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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 6
eṣāṃ vai bhūtānāṃ pṛthivī rasaḥ | pṛthivyā āpaḥ | apām oṣadhayaḥ | oṣadhīnāṃ puṣpāṇi | puṣpāṇāṃ phalāni | phalānāṃ puruṣaḥ | puruṣasya retaḥ || 
1. The earth is the essence of all these things, water is the essence of the earth, plants of water, flowers of plants, fruits of flowers, man of fruits, seed of man.
2. And Pragâpati thought, let me make an abode for him, and he created a woman (Satarûpâ). Tâm srishtvâdha upâsta, tasmât striyam adha upâsîta. Sa etam prâñkam grâvânam âtmana eva samudapârayat, tenainâm abhyasrigat.
3. Tasyâ vedir upastho, lomâni barhis, karmâdhishavane, samiddho madhyatas, tau mushkau. Sa yâvân ha vai vâgapeyena yagamânasya loko bhavati tâvân asya loko bhavati ya evam vidvân adhopahâsam karaty a sa strînam sukritam vriṅkte 'tha ya idam avidvân adhopahâsam karaty âsya striyah sukritam vriñgate.
4. Etad dha sma vai tadvidvân Uddâlaka Ârunir âhaitad dha sma vai tadvidvân Nâko Maudgalya âhaitad dha sma vai tadvidvân Kumârahârita âha, bahavo maryâ brâhmanâyanâ nirindriyâ visukrito'smâl lokât prayanti ya idam avidvâmso 'dhopahâsam karantîti. Bahu vâ idam suptasya va gâgrato vâ retah skandati,
5. Tad abhimrised anu vâ mantrayeta yan me 'dya retah prithivîm askântsîd yad oshadhîr apy asarad yad apah, idam aham tad reta âdade punar mâm aitv indriyam punas tegah punar bhagah, punar agnayo dhishnyâ yathâsthânam kalpantâm, ity anâmikâṅgushthâbhyâm âdâyântarena stanau vâ bhruvau vâ nimriñgyât.
6. If a man see himself in the water, he should recite the following verse: 'May there be in me splendour, strength, glory, wealth, virtue.' She is the best of women whose garments are pure. Therefore let him approach a woman whose garments are pure, and whose fame is pure, and address her.
7. If she do not give in, let him, as he likes, bribe her (with presents). And if she then do not give in, let him, as he likes, beat her with a stick or with his hand, and overcome her, saying: 'With manly strength and glory I take away thy glory,'--and thus she becomes unglorious.
8. If she give in, he says: 'With manly strength and glory I give thee glory,'--and thus they both become glorious.
9. Sa yâm ikkhet kâmayeta meti tasyâm artham nishtâya mukhena mukham sandhâyopastham asyâ abhimrisya gaped aṅgâdaṅgât sambhavasi hridayâd adhi gâyase, sa tvam aṅgakashâyo 'si digdhaviddhâm iva mâdayemâm amûm mayîti.
10. Atha yâm ikkhen na garbham dadhîteti tasyâm artham nishtâya mukhena mukham sandhâyâbhiprânyâpânyâd indriyena te retasâ reta âdada ity aretâ eva bhavati.
11. Atha yâm ikkhed garbham dadhîteti tasyâm artham nishtâya mukhena mukham sandhâyâpânyâbhiprânyâd indriyena te retâsa reta âdadhâmîti garbhiny eva bhavati.
12. Now again, if a man's wife has a lover and the husband hates him, let him (according to rule) place fire by an unbaked jar, spread a layer of arrows in inverse order, anoint these three arrow-heads with butter in inverse order, and sacrifice, saying: 'Thou hast sacrificed in my fire, I take away thy up and down breathing, I here.' 'Thou hast sacrificed in my fire, I take away thy sons and cattle, I here.' 'Thou hast sacrificed in my fire, I take away thy sacred and thy good works, I here.' 'Thou hast sacrificed in my fire, I take away thy hope and expectation, I here.' He whom a Brâhmana who knows this curses, departs from this world without strength and without good works. Therefore let no one wish even for sport with the wife of a Srotriya who knows this, for he who knows this, is a dangerous enemy.
13. When the monthly illness seizes his wife, she should for three days not drink from a metal vessel, and wear a fresh dress. Let no Vrishala or Vrishalî (a Sûdra man or woman) touch her. At the end of the three days, when she has bathed, the husband should make her pound rice.
14. And if a man wishes that a white son should be born to him, and that he should know one Veda, and live to his full age, then, after having prepared boiled rice with milk and butter, they should both eat, being fit to have offspring.
15. And if a man wishes that a reddish son with tawny eyes should be born to him, and that he should know two Vedas, and live to his full age, then, after having prepared boiled rice with coagulated milk and butter, they should both eat, being fit to have offspring.
16. And if a man wishes that a dark son should be born to him with red eyes, and that he should know three Vedas, and live to his full age, then, after having prepared boiled rice with water and butter, they should both eat, being fit to have offspring.
17. And if a man wishes that a learned daughter should be born to him, and that she should live to her full age, then, after having prepared boiled rice with sesamum and butter, they should both eat, being fit to have offspring.
