Work/ Edition Author
You are here: Bibliografi > Robinsonades > Works > Les Nouveaux Robinsons, Robinsonade


Popular titleLes Nouveaux Robinsons
Year of origin[1865]
GenreRobinsonade for children
HeroFemale and male
SourceBnF catalogue générale
Notes1865 is indicated as the first edition in the catalogue of the National Library of France, as well as by Ullrich (p.216). The Catalogue of the Staatsbiblitothek zu Berlin, however, suggests 1848 as the first edition. The author died in 1852 and there might likely be a first edition from her life time.


NamePseudonymBorn - DeadGender
Foa, EugénieFitz-Clarence, Maria; Fontanes, Edmond de1796 - 1852Female
