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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionCHAPTER THREE. ON IMPERMANENCY
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionCHAPTER SIX. ON MOMENTARINESS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionCHAPTER EIGHT. ON MEAT-EATING
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionCHAPTER NINE. THE DHĀRANĪS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSAGĀTHAKAM
bodhyaṅgānāṃ kathaṃ kena bodhipakṣā bhavet kutaḥ |
marāś ca deśasaṃkṣobho bhavadṛṣṭiḥ kathaṃ bhavet || 2.26 || 
(20)何因説覺支 及與菩提分
(21)云何國土亂 云何作有見 
(b29)云何説覺支 何因菩提分
(519c1)何因國亂動 何因作有見 
(a23)云何菩提分 覺分從何起
(a24)云何國土亂 何故見諸有 
26. What are the elements of enlightenment? Whence are the constituents of enlightenment? Wherefore is a revolution, and the disturbance of a kingdom? And how does the realistic view of existence (bhavadṛṣṭi) take its rise? 
(12,1) ajātamaniruddhaṃ ca kathaṃ khapuṣpasaṃnibham |
kathaṃ ca budhyase lokaṃ kathaṃ brūṣe nirakṣaram || 2.27 || 
(22)云何不生滅 世如虚空華
(23)云何覺世間 云何説離字 
(c2)何因不生滅 何因如空花
(c3)何因覺世間 何因無字説 
(a25)云何知世法 云何離文字
(a26)云何如空花 不生亦不滅 
27. What is meant by the world being above birth and death? or being like the flower in the air? How do you understand it? Why do you regard it as being beyond words? 
nirvikalpā bhavet kena kathaṃ ca gaganopamāḥ |
tathatā bhavet katividhā cittaṃ pāramitāḥ kati || 2.28 || 
(24)離妄想者誰 云何虚空譬
(25)如實有幾種 幾波羅蜜心 
(c4)云何無分別 何因如虚空
(c5)眞如有幾種 何名心幾岸 
(a27)眞如有幾種 諸度心有幾
(a28)云何如虚空 云何離分別 
28. How is it not subject to discrimination? How is it like the sky? Of how many sorts is suchness? How manifold is the Mind? How many Paramitas are there? 
bhūmikramo bhavet kena nirābhāsagatiś ca kā |
(26*) nairātmyaṃ ca dvidhā kena kathaṃ jñeyaṃ viśudhyati || 2.29 || 
(26)何因度諸地 誰至無所受
(27)何等二無我 云何爾炎淨 
(c6)何因地次第 眞如無次第
(c7)何因二無我 何因境界淨 
(a29)云何地次第 云何得無影
(591b1)何者二無我 云何所知淨 
29. Whence is the gradation of the stages? What is the state of imagelessness? (26) Wherefore is the twofold egolessness? How is one cleansed of [the hindrance of] knowledge? 
jñānaṃ katividhaṃ nātha śīlaṃ sattvākarāṇi ca |
kena pravartitā gotrāḥ suvarṇamaṇimuktajāḥ || 2.30 || 
(28)諸智有幾種 幾戒衆生性
(29)誰生諸寶性 摩尼眞珠等 
(c8)幾種智幾戒 何因衆生生
(c9)誰作諸寶性 金摩尼珠等 
(b2)聖智有幾種 戒衆生亦然
(b3)摩尼等諸寶 斯並云何出 
30. Of how many kinds is knowledge (jñāna)? O Leader! How many moral precepts are there? and forms of being? Whence are the families born of gold and jewel and pearl? 
abhilāpo jānikaḥ kena vaicitrasattvabhāvayoḥ |
vidyāsthānakalāś caiva kathaṃ kena prakāśitam || 2.31 || 
(481a1)誰生諸語言 衆生種種性
(2)明處及伎術 誰之所顯示 
(c10)誰生於語言 衆生種種異
(c11)五明處伎術 誰能如是説 
(b4)誰起於語言 衆生及諸物
(b5)明處與伎術 誰之所顯示 
31. Of whom is speech born? Whence is the differentiation of beings? Whence are the sciences, offices, arts? and by whom are they made manifest? 