18. And if a man wishes that a learned son should be born to him, famous, a public man, a popular speaker, that he should know all the Vedas, and that he should live to his full age, then, after having prepared boiled rice with meat and butter, they should both eat, being fit to have offspring. The meat should be of a young or of an old bull.
19. And then toward morning, after having, according to the rule of the Sthâlîpâka (pot-boiling), performed the preparation of the Âgya (clarified butter 1), he sacrifices from the Sthâlîpâka bit by bit, saying: 'This is for Agni, Svâhâ! This is for Anumati, Svâhâ! This is for the divine Savitri, the true creator, Svâhâ!' Having sacrificed, he takes out the rest of the rice and eats it, and after having eaten, he gives it to his wife. Then he washes his hands, fills a water-jar, and sprinkles her thrice with it, saying: 'Rise hence, O Visvâvasu, seek another blooming girl, a wife with her husband.'
20. Then he embraces her, and says: 'I am Ama (breath), thou art Sâ (speech). Thou art Sâ (speech), I am Ama (breath). I am the Sâman, thou art the Rik. I am the sky, thou art the earth. Come, let us strive together, that a male child may be begotten.'
21. Athâsyâ ûrû vihâpayati, vigihîthâm dyâvâprithivî iti tasyâm artham nishtâya mukhena mukham sandhâya trir enâm anulomâm anumârshti, Vishnur yonim kalpayatu, Tvashtâ rûpâni pimsatu, âsiñkatu Pragâpatir Dhâtâ garbham dadhatu te. Garbham dhehi Sinîvâli, garbham dhehi prithushtuke, garbham te Asvinau devâv âdhattâm pushkarasragau.
22. Hiranmayî aranî yâbhyâm nirmanthatâm asvinau, tam te garbham havâmahe dasame mâsi sûtave. Yathâgnigarbhâ prithivî, yathâ dyaur indrena garbhinî, vâyur disâm yathâ garbha evam garbham dadhâmî te 'sav iti.
23. Soshyantîm adbhir abhyukshati. Yathâ vâyuh pushkarinîm samiñgayati sarvatah, evâ te garbha egatu sahâvaitu garâyunâ. Indrasyâyam vragah kritah sârgalah saparisrayah, tam indra nirgahi garbhena sâvarâm saheti.
24. When the child is born, he prepares the fire, places the child on his lap, and having poured prishadâgya, i.e. dadhi (thick milk) mixed with ghrita (clarified butter) into a metal jug, he sacrifices bit by bit of that prishadâgya, saying: 'May I, as I increase in this my house, nourish a thousand! May fortune never fail in his race, with offspring and cattle, Svâhâ!' 'I offer to thee. in my mind the vital breaths which are in me, Svâhâ!' 'Whatever in my work I have done too much, or whatever I have here done too little, may the wise Agni Svishtakrit make this right and proper for us, Svâhâ!'
25. Then putting his mouth near the child's right ear, he says thrice, Speech, speech 3! After that he pours together thick milk, honey, and clarified butter, and feeds the child with (a ladle of) pure gold, saying: 'I give thee Bhûh, I give thee Bhuvah, I give thee Svah. Bhûr, Bhuvah, Svah, I give thee all.'
26. Then he gives him his name, saying: 'Thou art Veda;' but this is his secret name.
27. Then he hands the boy to his mother and gives him her breast, saying: 'O Sarasvatî, that breast of thine which is inexhaustible, delightful, abundant, wealthy, generous, by which thou cherishest all blessings, make that to flow here.'
28. Then he addresses the mother of the boy: 'Thou art Ilâ Maitrâvarunî: thou strong woman hast born a strong boy. Be thou blessed with strong children thou who hast blessed me with a strong child.'
And they say of such a boy: 'Ah, thou art better than thy father; ah, thou art better than thy grandfather. Truly he has reached the highest point in happiness, praise, and Vedic glory who is born as the son of a Brâhmana that knows this.'

Not completely translated by Müller as above, below is the translation of Hume

Incantations and ceremonies for procreation
Verily, of created things here earth is the essence; of earth, water; of water, plants; of plants, flowers; of flowers, fruits; of fruits, man (purusa); of man, semen. 
"sarvebhyo 'ṅgebhyastejaḥ saṃbhūtam"iti śrutyantarāt || 1 || 
sa ha prajāpatir īkṣāṃ cakre -- hantāsmai pratiṣṭhāṃ kalpayānīti sa striyaṃ sasṛje | tāṃ sṛṣṭvādha upāsta | tasmāt striyam adha upāsīta | sa etaṃ prāñcaṃ grāvāṇam ātmana eva samudapārayat | tenainām abhyasṛjata || 
2. Prajâpati ('Lord of creatures') bethought himself: 'Come, let me provide him a firm basis!' So he created woman. When he had created her, he revered her below.--Therefore one should revere woman below.--He stretched out for himself that stone which projects. With that he impregnated her. 
