Work/ Edition Author

Further reading:

My article on the work with the database: 

I  On "Female Robinsonades"

Blackwell, Jeannine. 1985. “An Island of her Own. Heroines of the German Robinsonades from 1720 to 1800 “. The German Quarterly 58/1, p.5-26. Fulltext

Dubois-Marcoin, Danielle. 2008. "D'une île à l'autre, dans l'archipel des romans d'aventures". In Devenir adulte et rester enfant? Relire les productions pour la jeunesse. Ed. Isabelle Cani, Nelly Chabrol Gagne and Catherine d'Humieres. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, p. 421-432

Horne, Jackie C. 2007. "The power of public opinion: constructing class in Agnes Strickland's The Rival Crusoes", Childrens Literature. Annual of the Modern Languange Association Division on Children's Literature and the Children's Literature Association. New Haven, p.1-26 Fulltext

Høsøien, Hege Stensrud. 2007. Den kvinnelige robinsonaden. En bibliografisk studie. University of Oslo, Master thesis. Fulltext

Maher, Susan Naramore.2000. "The Uses of Adventure: The Moral and Evangelical Robinsonnades of Agnes Strickland, Barbara Hofland, and Ann Fraser Tytler". In  Jane Austen and Mary Shelley and Their Sisters. Ed. Dabundo, Laura. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, p. 147-158

Monicat, Bénédicte. [2000?]. "Off on adventure: Robinsonnades, Long Voyages and Escapades for Little Girls". In Women seeking Expression. France 1789-1914. Ed. Rosemary Lloyd and Brian Nelson. Monashe Romance Studies 6, Melbourne, Australia, p. 68-85 

Monicat, Bénedicte. 2006. Devoirs d’écriture. Modèles d’histoires pour filles et littérature féminine au XIXe siècle. Lyon : Presses Universitaires de Lyon  (especially Première partie 1, chapitre 1 "Sur les traces de Robinson: Une nature à cultiver", p.31-48)

Owen, C.M. 2010. The Female Crusoe. Hybridity, Trade and the Eighteenth-Century Individual. Amsterdam: Rodopi

Rønning, Anne Birgitte. 2010. "Når Robinson blir jente. Robinsonaden på 1800-tallet: lek og læring, også for unge jenter". In Årboka. Litteratur for barn og unge. Ed. Per Olav Kaldestad and Karin Beate Vold, Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, p. 90-103

Rønning, Anne Birgitte. 2010. "Stratégies et positionnements discursifs dans les robinsonnades au féminin” . In Au-delà des œuvres : Le discours littéraire. Ed. Dominique Maingueneau and Inger Østenstad, Paris: Harmattan,  2010

Rønning, Anne Birgitte. 2010. "Robinsonaden som 1800-tallets eksemplariske oppdragelsesfortelling - også for jenter". Tidsskrift for kulturforskning, Volum 9.(2) s. 72-90

Rønning, Anne Birgitte. 2014. "With mother on a desert island. Gender and genre at stake in Madame de Montolieu’s Le Robinson suisse". Knjizenstvo, Journal for studies in literature, gender and culture Fulltext

Rønning, Anne Birgitte. 2016. "Female Robinsonades: A Challenge to Comparative Literature, and the Potential of Digital Tools", In:Marčetić, Adrijana, Zorica Bečanović-Nikolić and Vesna Elez Komparativna književnost: teorija, tumačenja, perspektive. Encompassing Comparative Literature: Theory, Interpretation, Perspectives. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. p. 85-95  Fulltext

Stach, R. 1996. "Die Robinsonin" in Robinsonaden. Bestseller der Jugendliteratur. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Akademie für Kinder und Jugendliteratur, Band 18. Hohengehren : Schneider-Verlag.

Stach, Reinhard. 2001. "Das Bild der Frau in Robinsonaden des 18. Jahrhunderts", In Denken und Sprechen in Vilfalt. Bildungswelten und Weltordnungen diesseits und jenseits der Moderne. festschrift für Karl helmer zum 65. Geburtstag. Ed. Andreas Dörpinghaus and Gaby Herchert. Würzburg: Königshausen &Neumann


II  On robinsonades and gender aspects:

Rønning, Anne Birgitte. 2002. "Den skipbrudne og kjærligheten. Om opplevelser og overlevelse i robinsonaden". In Kjærlighetens institusjoner. Festskrift til Irene Iversen. Ed. Jon Haarberg and Anne Birgitte Rønning. Oslo: Pax forlag, p. 55-72


III  On Robinson Crusoe and masculinity

Ambjörnsson, Ronny.1990. Mansmyter. Liten guide till manlighetens paradoxer. Stockholm: Fischer

Green, Martin. 1991. Seven Types of Adventure Tale. An Etiology of a Major Genre. University Park: Pennsynlvania Univesrity Press

Butts, Denis. 2002. “The Birth of the Boys’ Story and the Transition from the Robinsonnades to the Adventure Story”.  Revue de la littérature comparée. no 304. p. 445-454. Fulltext


IV Basic works on the robinsonade genre

Blaim, Arthur. 1990. The English robinsonade ot the eighteenth century. Studies on Voltaire and the eithteenth century. Oxford, p.1-145

Dottin, Paul. 1924. Daniel De Foe et ses romans. Paris, Presses universitaires de France

Gove, Philip Babcock. 1941. The Imaginary Voyage in Prose Fiction. A History of Its Criticism and a Guide for Its Study, with an Annotated Check List of 215 Imaginary Voyages from 1700 to 1800. New York

Green, Martin.1990. The Robinson Crusoe Story. University Park: The Pennsynlvania State University Press

Horne, Jackie C. 2011. History and the construction of the Child in Early British Children's Literature (Chapters  1: "The emergence of the Ordinary: Parents and Children on the Deserted Isle" and 2: "The Failure of the Oridnary: The Function of Death in the Family Robinsonade"). Franma: Ashgate

Mann, William-Edward. 1916.  Robinson Crusoe en France : étude sur l'influence de cette œuvre dans la littérature française,Paris

Pohlmann, Inga. 1991). Robinsons Erben. Zum Paradigmawechsel in der französischen Robinsonade. Kontsanz: Hartung-Gorre verlag

Reckwitz, Erhard. 1976. Die Robinsonade. Themen und Formen einer literarischen Gattung. Amsterdam

Stach, Reinhard. 1996. Robinsonaden. Bestseller der Jugendlitteratur. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Akademie für Kinder und Jugendliteratur, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren

Ullrich, Hermann. 1898. Robinson und Robinsonaden.Bibliographie, Geschichte, Kritik ; ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Litteraturgeschichte, im besonderen zur Geschichte des Romans und zur Geschichte der Jugendlitteratur, 1 Bibliographie. Litterarhistorische Forschungen 7, Weimar : Verlag von Emil Felber