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QLː (QLL) قلّ / قلل 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
▪ QLː (QLL)_1 ʻ(to be\become) little, small, few, insignificant; (to be) rare, scarce; to decrease, diminish, grow less; (to be) inferior’ ↗¹qalla (qill, qull, qillaẗ)
▪ QLː (QLL)_2 ʻto pick up, raise, lift, carry’ ↗²qalla (qall)
▪ QLː (QLL)_3 ʻto rise; to be independent; to possess alone; to board (, e.g., a ship)’ ↗ĭstaqalla
▪ QLː (QLL)_4 ʻtremor’ ↗qill
▪ QLː (QLL)_5 ʻrecovery, recuperation; restoration of prosperity’ ↗qallaẗ
▪ QLː (QLL)_6 ʻhighest point; top, summit; apex; vertex’ ↗¹qullaẗ
▪ QLː (QLL)_7 ʻ(cannon) ball’ ↗²qullaẗ
▪ QLː (QLL)_8 ʻjug, pitcher’ ↗³qullaẗ
▪ QLː (QLL)_9 ʻcompletely, wholly, entirely’ (adv.): bi- ↗¹qilliyyati-h
▪ QLː (QLL)_10 ʻcell; closet; residence of a bishop’ ↗²qilliyyaẗ, qillāyaẗ~qallāyaẗ

Other values, now obsolete (Hava1899):

QLː (QLL)_11 : qill ʻlow wall’
QLː (QLL)_12 : muqallal ʻadorned with a stud (sword)’
QLː (QLL)_13 : ĭstaqalla ʻto become angry; to seize s.o. (fear)’

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to be, or become little, small, or few; to trifle with; to lift up; to accompany; summit of a mountain; to travel around, be agile’ 
▪ Semantic relations within the root are still rather obscure. There seem to be two larger complexes ([v1] *‘to be little, small, insignificant, rare, inferior’, attested also in other Sem langs, and [v2][v3][v6] *‘summit; to be high, rise; to raise, lift’) as well as at least two loanwords ([v8] ³qullaẗ ‘jug, pitcher’ and [v10] qilliyyaẗ ~ qillāyaẗ ʻcell; closet’). Some of the other values may be related to, or derived from, the aforementioned, others are hard to connect. Leaving loanwords aside, the question is whether the remaining values all depend on [v1] as Ar idiosyncrasies, or whether they have other etymologies, or whether, perhaps, Ar has preserved in them some more original value, lost in other Sem langs, on which [v1] itself might be based.
▪ [v1] ¹qalla (qill, qull, qillaẗ) ʻ(to be\become) little, small, few, insignificant; (to be) rare, scarce; to decrease, diminish, grow less; (to be) inferior’: from Sem *QLL ‘light, little, fast’ – Bergsträsser1928. – Is [v11] qill ʻlow wall’ directly akin to [v1]? – Should we also connect [v2] and [v3], regarding the notion of *‘rising, raising’ implied in them as the result of *‘being light’? But there are other suggestions, see below.
▪ [v2] ²qalla (qall) ʻto pick up, raise, lift, carry’: based on [v1] (see preceding), or rather forming a semantic complex with [v3] and [v6], based on *‘highest point, top’? – LandbergZetterstein1942 suggested that it is a development from ↗√QNː (QNN) ‘to be high, elevated’, with n > l.
▪ [v3] ĭstaqalla ʻto rise; to be independent; to possess alone; to board (, e.g., a ship)’: Similar to [v2], the value is of obscure etymology. The basic meaning seems to be *‘to separate o.s., stand out’, which could be a development from [v1], as form X is desiderative and could thus express a *‘wish/effort to appear singular, look small, little (as compared to the rest from which one separates/distances o.s.)’. But it could also be based on [v6] ʻhighest point, top’, the desiderative form X expressing a *‘wish/effort to reach the top of, look as if standing on the top, being exceptional’. Wahrmund II 1887 has also an obsolete qull ʻeinsam, vereinzelt’ (not mentioned elsewhere though) that would fit as a base to derive the meaning of *‘separating o.s., wishing to stand out, look exceptional’ from.
▪ [v4] qill ʻtremor’: etymology obscure. A secondary semantic development, based on [v13] ʻto become angry; to seize s.o. (fear)’ (which in turn may be from [v6])?
▪ [v5] qallaẗ ʻrecovery, recuperation; restoration of prosperity’: etymology obscure; perh. from [v3] ‘to rise’?
▪ [v6] ¹qullaẗ ʻhighest point; top, summit; apex; vertex’: etymology obscure. – LandbergZetterstein1942 suggested that it was a phonetic variant of/development from ↗qunnaẗ ‘mountaintop, summit, peak’, with n > l (cf. also ↗qimmaẗ, with m); see also [v2] and [v3] above, which may be based on [v6]. – See also below, section DISC.
▪ [v7] ²qullaẗ ʻ(cannon) ball’: etymology obscure. Could be a foreign word; cf. perh. Engl cannon (< oFr canon < It cannone ʻlarge tube, barrel’, augmentative of Lat canna ʻreed, tube’; cf. ↗qanāẗ, ↗qānūn, ↗qinnīnaẗ).
▪ [v8] ³qullaẗ ʻjug, pitcher’: from Aram qwltā (Zimmern1914: qullətā), Syr qūltā ʻwine jar’ – Fraenkel1886.
