction, condone: caus. of I, or denom. from ↗salm, ↗silm, ↗salam_1, ↗salām or the adj. ↗salīm. Kerr2014 holds that »[i]n Ar, the IInd form has undergone the development ‘to make healthy, unharmed’ > ‘to protect from damage’ > ‘to deliver safely’ > ‘to deliver’ (compare to the Fr sur-rendre), in the sense of dedito «. – For another value, now obsolete, cf. SLM_24 s.v. ↗SLM.
sālama, vb. III to keep the peace, make one’s peace, make up (with s.o.): denom. from ↗salām.
BP#4820ʔaslama, vb. IV, to forsake, leave, desert, give up, betray; to let sink, drop; to hand over, turn over; to leave, abandon; to deliver up, surrender, expose; to commit o.s., resign o.s. (li-llāh to the will of God): …; (ʔaslama alone:) to declare o.s. committed to the will of God, become a Muslim, embrace Islam: … See also s.v..
BP#2887tasallama, vb. V, to get, obtain; to receive; to have handed over or delivered; to take over, assume (the management of :
tasālama, vb. VI, to become reconciled with one another, make peace with one another: denom. from silm, salm, or ↗salām.
ĭstalama, vb. VIII, 1 to touch, graze; 2 to receive, get, obtain; 3 to take over, take possession of:…. 4 – For another value, now obsolete, cf. SLM_25 s.v. ↗SLM.
ĭstaslama, vb. X, to surrender, capitulate; to give way, submit, yield, abandon o.s.; to give o.s. over; to lend o.s., be a party; to succumb: Št-stem, originally probably requestative (*‘to ask for protection, safety, salām ’).

salm, n., peace: … – For other values, now obsolete, cf. SLM_23 s.v. ↗SLM.
BP#2310silm, n.m./f., peace; the religion of Islam: … | ḥubb al-~, n., pacifism.
BP#1983silmī, adj., peaceful; pacifist: nsb-adj., from silm.
salam, n., forward buying (Isl. Law): originally probably a gift presented to a ruler etc. to ensure good relations and safe interaction or patronage, and/or a "peace offering" made to some deity in expectation of protection, cf. ↗salam_1; from here the notions of ‘delivering’ and ‘presenting’ (cf. sallama above) and of ‘prepayment’ are derived; the value ‘financial satisfaction, full payment’ is already attested in Akk. – For another value cf. ↗salam_2.
C BP#188salām, n., 1 soundness, unimpairedness, intactness, well-being; 2 safety, security: vn. I; 3 peace, peacefulness: lit. *state of unharmedness, safety ↗salām; 4 — (pl. ‑āt) greeting, salutation; salute; military salute; national anthem: originally a wish of peace for s.o.; from ‘salutation’, the other specialized values are derived.
salāmlik, n., selamlik, reception room, sitting room, parlor: from Tu selamlık, composed of Ar ↗salām and Tu n. suffix ‑lık.
BP#855salāmaẗ, n.f., blamelessness, flawlessness; unimpaired state, soundness, integrity, intactness; well-being, welfare; safety, security; smooth progress; success: vn. I.
BP#1533salīm, pl. sulamāʔᵘ, adj., correct, sound; flawless; safe: perhaps the etymon proper, rather than salima.
ʔaslamᵘ, adj., safer; freer; sounder; healthier: elat.
Sulaymānᵘ, n.prop., Solomon: related to salima via Syr < Hbr, cf. s.v.
BP#1991taslīm, n., handing over; turning over; presentation; extradition; surrender (of; delivery (comm.; of mail); submission, surrender, capitulation; salutation; greeting; concession, admission; assent, consent (bi‑ to), acceptance, approval, condonation, unquestioning recognition (bi‑ of) : vn. II.
musālamaẗ, n.f., conciliation, pacification: vn. III.
C BP#365ʔislām, n., submission, resignation, reconciliation (to the will of God); – al-~, n., the religion of Islam; the era of Islam; the Muslims: originally a vn. from ↗ʔaslama, vb. IV. See also ↗ʔislām.
BP#184ʔislāmī, pl. ‑ūn, adj., Islamic; n., Islamist: nsb-adj., from ↗ʔislām.
ʔislāmiyyaẗ, n.f., the idea of Islam, Islamism; status or capacity of a Muslim: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ from ↗ʔislām.
ʔislāmbūlī, adj., of Istanbul: nsb-adj., from ʔislāmbūl, pious interpretation of the name of the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul (ʔistānbūl, ʔisṭānbūl, pron. ʔisṭāmbūl).
tasallum, n., receipt; taking over, assumption; reception: vn. V.
BP#4637ĭstilām, n., receipt; acceptance; taking over, assumption: vn. VIII | ʔifādaẗ al-~, n., acknowledgment of receipt.
BP#4250ĭstislām, n., surrender, capitulation; submission, resignation, self-surrender: vn. X.
BP#4736sālim, adj., safe, secure; free (min from); unimpaired, unblemished, faultless, flawless, undamaged, unhurt, intact, safe and sound, safe; sound, healthy; whole, perfect, complete, integral; regular (verb): PA I (but originally a genuine adj.?) | ǧamʕ ~, n., sound (= external) plural (gram.).
musallam, adj., unimpaired, intact, unblemished, flawless; (also musallam bi-hī) accepted, uncontested, incontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible: PP II.
musālim, adj., peaceable, peaceful, peaceloving; mild-tempered, lenient, gentle: PA III.
C BP#229muslim, pl. ‑ūn, adj./n., Muslim: orig. a PA IV, ↗ʔislām.
mustalim, n., recipient; consignee: PA VIII.

For other values, cf. ↗SLM in general, as well as individual entries ↗salam_2, ↗sulāmà, ↗sulāmiyyaẗ, ↗Sulaymān, ↗sulaymānī, ↗sullam.
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