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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 6
prāṇāgnaya evaitasmin pure jāgrati |  gārhapatyo ha vā eṣo ’pānaḥ |  vyāno ’nvāhāryapacanaḥ |  yad gārhapatyāt praṇīyate praṇayanāt | āhavanīyaḥ prāṇaḥ || 
و در اين شهر خدا كه تن است همين پنج پرن كه پنج باد اند و نورانى اند بيدار ميباشند  اپان يكى آتش است  بيان آتش دوم است  و پران در اين آتش حا آتش بزرگ است 
Et in hac urbe Dei, quòd corpus est, ipsi hi quinque (5) pran, quòd quinque (5) venti sunt, et lucidi sunt, evigilati sunt.
Apan, unus atesch (ignis) est:  bian, ignis secundus est:  et pran, in his ignibus, ignis magnus est 
3. The fires of the pranas are, as it were, awake in that town (the body).  The Apana is the Garhapatya fire,  the Vyana the Anvaharyapakana fire;  and because it is taken out of the Garhapatya fire, which is fire for taking out, therefore the Prana is the Ahavaniya fire. 
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