yata evaṃ sarvabhūtānāṃ sāratamametadreto 'taḥ kā nu khalvasya yogyā pratiṣṭheti sa ha sraṣṭā prajāpatirīkṣāñcake |
īkṣāṃ kṛtvā sa sriyaṃ sasṛje |
tāṃ ca sṛṣṭvādha upāsta maithunākhyaṃ karmādhaupāsanaṃ nāma kṛtavān |
tasmātsriyamadha upāsīta śreṣṭhānuśrayaṇā hi prajāḥ |
atra vājapeyasāmānyakḷptimāha-sa etaṃ prāñcaṃ prakṛṣṭagatiyuktamātmano grāvāṇaṃ somābhiṣavopalasthānīyaṃ kāṭhinyasāmānyātprajananendriyamudapārayadutpūritavānsrīvyañjanaṃ prati tenaināṃ sriyamabhyasṛjadabhisaṃsargaṃ kṛtavān || 2 || 
tasyā vedir upasthaḥ | lomāni barhiś | carmādhiṣavaṇe | samiddho madhyatas tau muṣkau | sa yāvān ha vai vājapeyena yajamanasya loko bhavati tāvān asya loko bhavati | ya evaṃ vidvān adhopahāsaṃ caraty āsāṃ strīṇāṃ sukṛtaṃ vṛṅkte | atha ya idam avidvān adhopahāsaṃ caraty āsya striyaḥ sukṛtaṃ vṛñjate || 
3. Her lap is a sacrificial altar; her hairs, the sacrificial grass; her skin, the soma-press. The two labia of the vulva are the fire in the middle. Verily, indeed, as great as is the world of him who sacrifices with the Vâjapeya ('Strength-libation') sacrifice, so great is the world of him who practises sexual intercourse, knowing this; he turns the good deeds of women to himself. But he who practises sexual intercourse without knowing this-women turn his good deeds unto themselves. 
etaddha sma vai tadvidvānuddālaka āruṇirāhādhopahāsākhyaṃ maithunakarma vājapeyasampannaṃ vidvānityarthaḥ | tathā nāko maudgalyaḥ kumārahāritaśca |
kiṃ ta āhurityujyate-bahavo maryā maraṇadharmiṇo manuṣyā brāhmaṇā ayanaṃ yeṣāṃ te brahmaṇāyanā brahmabandhavo jātimātropajīvina ityetat |
nirindriyā viśliṣṭendriyā visukṛto vigatasukṛtakarmāṇo 'vidvāṃsau maithunakarmāsaktā ityarthaḥ |
te kimasmāllokātprayanti paralokātparibhraṣṭā iti maithunakarmaṇo 'tyantapāpahetutvaṃ darśayati-ya idamavidvāṃso 'dhopahāsaṃ carantīti |
śrīmanthaṃ kṛtvā patnyā ṛtukālaṃ brahmacaryeṇa pratīkṣate yadīda rataḥ skandati bahu vālpaṃ vā suptasya vā jāgrato vā rāgaprābalyāt || 4 || 
etad dha sma vai tad vidvān uddālaka ārunir āha | etad dha sma vai tad vidvān nāko maudgalya āha | etad dha sma vai tad vidvān kumārahārita āha -- bahavo maryā brāhmanāyanā nirindriyā visukṛto 'smāl lokāt prayanti ya idam avidvāṃso 'dhopahāsaṃ carantīti | bahu vā idaṃ suptasya vā jāgrato vā retaḥ skandati || 
4. This, verily, indeed, it was that Uddâlaka Âruṅi knew when he said:-- This, verily, indeed, it was that Nâka Maudgalya knew when he said:-- This, verily, indeed, it was that Kumârahârita knew when he said: 'Many mortal men, Brahmans by descent, go forth from this world, impotent and devoid of merit, namely those who practise sexual intercourse without knowing this.'
[If] even this much semen is spilled, whether of one asleep or of one awake, 
etaddha sma vai tadvidvānuddālaka āruṇirāhādhopahāsākhyaṃ maithunakarma vājapeyasampannaṃ vidvānityarthaḥ | tathā nāko maudgālya- kumārahāritaśca |
kiṃ ta āhurityucyate-bahavo maryā maraṇadharmiṇo manuṣyā brāhmaṇā ayanaṃ yeṣāṃ te brāhmaṇāyanā brahmabandhavo jātimātropajīvina ityetat |
nirindriyā viśilaṣṭendriyā visukṛto vigatasukṛtakarmāṇo 'vidvāṃsau maithunakarmāsaktā ityarthaḥ |
te kimasmāllokātprayanti paralokātparibhraṣṭā iti maithunakarmaṇo 'tyantapāpahetutvaṃ darśayati-ya idamavidvāṃso 'dhopahāsaṃ carantīti |
śrīmanthaṃ kṛtvā patnyā śratukālaṃ brahmacaryeṇa pratīkṣate yadīda rataḥ skandati bahu vālpaṃ vā suptasya vā jāgrato vā rāgaprābalyāt || 4 || 
tad abhimṛśed anu vā mantrayeta -- yan me 'dya retaḥ pṛthivīm askāntsīd yad oṣadhīr apy asarad yad apaḥ | idam ahaṃ tad reta ādade | punar mām aitu indriyaṃ punas tejaḥ punar bhagaḥ | punar agnir dhiṣṇyā yathāsthānaṃ kalpantām | ity anāmikāṅguṣṭhābhyām ādāyāntareṇa stanau vā bhruvau vā nimṛjyāt || 
5. then he should touch it, or [without touching] repeat:-- 'What semen has of mine to earth been spilt now,
Whate'er to herb has flowed, whate'er to water-- This very semen I reclaim! 
