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ṬBʕ طبع 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ṬBʕ_1 ‘seal, stamp; to (leave an) imprint, impress’ ↗ṭābaʕ

Other values, now obsolete:
  • ṬBʕ_2 ‘(to be) dirty, rusted’: ṭabiʕa (a, ṭabaʕ); cf. also II ṭabbaʕa ‘to stain, soil’, ṭabaʕ (pl. ʔaṭbāʕ) ‘rust, dirtiness’, ṭabiʕ ‘dirty, rusty; vicious’, ʔaṭbaʕᵘ ‘filthy, greasy’ – Hava1899

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘1 to slap the back of the neck with the whole palm; 2 to impress shapes in the mud, fashion articles out of mud or iron, etc.; 3 to seal’ 
▪ The primary meaning of the root ṬBʕ in Sem is ‘to sink’ (DRS #ṬBʕ-1), whence the obsol. value ṬBʕ_2 ‘(to be) dirty, rusted’. DRS holds this value apart from #ṬBʕ-2 (≙ ṬBʕ_1) ‘to (leave an) imprint, seal, mould’, although it is not clear why this should not be a development from the former. There are, however, also theories tracing TBʕ_1 back, either directly or indirectly, to Eg ḏbʕ.t ‘signet ring, seal’.
▪ Irrespective of these theories, all MSA values seem to be based exclusively on ṭābaʕ
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬBʕ-1 Akk ṭebū, Hbr ṭābaʕ, Aram ṭᵉbaʕ ‘s’enfoncer dans’, MġrAr ṭabbaʕ ‘avancer, pousser, bourrer’, ? Ar ṭabiʕa ‘être sale’, ṭabiʕ ‘crasseux’, MġrAr ṭabʕa ‘boue’. ? Gz Gur ṭäba, ṭäwä ‘boue’, ṭäbañäd, äṭäbiyä, ṭäwamä ‘sale’; ?Har č̣ibā ‘boue’. -2 Syr ṭebaʕ, Ar ṭabaʕa ‘faire une empreinte, imprimer; forger, fabriquer’ Phoen ṭbʕ ‘monnayage’, Hbr ṭabbaʕat, Syr ṭabʕā, Ar ṭabʕ, ṭābaʕ, ṭābiʕ ‘cachet, empreinte; forme, façon, moule’, ṭabbāʕat ‘bague à cachet, anneau’, ṭabʕ ‘naturel, caractère’, ṭabīʕat ‘caractère, habitude, coutume’; Soq ṭabeḥ ‘marque au fer rouge’; Mhr ṭāba, Jib ṭobʕ ‘manières’, Gz ṭabāyəʕ, Te ṭäbiʕat, Har ṭabīʕa, Tña Amh ṭäbay ‘nature, essence’. -3 ṭəbʕot ‘brique’. -4 Mhr ṭawba, Jib ṭēʕ ‘boire à la source, boire trop’. -5 Gz ṭabʕa ‘être prêt, résolu, déterminé, dur’, Te ṭäbʕa ‘être fier’, Gur ṭäwe ‘cruel’. -6?Te ṭəbäʕ ‘multicolore, bigarré’. 
▪ ṬBʕ_1: Huehnergard2011 reconstructs Sem ṬBʕ ‘to sink’.
▪ ṬBʕ_2: Pennacchio2014 reports that, according to Fraenkel, Ar ṭābaʕ ‘signet-ring, seal’ is from Syr ṭabʕā. There is also an Akk ṭimbuʔ(t)u ‘signet-ring’, showing -m- before -b-, and the corresponding Hbr ṭabbaʕaṯ has -bb-, which may or may not be from *-mb-. Ellenbogen, however, thinks that both the Akk and Hbr forms are from Eg ḏbʕ(.t) ‘signet ring, seal’1 (Copt təbbe; cf. also Eg ḏbʕ, Copt tōōbe ‘to seal’), and F. Bron assumes that the Ar word is directly from there. The Eg word itself seems to be taken from Eg ḏbʕ (Copt tēēbe) ‘finger’ (the signet-ring being worn on the finger), which is akin to Ar ↗ʔiṣbaʕ ‘finger’. Therefore, if Ar ṭābaʕ really goes back to Eg ḏbʕ(.t) ‘signet ring, seal’, then it is also related, though indirectly, to ʔiṣbaʕ
▪ Huehnergard2011: Engl tevet is not from Ar, but from Hbr ṭēbēt, a month name, from Akk tebētu, name of a month corresponding to parts of December and January, perhaps akin to ṭebū ‘to sink’. 
ṭābaʕ طابَع , var. ṭābiʕ , pl. ṭawābiʕᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 2133 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 seal, signet; 2 stamp; 3 imprint, print, impress, impression; 4 (postage, etc.) stamp; 5 tablet, pill – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ All values attached to the root ṬBʕ in MSA seem to be derived from ṭābaʕ , which with all likelihood is a foreign word.
▪ Fraenkel traced Ar ṭābaʕ back to Syr ṭabbəʕâ ‘seal’, from the Sem root ṬBʕ ‘to sink’. But there are also theories that find the origin of both in Eg ḏbʕ.t ‘signet ring, seal’. 