▪ [v9] ¹qilliyyaẗ, in bi-qilliyyati-h ʻcompletely, wholly, entirely’ (adv.): Obscure semantics, can hardly be connected to any of the main values ([v1] *ʻlittle, small, light’, [v2][v3][v6] *ʻto rise, raise, be high, top, peak’) nor to that of the homonymous ↗²qilliyyaẗ ʻcell; closet’ ([v10]).
▪ [v10] ²qilliyyaẗ, also qallāyaẗ ~ qillāyaẗ ʻcell; closet; residence of a bishop’: via Syr qellītā from Lat cella ʻsmall chamber, cell’ < IE *kel- ʻto cover, hide’ – Rolland2014.
[v11] : qill ʻlow wall’: akin to [v1] ?
[v12] : muqallal ʻadorned with a stud (sword)’: perh. < *ʻadorned with a peak, with standing out/protruding’, from [v6] ¹qullaẗ ʻhighest point, top’?
[v13] : ĭstaqalla ʻto become angry; to seize s.o. (fear)’: perh. metaphorical *ʻto seek to overwhelm, sit on top of, overcome s.o.’, from [v6] ¹qullaẗ ʻhighest point, top’?

▪ …
▪ [v1] : cf. also vb. III qālla lahu 'l-ʕaṭāʔ ʻhe gave him very little’, IV ʔaqalla ʻto possess little’, VI taqālla ʻto find small, little, few’, X ĭstaqalla ʻto make little of’, qill, qull, ʻexiguity, small number; poverty’, raǧul qull ʻlonely, helpless man’, qulul ʻscattered people from various tribes’, qulal ʻpeople gathered from various places’
▪ [v3] : cf. also VI taqālla ʻto rise high (sun)’, VI ĭstaqalla ʻto rise in its flight (bird); to raise o.s.; to grow (plant)’, ĭstaqalla ʕan ʻto go away from (the tents: people)’, ĭstaqalla bi’l-wilāyaẗ ʻto be independent, absolute (governor)’, ĭstaqalla bi-raʔyi-h ʻhe is alone in his opinion’, ĭstiqlāl ʻindependence; absolutism’, mustaqill ʻindependent (sovereign)’. – Wahrmund II 1887 has also qull ʻeinsam, vereinzelt’, not mentioned elsewhere though.
▪ …
▪ [v1] Bergsträsser1928: (*‘light, little, fast’) Akk qallu, Hbr qal, Syr (vb. qal, ipfv. neqqal), Gz (qalī́l).
▪ [v1] Zammit2002, Leslau2006: Akk qalālu ʻto be(come) light, little, few’, Ug qlt ʻshame’, ql ʻfallen (zu Füssen); to humiliate’, Hbr Phoen qālal ʻto be slight, swift, trifling’, qal ʻlight, easy’, Aram qᵊlal ʻto be light; be reduced’, Syr qal ʻto diminish, lessen, be lightened’, Mnd qalil ʻlight’, SAr qll ʻa little, small quantity’, Soq qel(l) ʻto be small, Gz qalla, qalala ʻto be light, easy, slight, swift, rapid’, ʔaqlala ʻto vilify’ (< ʻto be little’), Tña Gur qälälä ʻto be light’, Te qälla, Har qäläla, Amh qällälä, Arg qälläla, Gaf qälliyä ʻlight’.
▪ [v7] Fraenkel1886: Ar qullaẗ < Aram qwltā, Syr qūltā ʻwine jar’; cf. also Zimmern1914: Akk qallu ʻlarge jar’ [not in CAD] > prob. JudAram qallā.
▪ …
▪ [v1] Bergsträsser1928: Sem *qll ‘light, little, fast’.
▪ [v2] LandbergZetterstein1942: ClassAr qalla ʻporter, soulever, supporter’, DaṯAr ʕUmAr ʻdresser, aufrecht stellen’ < √QNN ʻêtre haut’, avec n > l; DaṯAr ĭqtall ʻmonter en haut, se dresser’ = ClassAr ĭqtanna; DaṯAr qullaẗ ʻsommet’ = ClassAr qunnaẗ, cf. also qimmaẗ.
▪ [v6] Ḍinnāwī2004 gives also qilālaẗ as a synonym of ¹qullaẗ and claims that the two be from Pers kullaẗ [should be: kalle] ‘head of, top’, which, accord. to the author, in turn goes back to an Akk kullutuwwu [sic!] – untenable for phonological reasons.
▪ [v7] Zimmern1914 suggests also: Akk gullatu prob. kind of jar (CAD: ‘ewer’) > perh. Hbr gullā ʻoil jar’; cf. perh. also Aram qullətā ʻwine jar’ (> Ar qullaẗ), as well as perh. Lat culullus (Horace). – However, against such a hypothesis, cf. DRS #GLL-2 Akk gullat- ‘bassin, aiguière’, ? gull- un contenant, Ug gl ‘coupe, cuvette’, Hbr gullā ‘bassin, cuvette’, Ar ǧullaẗ ‘panier fait de feuilles de palmier’; Syr gūllīnā ‘tour de potier’.
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¹qall‑ / qalal‑ قَلّـ/قَلَلْـ , i (qill, qull, qillaẗ
ID … • Sw – • BP 447 • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
vb., I 
1a to be or become little, small, few (in number or quantity), trifling, insignificant, inconsiderable, scant, scanty, sparse, spare, meager; b to decrease, diminish, wane, grow less; c to be or become less, littler, smaller, fewer (in number or quantity), more trifling, less significant, less considerable, scanter, scantier, sparser (ʕan than); 2 to be second, be inferior (ʕan to s.o.); 3a to be rare, scarce; b to be of rare occurrence, happen seldom – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ From Sem *QLL ‘light, little, fast’ – Bergsträsser1928.
