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Eusebius: Chronica

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Castor, about the kings of the Athenians: 
We will now list the kings of the Athenians, starting with Cecrops, called Diphyes, and ending with Thymoetes.  The total duration of the reigns of all these kings, called Erechtheidae, was 450 years.  - After them, Melanthus of Pylus, son of Andropompus, became king, (183) followed by his son Codrus.  The total duration of their two reigns was (?) 58 years.  [When the kings came to an end, they were replaced by archons who ruled for life], starting with (?) Medon son of Codrus, and ending with Alcmaeon son of Aeschylus.  The total duration of the rule of the archons for life was 209 years.  The next archons held power for 10 years each; there were seven of these archons, and altogether they ruled for 70 years.  Then the archons started to hold power for one year each, starting with Creon and ending with Theophemus, in whose time the history and glorious achievements of our country came to a complete end. 
That is what Castor wrote.  Now we will provide a list of each of the kings. 
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