Work/ Edition Author
You are here: Bibliografi > Robinsonades > Works > [Continuation du Robinson suisse], Robinsonade > Editions > Conclusion of the Swiss Family Robinson, Hudson, Ohio, 1854


TitleConclusion of the Swiss Family Robinson : or, Adventures of a Father, Mother and Four Sons in a desert Island
PlaceHudson, Ohio
EditionThe Second Part
PublisherSawyer, Ingersoll et co
Physical description 327 p ; 25 ch + conclusion and post script - The novel starts at chapter 33, being the Montolieu's continuation only
LocationLibrary of the University of Michigan/ Google books
Mode of inspectionDigital

More about the edition


Popular titleGenreHeroYear of origin
[Continuation du Robinson suisse]Robinsonade for childrenFemale and male 1824


NamePseudonymBorn - DeadGender
Montolieu, Isabelle deMadame Isabelle, Baronne de Montolieu1751 - 1832Female