▪ Does also the obsol. qill ʻlow wall’ belong here?
▪ Should one also connect the semantic complexes treated s.v. ↗²qalla (qall) ʻto pick up, raise, lift, carry’ and ↗ĭstaqalla ʻto rise; to be independent; to possess alone; to board (, e.g., a ship)’, regarding the notions of *‘rising, raising’ implied in them as the result of *‘being light’?
▪ Cf. also the obsolete vb. IV, ʔaqalla = II; ‘arm werden; etw wenig finden; wenig bringen’.
▪ If the obsolete qull ʻeinsam, vereinzelt’, mentioned by Wahrmund II 1887 (but not elsewhere) is reliable, it may belong here, but also to the complex of ↗ĭstaqalla in the sense of ʻto possess alone’.
▪ For a discussion of the whole picture, see root entry ↗√QLː(QLL).
▪ …
▪ Cf. also vb. III qālla lahu ’l-ʕaṭāʔ ʻhe gave him very little’, IV ʔaqalla ʻto possess little’, VI taqālla ʻto find small, little, few’, X ĭstaqalla ʻto make little of’, qill, qull, ʻexiguity, small number; poverty’, raǧul qull ʻlonely, helpless man’, qulul ʻscattered people from various tribes’, qulal ʻpeople gathered from various places’ – Hava1899.
▪ …
▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘light, little, fast’) Akk qallu, Hbr qal, Syr (vb. qal, ipfv. neqqal), Gz (qalī́l).
▪ Zammit2002, Leslau2006: Akk qalālu ʻto be(come) light, little, few’, Ug qlt ʻshame’, ql ʻfallen (zu Füssen); to humiliate’, Hbr Phoen qālal ʻto be slight, swift, trifling’, qal ʻlight, easy’, Aram qᵊlal ʻto be light; be reduced’, Syr qal ʻto diminish, lessen, be lightened’, Mnd qalil ʻlight’, SAr qll ʻa little, small quantity’, Soq qel(l) ʻto be small, Gz qalla, qalala ʻto be light, easy, slight, swift, rapid’, ʔaqlala ʻto vilify’ (< ʻto be little’), Tña Gur qälälä ʻto be light’, Te qälla, Har qäläla, Amh qällälä, Arg qälläla, Gaf qälliyä ʻlight’.
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
ʔillā mā qalla wa-nadara, expr., but for a few exceptions, with a few exceptions only
qalla ṣabru-h, to be impatient, lose one’s patience

BP#3325qallala, vb. II, to make little or less, diminish, lessen, decrease, reduce, do seldom or less frequently: D-stem, caus.
ʔaqalla, vb. IV, 1 = II; 2 to do or give little (min in or of): *Š-stem of ¹qalla. — 3 ↗²qalla.
taqālla, vb. VI, to think little (of), scorn, disdain, despise: Lt-stem.
ĭstaqalla, vb. X, 1a to find ( little, small, inconsiderable, insignificant, trifling; b to esteem lightly, undervalue, despise; c to make light (of), set little store (by), care little (for); *Št-stem of ¹qalla. — 2 ↗²qalla; 3-6 ↗¹qullaẗ and ↗ĭstaqalla.

BP#4868qalla-mā, conj., 1a seldom, rarely; b scarcely, barely, hardly.
²qill, qull, n., 1 littleness, smallness, fewness; 2 insignificance, inconsiderableness, triviality, paucity, paltriness, scarceness, sparseness, scantiness, insufficiency; 3 a little, a small number, a small quantity, a modicum.
BP#1772qillaẗ, pl. qilal, n.f., 1 littleness, fewness; 2 smallness, inconsiderableness, insignificance, triviality; 3 paucity, paltriness, scantiness, sparseness; scarceness, rareness, rarity; 4 minority; 5 lack, want, deficiency, insufficiency, scarcity | qillaẗ al-ʔiḥsās, n.f., insensitivity, obtuseness; qillaẗ al-ḥayāʔ, n.f, shamelessness, impudence, insolence, impertinence; qillaẗ al-ṣabr, n.f., impatience; qillaẗ al-wuǧūd, n.f., scantiness, scarcity; rareness, rarity; ǧamʕ al-qillaẗ (gram.), plural of paucity (for persons or things whose number is between three and ten).