Again to me let vigor come! 
Again, my strength; again, my glow! 
Again the altars and the fire, 
Be found in their accustomed place!' Having spoken thus, he should take it with ring-finger and thumb, and rub it on between his breasts or his eye-brows. 
tadabhimṛśedanumantrayeta vānujapedityarthaḥ |
yadābhimṛśati tadānāmikāṅguṣṭhābhyāṃ tadreta ādade ityevamantena mantreṇa punarmāmityetenanimṛjyādantareṇa madhye bhruvau bhruvervā stanau stanayorvā || 5 || 
atha yady udaka ātmānaṃ paśyet tad abhimantrayeta -- mayi teja indriyaṃ yaśo draviṇaṃ sukṛtam iti | śrīr ha vā eṣā strīṇāṃ yan malodvāsāḥ | tasmān malodvāsasaṃ yaśasvinīm abhikramyopamantrayeta || 
6. Now, if one should see himself in water, he should recite over it the formula: 'In me be vigor, power, beauty, wealth, merit!' This, verily, indeed, is loveliness among women: when she has removed the clothes of her impurity. Therefore when she has removed the clothes of her impurity and is beautiful, one should approach and invite her. 
atha yadi kadācidudaka ātmānamātmacchāyāṃ paśyettatrāpyatrimantrayetānena mantreṇa-mayi teja iti |
śrīrha vā eṣā patnā srīṇāṃ madhye yadyasmānmalodvāsā udgatamalavadvāsāstasmāttāṃ malodvāsasaṃ yaśasvinīṃ śrīmatīmabhikramyābhigatyopamantrayetedamadyā'vābhyāṃ kāryaṃ yatputrotpādanamiti trirātrānta āplutām || 6 || 
sā ced asmai na dadyāt kāmam enām avakriṇīyāt | sā ced asmai naiva dadyāt kāmam enāṃ yaṣṭyā vā pāṇinā vopahatyātikrāmet | indriyena te yaśasā yaśa ādada iti | ayaśā eva bhavati || 
7. If she should not grant him his desire, he should bribe her. If she still does not grant him his desire, he should hit her with a stick or with his hand, and overcome her, saying: 'With power, with glory I take away your glory!' Thus she becomes inglorious. 
sā cedasmai na dadyānmaithunaṃ kartuṃ yatputrotpādanamiti trirātrānta jñāpayet |
tathāpi sā naiva dadyātkāmamenāṃ yaṣṭyā vā pāṇinā vopahatyātikrāmenmaithunāya |
śāpsyāmi tvāṃ durbhagāṃ kariṣyāmīti prakhyāpya tāmanena mantreṇopagacchedindriyeṇa te yaśasā yaśa ādada iti |
sā tasmāttadabhiśāpādvandhyā durbhageti khyātāyaśā eva bhavati || 7 || 
sā ced asmai dadyād indriyeṇa te yaśasā yaśa ādadhāmīti | yaśasvināv eva bhavataḥ || 
8. If she should yield to him, he says: 'With power, with glory I give you glory!' Thus they two become glorious. 
sā cedasmai dadyādanuguṇaiva syādbhartustadānena mantreṇopagacchendriyeṇa te yaśasā yaśa ādadhāmīti tadā yaśasvināvevobhāvapi bhavataḥ || 8 || 
sa yām icchet -- kāmayeta meti tasyām arthaṃ niṣṭhāya mukhena mukhaṃ saṃdhāyopastham asyā abhimṛśya japet -- aṅgād aṅgāt saṃbhavasi hṛdayād adhijāyase | sa tvam aṅgakaṣāyo 'si digdhaviddhām iva mādayemām amūṃ mayīti || 
9. The woman whom one may desire with the thought, 'May she enjoy love with me!'--after inserting the member in her, joining mouth with mouth, and stroking her lap, he should mutter:-- 'Thou that from every limb art come,
That from the heart art generate,
Thou art the essence of the limbs! 
Distract this woman here in me,
As if by poisoned arrow pierced!' 
sa yāṃ svabhāryāmicchediyaṃ māṃ kāmayeteti tasyāmarthaṃ prajananendriyaṃ niṣṭhāya nikṣipya mukhena mukhaṃ saṃdhāyopasthamasyā abhimṛśya japedimaṃ mantramaṅgādaṅgāditi || 9 || 
atha yām icchen na garbhaṃ dadhīteti tasyām arthaṃ niṣṭhāya mukhena mukhaṃ saṃdhāyābhiprāṇyāpānyāt | indriyeṇa te retasā reta ādada iti | aretā eva bhavati || 
10. Now, the woman whom one may desire with the thought, 'May she not conceive offspring!'--after inserting the member in her and joining mouth with mouth, he should first inhale, then exhale, and say: 'With power, with semen, I reclaim the semen from you!' Thus she comes to be without seed. 