▪ eC7 (to seal, seal up) Q 7:100 wa-naṭbaʕu ʕalà qulūbi-him fa-hum lā yasmaʕūn ‘and We seal up their hearts so tht they do not hear’ 
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬBʕ-2: Syr ṭebaʕ, Ar ṭabaʕa ‘faire une empreinte, imprimer; forger, fabriquer’ Phoen ṭbʕ ‘monnayage’, Hbr ṭabbaʕat, Syr ṭabʕā, Ar ṭabʕ, ṭābaʕ, ṭābiʕ ‘cachet, empreinte; forme, façon, moule’, ṭabbāʕat ‘bague à cachet, anneau’, ṭabʕ ‘naturel, caractère’, ṭabīʕat ‘caractère, habitude, coutume’; Soq ṭabeḥ ‘marque au fer rouge’; Mhr ṭāba, Jib ṭobʕ ‘manières’, Gz ṭabāyəʕ, Te ṭäbiʕat, Har ṭabīʕa, Tña Amh ṭäbay ‘nature, essence’. 
▪ Jeffery1938: ṭabaʕa ‘to seal’ is »[o]nly found in late Meccan and Madinan passages, and always in the technical religious sense of God ‘sealing up the hearts’ of unbelievers. / The primitive meaning of the Sem root seems to be ‘to sink in’, cf. Akk ṭēbū ‘to sink in’, ṭabbīʔu ‘diver’, Hbr ṭbʕ, Aram ṭbaʕ, Syr ṭbaʕ ‘to sink’, Eth [Gz] ṭaməʕa ‘to dip, to immerse’.2 From this came the more technical use for a die, e.g. Phoen ṭbʕ ‘coin’,3 Akk ṭimbuʔu ‘signet-ring’, Hbr ṭabbaʕat ‘signet’, Syr ṭabbəʕâ ‘seal’ (Grk sphragís) and ‘coin’ (Grk nómisma). / Fraenkel, Fremdw, 193, pointed out that in this sense of sealing the Ar vb. is denominative from ṭābaʕ which is derived from the Syr ṭabbəʕâ.4 We actually find ṭbʕ used in the sense of ‘obstupefecit’ in Eph.Syr, ed. Overbeck, 95, 1 […], and [Aram] ṭbʕ occurs in the incantation texts (Montgomery, Aramaic Incantation Texts, Glossary, p. 105).«
▪ Pennacchio2014 reports that, according to Fraenkel, Ar ṭābaʕ ‘signet-ring, seal’ is from Syr ṬBʕā. There is however also an Akk ṭimbuʔ(t)u ‘signet-ring’, showing -m- before b , and the corresponding Hbr ṭabbaʕaṯ has -bb-, which may (by assimilation) or may not be from * mb . Ellenbogen, however, thinks that both the Akk and Hbr forms are from Eg ḏbʕ(.t) ‘signet ring, seal’5 (Copt təbbe; cf. also Eg ḏbʕ, Copt tōōbe ‘to seal’), and F. Bron assumes that the Ar word is directly from there. The Eg word itself seems to be taken from Eg ḏbʕ (Copt tēēbe) ‘finger’ (the signet-ring being worn on the finger), which is akin to Ar ↗ʔiṣbaʕ ‘finger’. Therefore, if Ar ṭābaʕ really goes back to Eg ḏbʕ(.t) ‘signet ring, seal’, then it is also related, though indirectly, to ʔiṣbaʕ
ṭābaʕ al-barīd and ṭābaʕ barīdī, n., postage stamp
ṭābaʕ al-ḫatm, n., impression of a seal or stamp
ṭābaʕ taḏkārī, n., commemorative stamp
ṭābaʕ al-ʔaṣābiʕ, n., fingerprint
ṭābaʕ mālī, n., fiscal stamp, duty stamp
ḏū ṭābaʕ ʔiqlīmī, adj., having a regional flavour or character; ṣāḥib al-ṭābaʕ, n., keeper of the seal
ṭabaʕa-hū bi-ṭābaʕi-hī, expr., to place, set, or leave, one’s stamp, mark, or impress on s.o. or, impart one’s own character to s.o. or

ṭabaʕa, a (ṭabʕ), vb. I, 1 to provide with an imprint, impress or impression ( or ʕalà; 2 to impress with a stamp, seal or signet ( or ʕalà, leave or set one’s stamp, seal, mark, or impress ( or ʕalà, on s.o., on s. th,); 3 to stamp, imprint, impress (ʕalà on); 4 to mint, coin (money); 5 to print (; 6 pass. ṭubiʕa to have a natural aptitude or disposition, have propensity, be disposed by nature (ʕalà for) : all prob. denom. from ṭābaʕ | ~ bi-ṭābiʕi-hī, expr., to place, set, or leave one’s stamp, mark, or impress on s.o. or, impart one’s own character to s.o. or; ~ ʕalay-hi, expr., to be innate, inherent in s.o., be native, natural to s.o.