BP#376qalīl, pl. ʔaqillāᵘ, qalāʔilᵘ, qilāl, adj., 1a little; few; b a small number, a small quantity, a modicum, a little (min of); c qalīlan, adv., a little, somewhat; seldom, rarely 2a insignificant, inconsiderable, trifling; b small (in number or quantity), scant, scanty, spare, sparse, meager, insufficient; 3 scarce, rare. | qalīlan mā, seldom, rarely; qalīlan qalīlan, adv., by and by, slowly, gradually; al-kull ʔillā qalīlan, NP, almost everything, nearly all; baʕda qalīl, adv., a little later, some time later on, shortly afterward; shortly, before long; ʕan qalīl or ʕammā qalīl, adv., soon, before long, shortly; laysa min-hu lā bi-qalīl wa-lā bi- kaṯīr, expr., to have absolutely nothing to do with; qalīl al-ʔadab, adj., uncivil, impolite, rude, uncouth; qalīl al-ḥayāʔ, adj., shameless, brazen, impudent, insolent, impertinent; qalīl al-ĭrtifāʕ, adj., low; qalīl al- ṣabr, adj., impatient; qalīl al-wuǧūd, adj., scanty, scarce; rare
BP#446ʔaqallᵘ, adj., 1a less; fewer; b smaller; c rarer; al-ʔaqallᵘ, the least, the minimum: elat. formation | ʕalà 'l-ʔaqall or bi'l-ʔaqall, adv., at the very least; at least; ʕalà ʔaqall taqdīr, adv., at the lowest estimate = ʕalà 'l-ʔaqall; lā ʔaqallᵃ min ʔan …, expr., the least one can do is to …; I (you, etc.) could at least …; ʔaqall min al-qalīl, adj., quite insignificant, all but negligible; wa-ʔaqall min hāḏā wa-ḏālika ʔanna …, expr., let alone that …, not to mention that … , to say nothing of …
BP#4241ʔaqalliyyaẗ, n.f., smaller number, numerical inferiority; (pl. -āt) minority: abstr. formation in iyyaẗ, from ʔaqallᵘ.
BP#3303taqlīl, n., decrease, diminution, reduction: vn. II.
ʔiqlāl, n., decrease, diminution, reduction: vn. IV.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
²qall‑ / qalal‑ قَلّـ/قَلَلْـ , i (qall
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
vb., I 
1a to pick up, raise, lift (s.o./, ʕan from the ground); b to carry – WehrCowan1976.
▪ Alongside with *‘small, little, light’ (↗¹qalla), the value complex *‘(to be) high, to rise; summit; to raise, lift’ is rather prominent in the Ar root ↗√QLː(QLL). As there are no parallels of the latter in Sem, it seems to be peculiar to Ar.
▪ Perhaps a development from *‘highest point, top’ (↗ĭstaqalla, ↗¹qullaẗ)? – For the latter, LandbergZetterstein1942 suggested that it may be a phonetic variant of/development from ↗qunnaẗ ‘mountaintop, summit, peak’, with n > l (cf. also ↗qimmaẗ, with m).
▪ …
▪ Historically, the value is not only attested for form I, but also for form IV, ʔaqalla ʻto lift\raise from the ground, and carry it’ (Lane Suppl. 1893) / ‘aufheben u. tragen; emporheben (Wind die Wolke)’ (Wahrmund II 1887), and form X, ĭstaqalla ‘aufheben u. tragen (bi die Last, den Wasserkrug), auf die Schulter heben u. tragen (ĭstaqalla bi’l-ḥaml)’ (Wahrmund II 1887).
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC, and below, section DISC.
▪ …
▪ LandbergZetterstein1942: ClassAr qalla ʻporter, soulever, supporter’, DaṯAr ʕUmAr ʻdresser, aufrecht stellen’ < √QNN ʻêtre haut’, avec n > l; DaṯAr ĭqtall ʻmonter en haut, se dresser’ = ClassAr ĭqtanna; DaṯAr qullaẗ ʻsommet’ = ClassAr qunnaẗ, cf. also qimmaẗ.
▪ …
ʔaqalla, vb. IV, 1 and 2 ↗¹qalla. — 3a to pick up, raise, lift (s.o.\ ʕan from the ground); b to be able to carry (s.o.,; c to carry, transport, convey: *Š-stem, from ²qalla.
ĭstaqalla, vb. X, 1 ↗¹qalla. — 2a to pick up, raise, lift (s.o.,; b to carry, transport, convey (s.o., Št-stem | ĭstaqalla bi-ḥaml, to assume a burden; ĭstaqalla bi-muhimmaẗ\wāǧib, to assume a task (or duty). – 3-6 ↗¹qullaẗ and ↗ĭstaqalla.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗ĭstiqlāl, ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
ĭstaqall‑ / ĭstaqlal‑ اِسْتَقَلّـ / اِسْتَقْلَلْـ (ĭstiqlāl
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
vb., X 
1a to find ( little, small, inconsiderable, insignificant, trifling; b to esteem lightly, undervalue, despise; c to make light (of), set little store (by), care little (for); — 2a to pick up, raise, lift (s.o.,; b to carry, transport, convey (s.o.,; 3 to board (, e.g., a ship, a carriage, or the like); 4 to rise; 5 to be independent; 6 to possess alone (bi‑ – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ [v1] : *Št-stem of ↗¹qalla ʻ(to be\become) little, small, rare, to decrease, diminish, (be\come) insignificant, or inferior’, based on Sem *QLL ‘light, little, fast’.
▪ [v2] : *Št-stem of ↗²qalla ‘to raise, lift, carry’ (of obscure etymology, perh. akin to, or even a phonetic development from, √QNː(QNN) ‘to be high’, cf. also ↗¹qullaẗ ‘peak, summit’, in itself perh. akin to ↗¹qimmaẗ). The meanings of G-stem and *Št-stem are almost identical in this case, with the *Št-stem prob. accentuating the causative (*Š-) and the self-referential (-t-) constituents (< *‘make rise for o.s.’).
▪ [v3]-[v6] : *Št-stem, perh. denom. from ↗¹qullaẗ ‘highest point, top’, thus expressing a basic *‘wish to reach the top\peak of, desire\effort to make o.s. look as if standing on the top, being exceptional, to separate o.s. and stand out, look singular’. – If the obsolete qull ʻsingular, lonely, alone’, mentioned by Wahrmund II 1887 (but not elsewhere) is reliable, it may belong here, but also to the complex of ↗ĭstaqalla in the sense of ʻto possess alone’.
