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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 6
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 7
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 8
madguṣṭe pādaṃ vakteti |
sa ha śvo bhūte gā abhiprasthāpayāṃ cakāra |
tā yatrābhisāyaṃ babhūvus tatrāgnim upasamādhāya gā uparudhya samidham ādhāya paścād agneḥ prāṅ upopaviveśa || 
'A diver-bird (Madgu, meant for Prana) will declare to you another foot of Brahman.' (After these words of the Hamsa), Satyakima, on the morrow, drove the cows onward. And when they came towards the evening, he lighted a fire, penned the cows, laid wood on the fire, and sat down behind the fire, looking toward the east. 
haṃso ’pi madguṣṭe pādaṃ vaktetyupararāma | madgurudakacaraḥ pakṣī sa cāpsambandhātprāṇaḥ sa ha śvobhūta ityādi pūrvavat || 1 || 
taṃ madgur upanipatyābhyuvāda satyakāma 3 iti |
bhagava iti ha pratiśuśrāva || 
2. Then a diver flew near and said to him: 'Satyakima.' He replied: 'Sir.' 
brahmaṇaḥ somya te pādaṃ bravāṇīti |
bravītu me bhagavān iti |
tasmai hovāca |
prāṇaḥ kalā |
cakṣuḥ kalā |
śrotraṃ kalā |
manaḥ kalā |
eṣa vai somya catuṣkalaḥ pādo brahmaṇa āyatanavān nāma || 
3. The diver said: 'Friend, I will declare unto you one foot of Brahman.'
'Declare it, Sir,' he replied.
He said to him: 'Breath is one quarter, the eye is one quarter, the ear is one quarter, the mind is one quarter. This is a foot of Brahman, consisting of four quarters, and called Ayatanavat (having a home).
'He who knows this and meditates on the foot ,of Brahman, consisting of four quarters, by the name of Ayatanavat, becomes possessed of a home in this world. He conquers the worlds which offer a home, whoever knows this and meditates on the foot of Brahman, consisting of four quarters, by the name of Ayatanavat.' 
sa ca madguḥ prāṇaḥ svaviṣayameva ca darśanamuvāca prāṇaḥ kaletyādi, āyatanavānityevaṃ nāma | āyatanaṃ nāma manaḥ sarvakaraṇopahṛtānāṃ bhogānāṃ tadyasminpāde vidyata ityāyatanavānnāma pādaḥ || 2-3 || 
sa ya etam evaṃ vidvāṃś catuṣkalaṃ pādaṃ brahmaṇa āyatanavān ity upāsta āyatanavān asmiṃl loke bhavati |
āyatanavato ha lokāñ jayati ya etam evaṃ vidvāṃś catuṣkalaṃ pādaṃ brahmaṇa āyatanavān ity upāste || 
Thus he reached the house of his teacher. The teacher said to him : 'Satyakama.' He replied: 'Sir.' 
taṃ pādaṃ tathaivopāste yaḥ sa āyatanavānāśrayavānasmiṃlloke bhavati | tathā’yatanavata eva sāvakāśāṃllokānmṛto jayati | ya etamevamityādi pūrvavat || 4 || iti cchāndogyopaniṣadi caturthādhyāyasyāṣṭamaḥ khaṇḍaḥ 
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