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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 6
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 7
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 8
sa yadi pitṛlokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsya pitaraḥ samuttiṣṭhanti |
tena pitṛlokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
'Thus he who desires the world of the fathers, by his mere will the fathers come to receive him, and having obtained the world of the fathers, he is happy. 
kathaṃ sarveṣu lokeṣu kāmacāro bhavatīti, ucyate-ya ātmānaṃ yatoktalakṣaṇaṃ hṛdi sākṣātkṛtavānvakṣyamāṇabrahmacaryādisādhanasaṃpannaḥ saṃstatsthāṃśca satyānkāmānsa tyaktadeho yadi pitṛlokakāmaḥ pitaro janayitārasta eva sukhahetutvena bhogyatvāllokā ucyante teṣu kāmo yasya taiḥ pitṛbhiḥ saṃbandhecchā yasya bhavati tasya saṃkalpamātrādeva pitaraḥ samuttiṣṭhintyātmasaṃbandhitāmāpadyante | viśuddhasattvatayā satyasaṃkalpatvādīśvarasyeva tena pitṛlokena bhogena saṃpannaḥ saṃpattiriṣṭaprāptistayā samṛddho mahīyate pūjyate vardhate vā mahimānamanubhavati || 1 || 
atha yadi mātṛlokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsya mātaraḥ samuttiṣṭhanti |
tena mātṛlokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
2. 'And he who desires the world of the mothers, by his mere will the mothers come to receive him, and having obtained the world of the mothers, he is happy. 
atha yadi bhrātṛlokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsya bhrātaraḥ samuttiṣṭhanti |
tena bhrātṛlokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
3. 'And he who desires the world of the brothers, by his mere will the brothers come to receive him, and having obtained the world of the brothers, he is happy. 
atha yadi svasṛlokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsya svasāraḥ samuttiṣṭhanti |
tena svasṛlokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
4. 'And he who desires the world of the sisters, by his mere will the sisters come to receive him, and having obtained the world of the sisters, he is happy. 
atha yadi sakhilokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsya sakhāyaḥ samuttiṣṭhanti |
tena sakhilokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
5. 'And he who desires the world of the friends, by his mere will the friends come to receive him, and having obtained the world of the friends, he is happy. 
atha yadi gandhamālyalokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsya gandhamālye samuttiṣṭhataḥ |
tena gandhamālyalokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
6. 'And he who desires the world of perfumes and garlands (gandhamalya), by his mere will perfumes and garlands come to him, and having obtained the world of perfumes and garlands, he is happy. 
atha yady annapānalokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsyānnapāne samuttiṣṭhataḥ |
tenānnapānalokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
7. 'And he who desires the world of food and drink, by his mere will food and drink come to him, and having obtained the world of food and drink, he is happy. 
atha yadi gītavāditalokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsya gītavādite samuttiṣṭhataḥ |
tena gītavāditalokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
8. 'And he who desires the world of song and music, by his mere will song and music come to him, and having obtained the world of song and music, he is happy. 
atha yadi strīlokakāmo bhavati |
saṃkalpād evāsya striyaḥ samuttiṣṭhanti |
tena strīlokena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
9. 'And he who desires the world of women, by his mere will women come to receive him, and having obtained the world of women, he is happy. 
samānamanyat | mātaro janayitryo ’tītāḥ sukhahetubhūtāḥ sāmardhyāt | na hi duḥkhahetubhūtāsu grāmasūkarādijanmanimittāsu mātṛṣu viśuddhasattvasya yogina icchā tatsaṃbandho vā yuktaḥ || 2-9 || 
yaṃ yam antam abhikāmo bhavati |
yaṃ kāmaṃ kāmayate |
so ’sya saṃkalpād eva samuttiṣṭhati |
tena saṃpanno mahīyate || 
10. 'Whatever object he is attached to, whatever object he desires, by his mere will it comes to him, and having obtained it, he is happy. 
yaṃ yanamtaṃ pradeśamabhikāmo bhavati | yaṃ ca kāmaṃ kāmayate yathoktavyatirekeṇāpi so ’syāntaḥ prāptumiṣṭaḥ kāmaśca saṃkalpādeva samuttiṣṭhatyasya | tenecchāvighātatayābhipretārthaprāptyā ca saṃpanno mahīyata ityuktārtham || 10 || iti cchāndogyopaniṣadi aṣṭamādhyāyasya dvitīyaḥ khaṇḍaḥ 
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