Work/ Edition Author
You are here: Bibliografi > Robinsonades > Works > Jungfer Robinsone, Pseudorobinsonade > Editions > Jungfer Robinsone, Schwäbisch Hall, [1724]


TitleJungfer Robinsone : Oder Die verschmizte Junge-Magd, worinne Deroselben Ankunfft, Erziehung, Flucht, Reisen, Lebens-Wandel, Aufstellungen, Fata, und endlich erlangte Ehe, erzehlet, Dieses Völckgens Untugend, lose Händel, und schlimme Streiche abgehobelt, und auf die Seite geworffen werden, Historisch doch ziemlich wahrhafftig vorgestellet Von Celibilicribrifacio
PlaceSchwäbisch Hall
Place of publication as given on title pageHall in Schwaben
Physical description8° (170 mm x 98 mm) 136 p. ; 9 ch.
Illustrations - 1 ill.
SourceUllrich, p.224; Blackwell, p. 21
LocationKB 288 A h 1
Mode of inspectionMaterial
Note The year 1723 is noted in pencil in the copy examined at The Royal library in Stockholm. The title differs slightly from the title given by Ullrich and Blackwell. Ullrich refers to a second edition from 1724 with the same title as the book examined here. It is reasonable to assume that this must be the second edition of the book.


Popular titleGenreHeroYear of origin
Jungfer RobinsonePseudorobinsonade Female1723


NamePseudonymBorn - DeadGender
Anon. [author of Jungfer Robinsone]Celebilicribrifacio[1700] - [1750]