atha yāmicchenna garbhaṃ dadhīta na dhārayedgarbhiṇī mā bhūditi tasyāmarthamiti pūrvavat |
abhiprāṇyābhiprāṇanaṃ prathamaṃ kṛtvā paścādapānyādindriyeṇa te retasā reta ādada ityanena mantreṇāretā eva bhavati na garbhiṇī bhavatītyarthaḥ || 10 || 
atha yām icched dadhīteti tasyām arthaṃ niṣṭhāya mukhena mukhaṃ saṃdhāyāpānyābhiprāṇyāt | indriyeṇa te retasā reta ādadhāmīti | garbhiṇy eva bhavati || 
11. Now, the woman whom one may desire with the thought, 'May she conceive!'--after inserting the member in her and joining mouth with mouth, he should first exhale, then inhale, and say: 'With power, with semen, I deposit semen in you!' Thus she becomes pregnant. 
atha yāmiccheddadhīta garbhamiti tasyāmarthamityādi pūrvavat |
pūrvaviparyayeṇāpānyābhiprāṇyādindriyeṇa te retasā reta ādadhāmīti garbhiṇyeva bhavati || 11 || 
atha yasya jāyāyai jāraḥ syāt taṃ ced dviṣyād āmapātre 'gnim upasamādhāya pratilomaṃ śarabarhiḥ stīrtvā tasminn etāḥ śarabhṛṣṭīḥ pratilomāḥ sarpiṣāktā juhuyāt | mama samiddhe 'hauṣīḥ | prāṇāpānau ta ādade 'sāv iti | mama samiddhe 'hauṣīḥ | putrapaśūṃs ta ādade 'sāv iti | mama samiddhe 'hauṣīḥ | iṣṭāsukṛte ta ādade 'sāv iti | mama samiddhe 'hauṣīḥ | aśāparākāśau ta ādade 'sāv iti | sa vā eṣa nirindriyo visukṛto 'smāl lokād praiti yam evaṃvid brāhmaṇaḥ śapati | tasmād evaṃvitśrotriyasya dāreṇa nopahāsam icchet | uta hy evaṃvit paro bhavati || 
12. Now, if one's wife have a paramour, and he hate him, let him put fire in an unannealed vessel, spread out a row of reed arrows in inverse order, and therein sacrifice in inverse order those reed arrows, their heads smeared with ghee, saying:-- 'You have made a libation in my fire! I take away your in-breath and out-breath (prâṅâpânau)--you, so-and-so! You have made a libation in my fire! I take away your sons and cattle--you, so-and-so! You have made a libation in my fire! I take away your sacrifices and meritorious deeds--you, so-and-so! You have made a libation in my fire! I take away your hope and expectation--you, so-and-so!' Verily, he whom a Brahman who knows this curses--he departs from this world impotent and devoid of merit. Therefore one should not desire dalliance with the spouse of a person learned in sacred lore (śrotriya) who knows this, for indeed he who knows this becomes superior. 
atha punaryasya jāyāyai jāra upapatiḥ syāttaṃ ceddviṣyādabhicariṣyāmyenamiti manyeta tasyedaṃ karma |
āmapātre 'gnimupasamādhāya sarvaṃ pratilomaṃ kuryāttasminnagnāvetāḥ śarabhṛṣṭīḥ śareṣīkāḥ pratilomāḥ sarpiṣāktā ghṛtābhyaktā juhuyānmama samiddhe 'hauṣīrityādyā āhutīrante sarvāsāmasāviti nāmagrahaṇaṃ pratyekam |
sa eṣa evaṃvidyā brāhmaṇaḥ śapati sa visukṛto vigatapuṇyakarmā praiti |
tasmādevaṃvicchrotrisya dāreṇa nopahāsamicchennarmāpi na kuryātkimutādhopahāsaṃ hi yasmādevaṃvidapi tāvatparo bhavati śatrurbhavatītyarthaḥ || 12 || 
atha yasya jāyām ārtavaṃ vindet tryahaṃ kaṃse na pibet | ahatavāsāḥ | naināṃ vṛṣalo na vṛṣaly apahanyāt | trirātrānta āplutya vrīhīn avaghātayet || 
13. Now, when the monthly sickness comes upon anyone's wife, for three days she should not drink from a metal cup, nor put on fresh clothes. Neither a low-caste man nor a low-caste woman should touch her. At the end of the three nights she should bathe and should have rice threshed. 
atha yasya jāyāmārtavaṃ vindedṛtubhāvaṃ prāpnuyādityevamādigranthaḥ śrīrha vā eṣā srīṇāmityataḥ pūrvaṃ draṣṭavyaḥ sāmarthyāt |
tryahaṃ kaṃsena pibedahatavāsāśca syāt |
naināṃ snātāmasnātāṃ ca vṛṣalo vṛṣalī vā nopahanyānnopaspṛśet |
trirātrānte trirātravratasamāptāvāplutya snātvāhatavāsā syāditi vyavahitena saṃbandhaḥ |
tāmāplutāṃ vrīhīnavaghātayedvrīhyavaghātāya tāmeva viniyuñjyāt || 13 || 
sa ya icchet -- putro me śuklo jāyeta vedam anubruvīta sarvam āyur iyād iti kṣīraudanaṃ pācayitvā sarpiṣmantam aśnīyātām | īśvarau janayitavai || 
14. In case one wishes, 'That a white son be born to me! that he be able to repeat a Veda! that he attain the full length of life!'--they two should have rice cooked with milk and should eat it prepared with ghee. They two are likely to beget [him]. 