[v7] : Historically, also the value ‘to take hold of, seize, come over s.o.’ is attested, e.g., ‘to take hold of s.o. (fear); to be(come) angry’ (ġaḍiba)’ – e.g., Bustānī1869. This value can perh. be interpreted as deriving from ↗¹qullaẗ ‘highest point, summit, top’ (fig. use, *ʻto seek to overwhelm, sit on top of, overcome s.o.’) or from ↗¹qill ‘tremor’ (unless the latter is a back-formation).
[v8] : Another historically attested value is ‘se rétablir et se lever (se dit d’un malade)’ (Kazimirski1860), from ↗qallaẗ ‘recovery, recuperation; restoration of prosperity’ (which is of uncertain origin). [v8] could also be a specialization of [v4] ‘to rise’.
▪ …
▪ [v1]: ‘to regard as few/little/insignificant)’ – Bustānī1869.
▪ [v2]: ‘to lift, carry | hisser sur ses épaules ou sur sa tête et porter (p.ex., une cruche); to raise, grow (plants) (ʔanāqa)’ – Kazimirski1860, Bustānī1869, Hava1899. – Earliest attestations: 538 ĭstaqalla bi-’l-šayʔ ʻto take upon o.s., bear, tolerate’ – a pre-Isl. poet, in ʔAmālī al-Qālī (استقل); 694 mustaqill ʻtaking up and carrying away’ – al-ʔAḫṭal (مستقل).
▪ [v3]: ‘to fly high (bird); (people) to start, begin a travel, go away (ʕan from, e.g., the tents) | partir, s’en aller’ – Kazimirski1860, Bustānī1869.
▪ [v4]: ‘to fly high, rise in its flight (bird)’ – Bustānī1869, Hava1899; cf. also ‘être haut, sublime, bien haut au-dessus de nos têtes (en parlant de la voûte des cieux, etc.); grandir (se dit des plantes); s’élever très-haut ( dans les airs, se dit d’un oiseau); (fig.) s’enorgueillir, s’élever au-dessus de ses semblables (se dit d’un homme fier)’ – Kazimirski1860.
▪ [v5]: ĭstaqalla ‘s’emparer exclusivement de qc (p.ex. du pouvoir), et de là, être souverain indépendant’ – Kazimirski1860. – ĭstaqalla bi-raʔyi-h ‘= ĭstabadda bi-h; (a wālī) to rule alone (tafarrada bi’l-wilāya), do not share power with anybody, not allow to participate (lam yušrik-hu fī-hā ġayru-h)’ – Bustānī1869. – mustaqill bi-ʔamri-h ʻindépendant (souverain)’ – Kazimirski1860. – OttTu ĭstiḳlāl ‘pouvoir absolu, indépendance, souveraineté; plein pouvoir; persévérance, intrépidité, vigueur | Machtvollkommenheit, unumschränkte Macht; Selbständigkeit, Unabhängigkeit; Unerschrockenheit, Entschlossenheit, Ausdauer, Beharrlichkeit, Kraft’; ~ bulmak ‘ parvenir à la souveraineté | zur Oberherrschaft, Alleinherrschaft gelangen’, ĭstiḳlālī ‘commissaire spécial, revêtu de pleins pouvoirs | Bevollmächtigter’, ĭstiḳlāliyya ‘indépendance | Unabhängigkeit’ – Zenker1866.
▪ [v6]: ĭstaqalla ‘s’emparer exclusivement de qc (p.ex. du pouvoir), ĭstaqalla bi-raʔyi-h ʻhe is alone in his opinion’ – Hava1899. – OttTu ĭstiḳlāl ‘action de s’emparer exclusivement de qc | das ausschliesslich haben, ungetheilt mit anderen’ – Zenker1866.
[v7]: ĭstaqallat-hu ’l-raʕdaẗ ‘to take hold of s.o. (fear) | saisir qn (se dit d’un tremblement); (intr.) être saisi d’un tremblement; se mettre en colère | to be angry’ (ġaḍiba)’ – Kazimirski1860, Bustānī1869. – First attested in 678 ĭstaqallat-hu ’l-raʕdaẗ ʻanger took hold of him, seized him’ – ʕĀʔišaẗ bt. ʔAbī Bakr, in Musnad ʔA. b. Ḥanbal –استقل ).
[v8]: ĭstaqalla ‘se rétablir et se lever (se dit d’un malade)’ – Kazimirski1860.
▪ …
▪ [v1]: ↗¹qalla.
▪ [v2]: ↗²qalla.
▪ [v3]-[v6]: ↗¹qullaẗ.
[v7]: ↗²qalla or ↗¹qill.
[v8]: ↗qallaẗ.
▪ …
▪ [v1] Bergsträsser1928: Sem *qll ‘light, little, fast’.
▪ [v2] LandbergZetterstein1942: ClassAr qalla ʻporter, soulever, supporter’, DaṯAr ʕUmAr ʻdresser, aufrecht stellen’ < √QNN ʻêtre haut’, avec n > l; DaṯAr ĭqtall ʻmonter en haut, se dresser’ = ClassAr ĭqtanna; DaṯAr qullaẗ ʻsommet’ = ClassAr qunnaẗ, cf. also qimmaẗ.