gāthā bhavet katividhā gadyaṃ padyaṃ bhavet katham |
kathaṃ yuktiḥ katividhā vyākhyānaṃ ca kathaṃvidham || 2.32 || 
(3)伽陀有幾種 長頌及短1頌
(4)成爲有幾種 云何名爲論 
(c12)伽陀有幾種 云何長短句
(c13)法復有幾種 解義復有幾 
(b6)伽他有幾種 長行句亦然
(b7)道理幾不同 解釋幾差別 
32. Of how many sorts are Gāthās? What is prose? What is metre? Of how many sorts is reasoning and exegesis? 
annapānaṃ ca vaicitryaṃ maithunaṃ jāyate katham |
rājā ca cakravartī ca maṇḍalī ca kathaṃ bhavet || 2.33 || 
(5)云何生飮食 及生諸愛欲
(6)云何名爲王 轉輪及小王 
(c14)何因飮食種 何因生愛欲
(c15)云何名爲王 轉輪及小王 
(b8)飮食是誰作 愛欲云何起
(b9)云何轉輪王 及以諸小王 
33. How many varieties of food and drink are there? Whence does sexual desire originate? Whence are there kings, sovereigns, and provincial rulers? 
rakṣyaṃ bhavet kathaṃ rājyaṃ devakāyāḥ kathaṃvidhāḥ |
bhūnakṣatragaṇāḥ kena somabhāskarayoḥ katham || 2.34 || 
(7)云何守護國 諸天有幾種
(8)云何名爲地 星宿及日月 
(c16)何因護國土 諸天有幾種
(c17)何因而有地 何因星日月 
(b10)云何王守護 天衆幾種別
(b11)地日月星宿 斯等並是何 
34. How does a king protect his dominion? Of how many groups are heavenly beings? Whence are the earth, stars, constellations, the moon, and the sun? 
vidyāsthānaṃ bhavet kiṃ ca mokṣo yogī katividhaḥ |
śiṣyo bhavet katividha ācāryaś ca bhavet katham || 2.35 || 
(9)解脱修行者 是各有幾種
(10)弟子有幾種 云何阿闍梨 
(c18)解脱有幾種 行者有幾種
(c19)弟子有幾種 阿闍梨幾種 
(b12)解脱有幾種 修行師復幾
(b13)云何阿闍梨 弟子幾差別 
35. How many kinds of emancipation are there? of the Yogins? How many kinds of discipleship? And how about the masters? 
buddho bhavet katividho jātakāś ca kathaṃvidhāḥ |
māro bhavet katividhaḥ pāṣaṇḍāś ca katividhāḥ || 2.36 || 
(11)佛復有幾種 復有幾種生
(12)魔及諸異學 彼各有幾種 
(c20)如來有幾種 本生有幾種
(c21)摩羅有幾種 異學有幾種 
(b14)如來有幾種 本生事亦然
(b15)衆魔及異學 如是各有幾 
36. How many kinds of Buddhahood are there? And how many of the Jataka Tales? How numerous are the evil ones? How numerous are the heretics? 
svabhāvas te katividhaś cittaṃ katividhaṃ bhavet |
prajñaptimātraṃ ca kathaṃ brūhi me vadatāṃ vara || 2.37 || 
(13)自性及與心 彼復各幾種
(14)云何施設量 唯願最勝説 
(c22)自性有幾種 心復有幾種
(c23)云何施假名 世尊爲我説 
(b16)自性幾種異 心有幾種別
(b17)云何唯假設 願佛爲開演 
37. What is meant by [the doctrine] that there is nothing but thought-construction? Pray tell me, thou Most Eloquent One? 