sa ya icchetputro me śuklo varṇato jāyeta vedamekamanubruvīta sarvamāyuriyādvarṣaśataṃ kṣīraudanaṃ pācayitvā sarpiṣmantamaśnīyātāmāśvarau samarthau janayitavai janayitum || 14 || 
atha ya icchet -- putro me kapilaḥ piṅgalo jāyeta dvau vedāv anubruvīta sarvam āyur iyād iti dadhyodanaṃ pācayitvā sarpiṣmantam aśnīyātām | īśvarau janayitavai || 
15. Now, in case one wishes, 'That a tawny son with reddish-brown eyes be born to me! that he be able to recite two Vedas! that he attain the full length of life!'--they two should have rice cooked with sour milk and should eat it prepared with ghee. They two are likely to beget [him]. 
dadhyodanaṃ dadhnā caruṃ pācayitvā dvidevaṃ cedicchati putraṃ tadaivamaśananiyamaḥ || 15 || 
atha ya icchet -- putro me śyāmo lohitākṣo jāyeta trīn vedān anubruvīta sarvam āyur iyād iti udaudanaṃ pācayitvā sarpiṣmantam aśnīyātām | īśvarau janayitavai || 
16. Now, in case one wishes, 'That a swarthy son with red eyes be born to me! that he be able to repeat three Vedas! that he attain the full length of life!'--they two should have rice boiled with water and should eat it prepared with ghee. They two are likely to beget [him]. 
kevalameva svābhāvikamodanam |
udagrahaṇamanyaprasaṅganivṛttyatham || 16 || 
atha ya icched -- duhitā me paṇḍitā jāyeta sarvam āyur iyād iti tilaudanaṃ pācayitvā sarpiṣmantam aśnīyātām | īśvarau janayitavai || 
17. Now, in case one wishes, 'That a learned (pandita) daughter be born to me! that she attain the full length of life!'--they two should have rice boiled with sesame and should eat it prepared with ghee. They two are likely to beget [her]. 
duhituḥ pāṇḍityaṃ gṛhatantraviṣayameva vede 'nadhikārāt |
tilaudanaṃ kṛtaram || 17 || 
atha ya icchet -- putro me paṇḍito vigītaḥ samitiṃgamaḥ śuśrūṣitāṃ vācaṃ bhāṣitā jāyeta sarvān vedān anubruvīta sarvam āyur iyād iti māṃsaudanaṃ pācayitvā sarpiṣmantam aśnīyātām | īśvarau janayitavāi | aukṣeṇa vārṣabheṇa vā || 
18. Now, in case one wishes, 'That a son, learned, famed, a frequenter of council-assemblies, a speaker of discourse desired to be heard, be born to me! that he be able to repeat all the Vedas! that he attain the full length of life!'--they two should have rice boiled with meat and should eat it prepared with ghee. They two are likely to beget [him], with meat, either veal or beef. 
vividhaṃ gīto vigītaḥ prakhyāta ityarthaḥ | samitiṅgamaḥ sabhāṃ gacchatīti pragalbha ityarthaḥ | pāṇḍityasya pṛthaggrahaṇāt | śuśrūṣitāṃ śrotumiṣṭāṃ ramaṇīyāṃ vācaṃ bhāṣitā saṃskṛtāyā arthavatyā vāco bhāṣitetyarthaḥ |
māṃsamiśramodanaṃ māṃsaudanam |
tanmāṃsaniyamārthamāha-aukṣeṃ vā māṃsena |
ukṣā secanasamarthaḥ puṅgavastadīyaṃ māṃsam |
ṛṣabhastato 'pyadhikavayāstadīyamārṣabhaṃ māṃsam || 17 || 
athābhiprātar eva sthālīpākāvṛtājyaṃ ceṣṭitvā sthālīpākasyopaghātaṃ juhoty agnaye svāhānumataye svāhā devāya savitre satyaprasavāya svāheti | hutvoddhṛtya prāśnāti | prāśyetarasyāḥ prayacchati | prakṣālya pāṇī udapātraṃ pūrayitvā tenaināṃ trir abhyukṣati -- uttiṣṭhāto viśvāvaso 'nyām iccha prapūrvyām | saṃ jāyāṃ patyā saheti || 
19. Now, toward morning, having prepared melted butter in the manner of the Sthâlîpâka, he takes of the Sthâlîpâka and makes a libation, saying: 'To Agni, hail! To Anumati, hail! To the god Savitri ('Enlivener,' the Sun), whose is true procreation (satya-prasava), hail!' Having made the libation, he takes and eats, Having eaten, he offers to the other [i.e. to her]. Having washed his hands, he fills a vessel with water and therewith sprinkles her thrice, saying:-- 'Arise from hence, Vis'vavasu!  4
Some other choicer maiden seek! 
