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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPraśna 6
atha hainaṃ sauryāyaṇī gārgyaḥ papraccha |  bhagavann  etasmin puruṣe kāni svapanti | kāny asmiñ jāgrati |  katara eṣa devaḥ svapnān paśyati |  kasyaitat sukhaṃ bhavati |  kasmin nu sarve saṃpratiṣṭhitā bhavantīti || 
بعد از آن سورجاينى ركهيشر از پپلا پرسيد كه  اى سزاوار تعظيم  دار اين شخص كه ها خواب ميكنند و كه ها بيدار اند  وكدام بزگ است كه خواب ميبيند  و خو شحالى است كرا ميشود  و محل حمه كدام است 
Post ab illo (posteà) Sour djabli rek’heschir à Pilad petiit, quòd:  ô digne veneratione!  in hac personâ venæ somnum faciunt, et venæ evigilatæ sunt:  et quisnam magnus est, qui somnium videt;  et lætus status cuinam fit;  et locus omnis (omnium horum quisnam est? 
1. Then Sauryayanin Gargya asked:  ‘Sir,  What are they that sleep in this man, and what are they that are awake in him?  What power (deva) is it that sees dreams?  Whose is the happiness?  On what do all these depend?’ 
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