(27*) ghanāḥ khe pavanaṃ kena smṛtirmegho kathaṃ bhavet |
taruvallyaḥ kathaṃ kena brūhi me tribhaveśvara || 2.38 || 
(15)云何空風雲 云何念聰明
(16)云何爲林樹 云何爲蔓草 
(c24)何因有風雲 何因有黠慧
(c25)何因有樹林 世尊爲我説 
(b18)云何爲風雲 念智何因有
(b19)藤樹等行列 此並誰能作 
(27) 38. Whence are the clouds in the sky? the wind? What is meant by recollection? by wisdom (medha)? Whence are trees and vines? Pray tell me, Lord of the Triple World? 
hayā gajā mṛgāḥ kena grahaṇaṃ yānti bāliśāḥ |
uhoḍimā narāḥ kena brūhi me cittasārathe || 2.39 || 
(17)云何象馬鹿 云何而捕取
(18)云何爲卑陋 何因而卑陋 
(c26)何因象馬鹿 何因人捕取
(c27)何因爲矬陋 世尊爲我説 
(b20)云何象馬獸 何因而捕取
(b21)云何卑陋人 此並誰能作 
39. How do horses, elephants, and deer get caught? Wherefore are there fools and despicable people? Pray tell me, thou Charioteer of the Mind? 
ṣaḍṛtugrahaṇaṃ kena katham icchantiko bhavet |
strīpuṃnapuṃsakānāṃ ca kathaṃ janma vadāhi me || 2.40 || 
(19)云何六2師攝 云何一闡提
(20)男女及不男 斯皆云何生 
(c28)何因爲六時 何因成闡提
(c29)男女及不男 爲我説其生 
(b22)云何六時攝 云何一闡提
(b23)女男及不男 此並云何生 
40. Wherefore are the six seasons mentioned? What is meant by the Icchantika [one who is without Buddha-nature]? Pray tell me whence is the birth of a man? of a woman? of a hermaphrodite? 
kathaṃ vyāvartate yogāt kathaṃ yogaḥ pravartate |
kathaṃ caivaṃvidhā yoge narāḥ sthāpyā vadāhi me || 2.41 || 
(21)云何修行退 云何修行生
(22)禪師以何法 建立何等人 
(520a1)何因修行退 何因修行進
(a2)教何等人修 令住何等法 
(b24)云何修行進 云何修行退
(b25)瑜伽師有幾 令人住其中 
41. How does one retrograde in the Yoga exercises? How does one make progress in them? How many exercises are there? and how are men kept abiding in them? Pray tell me. 
(13,1) gatyāgatānāṃ sattvānāṃ kiṃ liṅgaṃ kiṃ ca lakṣaṇam |
dhaneśvaro kathaṃ kena brūhi me gaganopama || 2.42 || 
(23)衆生生諸趣 何相何像類
(24)云何爲財富 何因致財富 
(a3)諸衆生去來 何因何像類
(a4)何因致財富 世尊爲我説 
(b26)衆生生諸趣 何形何色相
(b27)富饒大自在 此復何因得 
42. Beings are born in the various paths of existence, what are their specific marks and forms? How is abundance of wealth acquired? Pray tell me, thou who art like the sky? 
śākyavaṃśaḥ kathaṃ kena katham ikṣvākusaṃbhavaḥ |
ṛṣir dīrghapatāḥ kena kathaṃ tena prabhāvitam || 2.43 || 
(25)云何爲釋種 何因有釋種
(26)云何3甘蔗種 無上尊願説
(27)云何長苦仙 彼云何教授 
(a5)云何爲釋種 何因有釋種
(a6)何因甘蔗種 何因長壽仙
(a7)長壽仙何親 云何彼教授
(a8)世尊如虚空 爲我分別説 
(b28)云何釋迦種 云何甘蔗種
(b29)仙人長苦行 是誰之教 
43. Whence is the Sakya family? And the one born of Ikshvaku? Whence is the Rishi Long-Penance? What is taught by him? 
tvam eva kasmāt sarvatra sarvakṣetreṣu dṛśyase |
nāmaiś citrais tathārūpair jinaputraiḥ parīvṛtaḥ || 2.44 || 
(28)如來云何於 一切時刹現
(29)種種名色類 最勝子圍遶 
(a9)何因佛世尊 一切時刹現
(a10)種種名色類 佛子衆圍遶 
(591c1)何因佛世尊 一切刹中現
(c2)異名諸色類 佛子衆圍遶 
44. How is it that thou art thus apparent everywhere in every land, surrounded by such Bodhisattvas of such various names and forms? 
