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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
Then, by the power of the Lord, the Venerable Śāriputra rose from [his seat in] the pavilion, stood in the space, placed his knees upon the ground (jānumaṇḍala), saluted the Lord with his hands put together, and addressed himself to the Lord. (atha khalu buddhānubhāvenāyuṣmāñ śāriputra utthāya kūṭāgārād gagane sthitvā jānumaṇḍalaṃ pṛthivyāṃ pratiṣṭhāpya yena bhagavāṃs tenāñjaliṃ praṇamya bhagavantam etad avocat)  "Except these pavilions found in space, O Lord, all of the great three-thousands of worlds have changed into space, becoming the essence of empty space (ākāśasvabhāva) - what does this auspicious sign (pūrvanimitta) portend?"  The Lord said: "Do you see, Śāriputra, these pavilions?" Śāriputra said: "O Lord, I see them." (bhagavān āyuṣmantaṃ śāriputram āmantrayate sma paśyasi tvaṃ śāriputra imān kūṭāgārān | āha paśyāmi bhagavan)  The Lord said: “Is it possible to know the limit of the praise (praśaṃsā) of these pavilions?” Śāriputra said: “I cannot understand, O Lord, the limit of the praise of these pavilions until the end of my life.”  The Lord said: “Śāriputra, just as this whole assembly, having gone to open space, appear to enter into the well-adorned pavilion, in the same way they enter into the pavilion in the Mahāvyūha universe.”  Śāriputra said, “O Lord, where is the splendor of Mahāvyūha universe (prabhamahāvyūhalokadhātu)?” The Lord said, “There is, Śāriputra, the universe named Mahāvyūha where it is located in the eastern direction (pūrvasyān diśi), beyond eight buddha-fields (aṣṭa buddhakṣetrāṇi) which are filled with dustlike (paramāṇurajas) numerous buddha-fields. There the tathāgata named Ekaratnavyūha resides, lives, and teaches religion (tatraikaratnavyūha nāma tathāgato tiṣṭhati dhriyate yāpayati dharmaṃ deśayati).  O Śāriputra, except for the jewel that is the thought of awakwning (bodhicitta), any other jewels do not appear in the Mahāvyūha universe.  That is why he is called the tathāgata Ekaratnavyūha. (tenocyate tathāgata ekaratnavyūha iti)  When the Tathāgata on the lion’s throne (siṃhāsana) taught religion to those bodhisatvas, he was elevated into the vault of the sky as high as eighty tāla koṭis. So did the bodhisatvas in the Mahāvhūya pavilion. 
爾時舍利弗承佛威神從寶臺起更整衣服。偏袒右肩右膝著地。合掌向佛而白佛言。  世尊。是何瑞相有如是等生勝喜悦現大神變。世尊。此諸大衆皆生疑惑。願如來説何因何縁。現此未曾有事。        爾時佛告舍利弗。東方去此過八佛世界微塵數等佛土。有世界名大莊嚴。彼國有佛號一寶莊嚴如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊。今現在説法。  以何因縁世界名大莊嚴。若廣説彼世界莊嚴事者一劫不盡。是故彼土名大莊嚴。何因縁故。彼佛名爲一寶莊嚴。  舍利弗。彼如來因一寶説法。所謂無上大乘之寶。  是故彼佛名一寶莊嚴。  彼佛與諸菩薩衆各昇師子座。踊在空中高八十億多摩樹。 
爾時舍利子承佛威神。從寶樓閣起住虚空。整理衣服偏袒右肩。跪合掌而白佛言。  世尊是何因縁先現此瑞。於此三千大千世界所有色像。悉皆隱蔽如大虚空。唯有如是所居 衆寶莊嚴樓閣自然顯現。  佛告舍利子汝今見此寶樓閣不。答言已見。  佛言舍利子汝能讃歎此寶樓閣功徳盡不。舍利子言盡我壽量不能稱讃眞實功徳。  如是舍利子有世界名大莊嚴。彼中所有妙寶樓閣一切衆會皆住虚空。今此樓閣如彼所現。  舍利子白佛言。世尊彼大莊嚴世界今在何許。佛告舍利子。東方過此八佛世界微塵數佛土。有世界名大莊嚴。佛號一寶莊嚴如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊。今現在説法。  舍利子以何因縁名大莊嚴。彼世界中所有莊嚴殊勝之事。若我住世以一劫壽説不能盡。是故名之爲大莊嚴。  復以何縁名爲一寶莊嚴。彼佛常説唯以大菩提心而爲其寶。  是故名爲一寶莊嚴。  彼佛説法與諸菩薩昇師子座及寶樓閣。踊在虚空高八十倶胝多羅樹。 
de nas bcom ldan ’das kyi mthus gnas brtan śā ri’i bu khaṅ pa brtsegs pa de nas laṅs nas nam (5) mkha’ la ’dug ste | pus mo gyas pa’i lha ṅa sa la btud nas | bcom ldan ’das ga la ba de logs su thal mo sbyar ba btud de bcom ldan ’das la ’di skad ces gsol to ||  bcom ldan ’das nam mkha’ la mchis pa’i khaṅ pa brtsegs pa ’di ma lags pa (6) gźan stoṅ gsum gyi stoṅ chen po’i ’jig rten gyi khams thams cad nam mkhar gyur ciṅ nam mkha’i raṅ bźin can du gda’ ba ’di su’i sṅa ltas lags ||  bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | śā ri’i bu khyod kyis khaṅ pa brtsegs pa ’di mthoṅ ṅam | gsol pa | (7) bcom ldan ’das mthoṅ lags so ||  bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | śā ri’i bu khyod kyis khaṅ pa brtsegs pa ’di dag gi bsṅags pa yoṅs su brjod pa’i mtha’ śes par nus sam | gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das bdag gi tshe’i tshad bas par gyur kyaṅ khaṅ (245a1) ba brtsegs pa ’di dag gis bsṅags pa’i mtha’ rtogs par mi nus so ||  bka’ stsal pa | śā ri’i bu ji ltar ’khor ’di dag thams cad nam mkha’ la soṅ źiṅ khaṅ pa brtsegs pa bkod pa chen por źugs par snaṅ ba bźin du bkod pa chen po’i ’jig rten gyi (2) khams kyi khaṅ pa brtsegs pa de yaṅ ’di ’dra’o ||  gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das ’od bkod pa chen pa’i ’jig rten gyi khams de gaṅ gi phyogs na mchis | bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | śā ri’i bu de ni ’di nas śar phyogs su saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ brgyad kyi rdul phra rab (3) kyi rdul gyis yoṅs su gaṅ ba sñed kyi saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ rnams ’das pa na bkod pa chen po źes bya ba’i ’jig rten gyi khams na | de bźin gśegs pa rin po che bkod pa gcig pa źes bya ba daṅ lta na bźugs te | ’tsho źiṅ ga źes la chos kyaṅ ston to ||    śā ri’i bu bkod pa (4) chen po’i ’jig rten gyi khams de na | byaṅ chub kyi sems rin po che las rin po che gźan mi ’byuṅ ṅo ||  de bas na de bźin gśegs pa de rin po che bkod pa gcig pa źes bya’o ||  de bźin gśegs pa de yaṅ | nam byaṅ chub sems dpa’ de dag la chos ’chad pa de na | seṅ (5) ge’i khri daṅ bcas te | ta la bye ba phrag brgyad cu srid kyi nam mkha’i dkyil du mṅon par ’phag go || byaṅ chub sems dpa’ de dag kyaṅ khaṅ pa brtsegs pa bkod pa chen po der || 
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