▪ …
ĭstaqalla bi-ḥaml, to assume a burden
ĭstaqalla bi-ṣanʕi-h, he alone made it, he was the only one who made it
ĭstaqalla bi-nafsi-h, to be entirely self-reliant, be left to one’s own devices; to be independent, manage without others, get along by oneself
ĭstaqalla bi-muhimmaẗ\wāǧib, to assume a task (or duty).

BP#1898ĭstiqlāl, n., independence: vn. X, from [v5]; see also s.v.
ĭstiqlālī, 1a adj., of or pertaining to independence, independence (used attributively); b n., proponent of independence: nisba formation, from ĭstiqlāl [v5].
BP#1479mustaqill, adj., independent; autonomous; separate, distinct, particular: PA X, from [v5] and [v6].

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
¹qill قِلّ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
tremor – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Etymology obscure. Any relation to any of the main values attached to the root √QLː (QLL), like *‘small, few, insignificant’ (↗¹qalla), *‘to lift, carry’ (↗²qalla), and *‘highest point, summit (↗¹qullaẗ), to rise, separate o.s., seek to stand out’ (↗ĭstaqalla)?
▪ In ClassAr, form X (↗ĭstaqalla) can, among others, also take the value ʻto become angry; to seize s.o. (fear)’, which seems to be based on ↗¹qullaẗ ʻhighest point, top’, expressing (fig.) usage in the sense of *ʻto seek to overwhelm, sit on top of, overcome s.o.’. So, perh., qill ʻtremor’ is a secondary development, a deverbal back-formation based on ĭstaqalla in the mentioned sense? A denom. derivation of form X ʻto become angry; to seize s.o. (fear)’ from qill ʻtremor’ would certainly reflect a more usual practice, but given that qill does not seem to have any cognates in Sem nor produced any derivations in Ar, a back-formation from ĭstaqalla is perh. not completely unconceivable.
▪ …
▪ If qill is a back-formation from ĭstaqalla, then the value is attested already very early (via the form X vb.): DHDA gives ĭstaqallat-hu ’l-raʕdaẗ ʻhe was taken by rage, rage came over him’ as the earliest attestation (678 CE) in this sense (allegedly in the words of ʕĀʔišaẗ bt. Abū Bakr as transmitted in A. b. Ḥanbal’s Musnad). For ClassAr cf. also Kazimirski1860: ʻ[…] 10 être saisi d’un tremblement; 11 se mettre en colère; 12 saisir qn (se dit d’un tremblement); […]’, and Bustānī1869: ‘to be angry’ (ġaḍiba); ‘to take hold of s.o. (fear)’. Wahrmund II 1887 has also qill, pl. qilal, ‘Zittern das Einen ergreift’; Lane (Suppl. 1893) adds (pass.) ŭstuqilla ġaḍaban ʻto become affected with a tremor\trembling by anger’. In addition, Lane Suppl. 1893 lists a form IV vb., ʔaqalla-hu ’l-ġaḍab ʻanger disquieted\flurried him’.
▪ …
▪ ? – See perh. ↗ĭstaqalla (< ↗¹qullaẗ?)
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
qallaẗ قَلّة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
1a recovery, recuperation; b restoration of prosperity – WehrCowan1976.
▪ Etymology obscure. Any relation to any of the main values attached to the root √QLː (QLL), like *‘small, few, insignificant’ (↗¹qalla), *‘to lift, carry’ (↗²qalla), and *‘top, summit, to rise, separate o.s., seek to stand out’ (↗¹qullaẗ, ↗ĭstaqalla)? Perhaps akin to ↗ĭstaqalla in the sense of ‘to rise’ (> * ‘to rise again, recover’?).
▪ …
▪ …
▪ ?
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qill, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, and ↗qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
¹qullaẗ قُلّة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
1a highest point; b top, summit; c apex; d vertex – WehrCowan1976.
▪ Etymology obscure. – LandbergZetterstein1942 suggested that it is a phonetic variant of/development from ↗qunnaẗ ‘mountaintop, summit, peak’, with n > l (cf. also ↗qimmaẗ, with m); see also ↗²qalla ʻto pick up, raise, lift, carry’ and ↗ĭstaqalla ʻto rise’, which may be based on ¹qullaẗ. – See also below, section DISC.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ ?
▪ Ḍinnāwī2004 gives also qilālaẗ as a synonym of ¹qullaẗ and claims that they be from Pers kullaẗ [should be: kalle] ‘head of, top’, which in turn is said to go back to an Akk kullutuwwu – untenable for phonological reasons.
▪ …
ĭstaqalla, vb. X, 1 ↗¹qalla. – 2 ↗²qalla. – 3 to board (, e.g., a ship, a carriage, or the like); 4 to rise; 5 to be independent; 6 to possess alone (bi‑ *Št-stem, denom. (?). | ĭstaqalla bi-ṣanʕi-h, expr., he alone made it, he was the only one who made it; ĭstaqalla bi-nafsi-h, expr., to be entirely self-reliant, be left to one’s own devices; to be independent, manage without others, get along by oneself.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
²qullaẗ قُلّة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
(cannon) ball – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Etymology obscure. Could be a foreign word; cf. perh. Engl cannon (< oFr canon < It cannone ʻlarge tube, barrel’, augmentative of Lat canna ʻreed, tube’; cf. ↗qanāẗ, ↗qānūn, ↗qinnīnaẗ).