This wife together with her lord ----' 5 
athāmiprātareva kāle 'vaghātanirvṛttāṃstaṇḍulānādāya sthālīpākāvṛtā sthālīpākavidhinā'jyaṃ ceṣṭitvā'jyasaṃskāraṃ kṛtvā caruṃ śrapayitvā sthālīpākasyā'hutīrjuhotyupaghātamupahatyopahatyāgnaye svāhetyādyāḥ |
gārhyaḥ sarvo vidhirdraṣṭavyo 'tra hutvoddhṛtya caruśeṣaṃ prāśnāti svayaṃ prāśyetarasyāḥ patnyai prayacchatyucchiṣṭam |
prakṣālya pāṇī ācamyodapātraṃ pūrayitvā tenodakenaināṃ trirabhyukṣatyena mantreṇottiṣṭhāta iti sakṛnmantroccāraṇam || 19 || 
athainām abhipadyate -- amo 'ham asmi sā tvam | sā tvam asy amo 'ham | sāmāham asmi ṛk tvam | dyaur aham pṛthivī tvam | tāv ehi saṃrabhāvahai saha reto dadhāvahai | puṃse putrāya vittaya iti || 
20. Then he comes to her and says:-- 'This man (ama) am I; that woman (sâ), thou! 
That woman, thou; this man am I! 
I am the Sâman; thou, the Rig! 
I am the heaven; thou, the earth! Come, let us two together clasp! 
Together let us semen mix, a male, a son for to procure!' 
athaināmabhimantrya kṣīraudanādi yathāpatyakāmaṃ bhuktveti kramo draṣṭavyaḥ |
saṃveśanakāle 'mo 'hamasmītyādimantreṇābhipadyate || 20 || 
athāsyā ūrū vihāpayati -- vijihīthāṃ dyāvāpṛthivī iti | tasyām arthaṃ niṣṭhāya mukhena mukhaṃ saṃdhāya trir enām anulomām anumārṣṭi -- viṣṇur yoniṃ kalpayatu tvaṣṭā rūpāṇi piṃśatu | ā siñcatu prajāpatir dhātā garbhaṃ dadhātu te | garbhaṃ dhehi sinīvāli garbhaṃ dhehi pṛthuṣṭuke | garbhaṃ te aśvinau devāv ādhattāṃ puṣkarasrajau || 
21. Then he spreads apart her thighs, saying: 'Spread yourselves apart, heaven and earth!' Inserting the member in her and joining mouth with mouth, he strokes her three times as the hair lies, saying:-- 'Let Vishṅu make the womb prepared! 
Let Tyashtri shape the various forms! 
Prajâpati--let him pour in! 
Let Dhâtri place the germ for thee! O Sinîvâlî, give the germ;
 O give the germ, thou broad-tressed dame! 
Let the Twin Gods implace thy germ--
The Asvins, crowned with lotus-wreaths! 
athāsyā ūrū vihāpayati vijihīthāṃ dyāvāpṛthivī ityanena |
tasyāmarthamityādi pūrvavat |
trirenāṃ śiraḥ prabhṛtyanulomāmanumārṣṭi viṣṇuryonimityādi pratimantram || 21 || 
hiraṇmayī araṇī yābhyāṃ nirmanthatām aśvinau | taṃ te garbhaṃ havāmahe daśame māsi sūtaye | yathāgnigarbhā pṛthivī yathā dyaur aindreṇa garbhiṇī | vāyur diśāṃ yathā garbha evaṃ garbhaṃ dadhāmi te 'sāv iti || 
22. With twain attrition-sticks of gold
 The Aśvin Twins twirl forth a flame;
 'Tis such a germ we beg for thee,
In the tenth month to be brought forth. As earth contains the germ of Fire (agni),
As heaven is pregnant with the Storm (indra),
As of the points the Wind (vâyu) is germ,
E'en so a germ I place in thee,
ante nāma gṛhṇātyasāviti tasyāḥ || 22 || 
soṣyantīm adbhir abhyukṣati -- yathā vāyuḥ puṣkariṇīṃ samiṅgayati sarvataḥ | evā te garbha ejatu sahāvaitu jarāyuṇā | indrasyāyaṃ vrajaḥ kṛtaḥ sārgalaḥ sapariśrayaḥ | tam indra nirjahi garbheṇa sāvarāṃ saheti || 
23. When she is about to bring forth, he sprinkles her with water, saying.-- Like as the wind doth agitate

A lotus-pond on every side,
So also let thy fetus stir. 
Let it come with its chorion. This fold of Indra's has been made
With barricade enclosed around.