abhakṣyaṃ hi kathaṃ māṃsaṃ kathaṃ māṃsaṃ niṣidhyate |
kravyād agotrasaṃbhūtā māsaṃ bhakṣyanti kena vai || 2.45 || 
(481b1)云何不食肉 云何制斷肉
(2)食肉諸種類 何因故食肉 
(a11)何因不食肉 云何制斷肉
(a12)食肉諸種類 何因故食肉 
(c3)何因不食肉 何因令斷肉
(c4)食肉諸衆生 以何因故食 
45. Why is meat not to be eaten? Why is it forbidden? Whence was the carnivorous race born, who eats meat? 
somabhāskarasaṃsthānā merupadmopamāḥ katham |
śrīvatsasiṃhasaṃsthānāḥ kṣetrāḥ kena vadāhi me || 2.46 || 
(3)云何日月形 須彌及蓮華
(4)師子勝相刹 側住覆世界 
(a13)何因日月形 須彌及蓮花
(a14)師子形勝相 國土爲我説 
(c5)何故諸國土 猶如日月形
(c6)須彌及蓮花 卍字師子像 
46. Why are the lands shaped like the moon, the sun, the Sumeru, the lotus, the swatika, and the lion? Pray tell me. 
(28*) vyatyastā adhamūrdhāś ca indrajālopamāḥ katham |
sarvaratnamayā kṣetrāḥ kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.47 || 
(5)如因陀羅網 或悉諸珍寶 
(a15)亂側覆世界 如因陀羅網
(a16)一切寶國土 何因爲我説 
(c7)何故諸國土 如因陀羅網
(c8)覆住或側住 一切寶所成 
(28) 47. Wherefore are the lands shaped like a capsized and upturned net of Indra which is composed of all sorts of jewels? Pray tell me why? 
vīṇāpaṇavasaṃsthānā nānāpuṣpaphalopamāḥ |
ādityacandravirajāḥ kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.48 || 
(6)箜篌細腰鼓 状種種諸華
(7)或離日月光 如是等無量 
(a17)如箜篌琵琶 鼓種種花形
(a18)離日月光土 何因爲我説 
(c9)何故諸國土 無垢日月光
(c10)或如花果形 箜篌細腰鼓 
48. Wherefore are [the lands] shaped in the form of a lute or a drum? Like various flowers and fruits? Like the sun and the moon which are so stainless? Pray tell me. 
kena nirmāṇikā buddhāḥ kena buddhā vipākajāḥ |
tathatā jñānabuddhā vai kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.49 || 
(8)云何爲化佛 云何報生佛
(9)云何如如佛 云何智慧佛 
(a19)何等爲化佛 何等爲報佛
(a20)何等如智佛 何因爲我説 
(c11)云何變化佛 云何爲報佛
(c12)眞如智慧佛 願皆爲我説 
49. Whence are the Buddhas of Transformation? Whence are the Buddhas of Maturity [or Recompense]? Whence are the Buddhas who are endowed with transcendental knowledge of suchness? Pray tell me. 
kāmadhātau kathaṃ kena na vibuddho vadāhi me |
akaniṣṭhe kimarthaṃ tu vītarāgeṣu budhyase || 2.50 || 
(10)云何於欲界 不成等正覺
(11)何故色究竟 離欲得菩提 
(a21)云何於欲界 不成等正覺
(a22)云何色究竟 離欲中得道 
(c13)云何於欲界 不成等正覺
(c14)何故色究竟 離染得菩提 
50. Why does not one attain enlightenment in the world of desire? Pray tell me. What is the meaning of your being enlightened in the Akaniṣṭha by shaking off all the passions? 
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