▪ …
▪ …
▪ ?
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
³qullaẗ قُلّة , pl. qulal 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
jug, pitcher – WehrCowan1976.
▪ From Aram qwltā (Zimmern1914: qullətā), Syr qūltā ʻwine jar’ – Fraenkel1886.
▪ See also DISC below.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ Fraenkel1886: Aram qwltā (Zimmern1914: qullətā), Syr qūltā ʻwine jar’
▪ …
▪ Zimmern1914 suggests also: Akk gullatu, prob. kind of jar, > perh. Hbr gullā ʻoil jar’; cf. perh. also Aram qullətā ʻwine jar’ (> Ar qullaẗ), as well as perh. Lat culullus (Horace). – Cf., however, against an Akk origin, DRS #GLL-2: Akk gullat- ‘bassin, aiguière’, ? gull- un contenant, Ug gl ‘coupe, cuvette’, Hbr gullā ‘bassin, cuvette’, Ar ǧullaẗ ‘panier fait de feuilles de palmier’; Syr gūllīnā ‘tour de potier’.
▪ …
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
¹qilliyyaẗ قِلِّيّة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
Only in bi-qilliyyati-h, adv., completely, wholly, entirely – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Obscure semantics that can hardly be connected to any of the main values (*ʻlittle, small, light’ ↗¹qalla, *ʻto lift, carry’ ↗²qalla, *‘summit, peak; to be high, rise’ ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗ĭstaqalla) nor to that of the homonymous ↗²qilliyyaẗ ʻcell, closet; residence of a bishop’.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ ?
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
raḥalū bi-qilliyyati-him, expr., they set out all together or with bag and baggage.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
²qilliyyaẗ قِلِّيّة , var. qallāyaẗ ~ qillāyaẗ, pl. āt, qalālī 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
(Chr.) 1a monk’s cell; b closet; 2 residence of a bishop – WehrCowan1985. 
▪ Via Syr qellītā from Lat cella ʻsmall chamber, cell’ < IE *kel- ʻto cover, hide’ – Rolland2014.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ ?
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
qallāyaẗ al-ʔaqbāṭ, n.f., residence of the Coptic patriarch

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, and ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
ĭstiqlāl اِسْتِقْلال 
ID 701 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 1898 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√QLː (QLL) 
independence – WehrCowan1976. 
ĭstiqlāl is a vn. of the form X vb. ↗ĭstaqalla, *Št-stem of ↗²qalla. In modern usage, it is lexicalized with the meaning ‘independence’ (but continues to function also as gerund of ĭstaqalla which still displays a broader semantic spectrum, with derivations also from ↗¹qalla).
▪ The meaning ‘independence’ seems to have developed, ultimately, from an original *‘to wish to stand out, separate o.s.’ (↗ĭstaqalla, values [v3]-[v6]), perh. itself based on ↗¹qullaẗ ‘highest point, peak, summit’ or (if Wahrmund II 1887 is reliable) on a (now obsol.) adj. qull ‘lonely, alone, standing apart’. In the meaning ‘independence’, first attested around 1850, ĭstiqlāl is prob. a calque, rendering Fr indépendance. The term seems to have suggested itself as it had been used, in Ottoman administrative language, for the unlimited, unrestricted, sovereign power of a provincial gouvernor, military commanders, etc., almost synonymous to ↗ĭstibdād ‘absolute rule; (> despotism)’. Another attestation of the modern meaning is the Foreword of Ḫalīl al-Ḫūrī’s novel-cum-epistle, Way, ʔiḏan lastu bi-ʔIfranǧī! (first installments 1859), where the author-narrator pleads for an ĭstiqlāl ḏātī ‘independence of the self’, meaning first and foremost creative freedom and freedom of expression, but also an independent local/regional/‘national’ identity.
▪ …
538 (a pre-Islamic poet, in ʔAmālī al-Qālī) ĭstaqalla bi-’l-šayʔ ʻto take upon o.s., shoulder a burden, bear’ – DHDA.
678 (ʕĀʔišaẗ bt. ʔAbī Bakr, in Musnad ʔA. b. Ḥanbal) ĭstaqallat-hu ’l-raʕdaẗ ʻhe was overcome by anger, anger took hold of him’ – DHDA.
694 (al-ʔAḫṭal) mustaqill ʻtaking up and carrying it away’ – DHDA.
ClassAr (Kazimirski1860) ĭstaqalla ʻ[…]; 3 partir, s’en aller (se dit des hommes); 4 hisser sur ses épaules ou sur sa tête et porter (p.ex., une cruche); 5 être haut, sublime, bien haut au-dessus de nos têtes (en parlant de la voûte des cieux, etc.); 6 grandir (se dit des plantes); 7 s’élever très-haut ( dans les airs, se dit d’un oiseau); 8 s’enorgueillir, s’élever au-dessus de ses semblables (se dit d’un homme fier); 9 se rétablir et se lever (se dit d’un malade); 10 être saisi d’un tremblement; 11 se mettre en colère; 12 saisir qn (se dit d’un tremblement); 13 s’emparer exclusivement de qc (p.ex., du pouvoir), et de là, être souverain indépendant’; ĭstiqlāl 1 vn. X; 2 ʻindépendance, pouvoir indépendant d’un souverain’; mustaqill bi-ʔamri-h ʻindépendant (souverain)’.
1850 ‘sovereign independence’, specifically cited in a British consular dispatch of 1858 from Jerusalem – Lewis 1988.