O Indra, cause him to come forth--
The after-birth along with babe!' 
soṣyantīmadbhirabhyukṣati prasavakāle sukhaprasavanārthamanena mantreṇa |
yathā vāyuḥ puṣkariṇīṃ samiṅgayati sarvataḥ |
evā te garbha ejatviti || 23 || 
jāte 'gnim upasamādhāyāṅka ādhāya kaṃse pṛṣadājyaṃ saṃnīya pṛṣadājyasyopaghātaṃ juhoti -- asminsahasraṃ puṣyāsam edhamānaḥ sve gṛhe | asyopasandyāṃ mā chaitsīt prajayā ca paśubhiś ca svāhā | mayi prāṇāṃs tvayi manasā juhomi svāhā | yat karmaṇātyarīricam yad vā nyūnam ihākaram | agniṣṭat sviṣṭakṛd vidvān sviṣṭaṃ suhutaṃ karotu naḥ svāheti || 
24. When [the son] is born, he [i. e. the father] builds up a fire, places him on his lap, mingles ghee and coagulated milk in a metal dish, and makes an oblation, ladling out of the mingled ghee and coagulated milk, and saying- 'In this son may I be increased,
And have a thousand in mine house! 
May nothing rob his retinue
Of offspring or of animals! 
              Hail! The vital powers (prâna) which are in me, my mind, I offer in you.
What in this rite I overdid, 
Or what I have here scanty made--
Let Agni, wise, the Prosperer,
Make fit and good our sacrifice! 
atha jātakarma |
jāte 'gnimupasamādhāyāṅka ādhāya putraṃ kaṃse pṛṣadājyaṃ saṃmīya saṃyojya dadhi ghṛte pṛṣadājyasyopaghātaṃ juhotyasminsahasramityādyāvāpasthāne || 24 || 
athāsya dakṣiṇaṃ karṇam abhinidhāya vāg vāg iti triḥ | atha dadhi madhu ghṛtaṃ saṃnīyānantarhitena jātarūpeṇa prāśayati | bhūs te dadhāmi bhuvas te dadhāmi svas te dadhāmi bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ sarvaṃ tvayi dadhāmīti || 
25. Then he draws down to the child's right ear and says 'Speech! Speech!' three times. Then he mingles coagulated milk, honey, and ghee and feeds [his son] out of a gold [spoon] which is not placed within [the mouth], saying: 'I place in you Bhûr! I place in you Bhuvas! I place in you Svar!  Bhûr, Bhuvas, Svar---everything I place in you!' 
athāsya dakṣiṇaṃ karṇamabhinidhāya svaṃ mukhaṃ vāgvāgiti trirjapet |
atha dadhi madhu ghṛtaṃ saṃnīyānantarhitenāvyavahitena jātarūpeṇa hiraṇyena prāśayatyetairmantraiḥ pratyekam || 25 || 
athāsya nāma karoti vedo 'sīti | tad asyaitad guhyam eva nāma bhavati || 
26. Then he gives him a name, saying: 'You are Veda.' So this becomes his secret name. 
athāsya nāmadheyaṃ karoti vedo 'sīti |
tadasya tadguhyaṃ nāma bhavati veda iti || 26 || 
athainaṃ mātre pradāya stanaṃ prayacchati -- yas te stanaḥ śaśayo yo mayobhūr yo ratnadhā vasuvid yaḥ sudatraḥ | yena viśvā puṣyasi vāryāṇi sarasvati tam iha dhātave kar iti || 
27. Then he presents him to the mother and offers the breast, saying:-- 'Thy breast which is unfailing and refreshing,
Wealth-bearer, treasure-finder, rich bestower,
With which thou nourishest all things esteeméd--
Give it here, O Sarasvatî, to suck from.' 
athainaṃ mātre pradāya svāṅkasthaṃ stanaṃ prayacchati yaste stana ityādimantreṇa || 27 || 
athāsya mātaram abhimantrayate -- ilāsi maitrāvaruṇī vīre vīram ajījanat | sā tvaṃ vīravatī bhava yāsmān vīravato 'karad iti | taṃ vā etam āhuḥ -- atipitā batābhūḥ | atipitāmaho batābhūḥ | paramāṃ bata kāṣṭhāṃ prāpa śriyā yaśasā brahmavarcasena | ya evaṃvido brāhmaṇasya putro jāyata iti || 
28. Then he addresses the child's mother:-- 'You are Ilâ, of the lineage of Mitra and Varuṅa! 
O heroine! She has borne a hero!' 7
Continue to be such a woman abounding in heroes--
She who has made us abound in a hero!' Of such a son, verily, they say: 'Ah, you have gone beyond your father! Ah, you have gone beyond your grandfather!' Ah, he reaches the highest pinnacle of splendor, glory, and sacred knowledge who is born as the son of a Brahman who knows this! 
athāsya mātaramabhimantrayata ilāsītyanena |
taṃ vā etamāhurityanena vidhinā jātaḥ putraḥ pitaraṃ pitāmahaṃ cātiśeta iti śriyā yaśasā brahmavarcasena paramāṃ niṣṭhāṃ prāpadityevaṃ stutyo bhavatītyarthaḥ |
yasya caivaṃvido brāhmaṇasya putro jāyate sa caivaṃ bhavatītyadhyāhāryam || 28 ||
iti bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣadi ṣaṣṭhādhyāyasya caturthaṃ brāhmaṇam || 4 || 
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