1859 (Ḫ. al-Ḫūrī, foreword to Way, ʔiḏan lastu bi-ʔIfranǧī!): ĭstiqlāl ḏātī ‘independence of the self’.
1860s (Zenker1866) OttTu ĭstiḳlāl ‘action de s’emparer exclusivement de qc, pouvoir absolu, indépendance, souveraineté; plein pouvoir; persévérance, intrépidité, vigueur | das ausschliesslich haben, ungetheilt mit anderen, Machtvollkommenheit, unumschränkte Macht; Selbständigkeit, Unabhängigkeit, Unerschrockenheit, Entschlossenheit, Ausdauer, Beharrlichkeit, Kraft’; ĭstiḳlālī ‘commissaire spécial, revêtu de pleins pouvoirs | Bevollmächtigter’; ĭstiḳlāliyya ‘indépendance | Unabhängigkeit’. – (Bustānī1869) ĭstaqalla bi-raʔyi-hĭstabadda bi-h; ĭstaqalla (ruler, gouvernor, wālī) ‘tafarrada bi’l-wilāyaẗ (to rule alone), lam yušrik-hu fī-hā ġayru-h (nobody else sharing him power with him)’
1880s (Wahrmund II 1887) ĭstaqalla ‘[…]; unabhängig sein, für sich handeln (Gouverneur, s. mustaqill); […]’; mustaqill ‘frei für sich bestehend, selbstständig, besonder, unabhängig, frei verfügend, absolut gebietend, absolut; fest, ausdauernd; hoch (Himmel)’; mustaqillan ‘besonders, eigens, absolut’, mustaqillāt ‘Besonderheiten’; ĭstiqlāl ‘absolute Herrschaft od. Vollmacht’; ĭstiqlālī ‘mit Vollmacht bekleidet’
1890s (Lane Suppl. 1893) ĭstaqalla ʻto be independent, alone, absolute, with none to share or participate’; ~ bi-nafsi-h ‘dto.; to manage o.’s affairs alone, thoroughly, soundly, vigorously’; huwa lā yastaqillu bi-hāḏā ʻhe is not able to do this (by himself)’
▪ … 
▪ ↗ĭstaqalla, ↗¹qullaẗ.
▪ … 
ĭstiqlāl can hardly be connected to the meaning *‘small, little, light’ that is one of the main values attached to ↗QLː(QLL), appearing, among others, in one of the meanings of vb. X, ĭstaqalla, namely [v1] ‘to find ( little, small, inconsiderable, insignificant, trifling; to esteem lightly, undervalue, despise; to make light (of), set little store (by), care little (for)’. This value is based on ↗¹qalla. In contrast, the meaning ‘independence’ is prob. akin to other meanings of ĭstaqalla like [v2] ‘to pick up, raise, lift; to carry away; [v3] to board (a ship, or the like); [v4] to rise; [v6] to possess alone’. Prob. all of these have a basic *‘to be high, excel, (wish to) stand out, separate o.s.’ in common (in itself perh. based on ↗¹qullaẗ ‘highest point, peak, summit’). Earliest reflexes of the old basic idea of ‘separating o.s., acting alone, wishing to stand out’ can be found in the value ‘to set out, leave, start traveling’ of vb. X, ĭstaqalla (accord. to DHDA first attested around 517 CE) and in ĭstaqalla ‘to rise, be visible high up in the sky (stars, etc.)’ and the PA X mustaqill ‘elevated, high, sublime’, ascribed to Imruʔ al-Qays (DHDA: ca. 544 CE). However, it is only since, roughly, the 1850s that ĭstiqlāl appears in the modern sense of ‘sovereign independence’, as a loan translation (calque), rendering Fr indépendance. The reason why ĭstiqlāl was chosen to translate the Fr term goes probably back to Ottoman administrative usage, where the term was used to express the sovereign power and unlimited discretion of high Ottoman officials, esp. military commanders and province gouvernors (at the time, the meaning of ĭstiqlāl was nearly identical with that of ↗ĭstibdād, which would develop into an equivalent of ‘absolutism’, then also ‘despotism’). »By the late nineteenth century, the use of ĭstiqlāl in the sense of ‘political sovereignty’ or ‘independence’ was general in both Turkish and Arabic. Together with ‘freedom’, it came to express the ultimate objective of political struggle against oppressive rule in the period of European imperial domination, and the somewhat longer period of European intellectual influence« (Lewis 1988: 112). Alongside with the political meaning also a more general, personal meaning can already be sensed in Ḫalīl al-Ḫūrī’s foreword to his novel-cum-epistle, 1859 Way, ʔiḏan lastu bi-ʔIranǧī! (‘Woe, so I am not a European then!’, first installments 1859 in the author’s own Ḥadīqaẗ al-ʔaḫbār). In this foreword, al-Ḫūrī appeals to his readers to always remain aware of al-ĭstiqlāl al-ḏātī ‘the independence of the self’ and their freedom: »Nobody should allow another person to (ab)use him as an instrument to fulfil the other’s wishes or goals« (al-Ḫūrī 1860: 20-21 / ed. Dāġir 2009: 64).
▪ …
ĭstiqlālī, 1a adj., of or pertaining to independence, independence (used attributively); b n., proponent of independence: nisba formation, from ĭstiqlāl.
BP#1479mustaqill, adj., independent; autonomous; separate, distinct, particular: PA X.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹qalla, ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla, ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
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