ṭabbaʕa, vb. II, to tame, domesticate, break in, train (an animal): extended, specialised meaning of denom. *‘to brand an animal, set one’s stamp on it’.
taṭabbaʕa, vb. V, ~ bi-ṭibāʕi-hī, expr., to take on, assume, or receive s.o.’s peculiar character, bear s.o.’s stamp or impress: tD-stem, pass./refl..
ĭnṭabaʕa, vb. VII, 1 to be stamped, be printed, be imprinted, be impressed; 2 to leave an imprint or impression ( on): quasi-pass.; 3 to be disposed by nature (ʕalà for): denom., from ṭabīʕaẗ.

BP#340ṭabʕ, n., 1 printing (of a book), print; 2 (pl. ṭibāʕ) impress, impression, stamp, hallmark, peculiarity, characteristic, nature, character, temper, (natural) disposition: vn. I | ~ al-ḥaǧar, n., lithography; ~ al-ḥurūf, n., typography; taḥt al-~, adv., in the press, at press (typ.); ʔiʕādaẗ al-~, n.f., reprinting, reprint; ṭabʕan or bi’l-ṭabʕ, expr., 1 by nature, by natural disposition; 2 naturally! of course! certainly! to be sure!; sayyiʔ al-~, adj., ill-disposed, ill-natured, evil by nature; šāḏḏ al-~, adj., eccentric, extravagant.
ṭabʕaẗ, pl. -āt, n.f., 1 printing, print; 2 edition, issue, impression: n.vic..
ṭabbāʕ, n., printer: in ints. faʕʕāl.
ṭibāʕaẗ, n.f., art of printing: quasi-vn. I | ʔālaẗ al-~, n., printing press.
ṭibāʕī, adj., typographic(al): nsb-adj., from ṭibāʕaẗ.
BP#902ṭabīʕaẗ, pl. ṭabāʔiʕᵘ, n.f., 1 nature; 2 natural disposition, constitution; 3 peculiarity, individuality, character; 4 regular, normal manner; 5 physics; 6 natural science: nominalized quasi-PP I, f. lit. *‘(the) printed (one) | bi-~ al-ḥāl, expr., by the very nature of the case, as is (was) only natural, ipso facto, naturally, as a matter of course; ʕālim ~, n., 1 physicist; 2 natural scientist; ʕilm al-~, n., 1 physics; 2 natural science; falsafaẗ mā warāʔa (baʕda) al-~ , n.f., metaphysics; ~ fawq al-~, adj., supernatural; ṭabāʔɨʕ al-ʔašyāʔ,, the nature of things, state of affairs.
BP#574ṭabīʕī, adj., n., 1 nature’s, of nature, nature- (in compounds), natural; 2 inborn, innate, inherent, native; normal, ordinary, usual, regular; 3 physical: nsb-adj., from ṭabīʕaẗ; 4 physicist; 5 natural scientist; 6 naturalist:, nominalization of [v1-3] | ʕālim ~, n., 1 physicist; 2 natural scientist; al-ṭabīʕiyyāẗ,, 1 physics; 2 natural science; al-maḏhab al-~, naturalism; ~ ʔanna, expr., it is natural that…, naturally it is….
ṭabīʕiyyaẗ, n.f., naturalism: n.abstr. in -iyyaẗ.
maṭbaʕ, n., print shop, printing office, printing house, press: n.loc.
maṭbaʕaẗ, pl. maṭābiʕᵘ, n.f., print shop, printing office, printing house, press: n.loc.f. | ḥurriyyaẗ al-~, n.f., freedom of the press.
maṭbaʕī, adj., printing, printer’s (in compounds), typographic(al): nsb-adj., from maṭbaʕ(aẗ) | ḫaṭaʔ ~, n., and ġalṭaẗ ~aẗ, n.f., typographical error, misprint, erratum.
maṭbaʕǧī (Eg.), n., printer: composted of n.loc. maṭbaʕ(aẗ) + Tu suffix ǧī (for
miṭbaʕaẗ, pl. maṭābiʕᵘ, n.f., printing machine, printing press: n.instr.f.
ĭnṭibāʕ, pl. -āt, n., (received) impression (of neolog., lexicalized vn. VII.
ĭnṭibāʕī, adj., impressionistic: nsb-adj., from ĭnṭibāʕ.
ĭnṭibāʕiyyaẗ, n.f., impressionism: n.abstr. in -iyyaẗ, neolog., coined from ĭnṭibāʕ, vn. VII.
ṭābiʕ, n., 1 printer; 2 stamp, character: PA I, lit. *‘(the) printing (one)’.
BP#4952maṭbūʕ, adj., 1 printed, imprinted; 2 stereotyped: PP I; 3 pl. -āt,, printed materials, prints; 4 printed matter: specialisation of [v1]| ~ bi-ṭābaʕi-hī, expr., bearing the stamp, mark or impress of s.o. or, being characterized by; ~ ʕalà, do., being by its very nature…, having the innate property of…; ~ dawrī, n., a periodical; qānūn al-~āt, n., press law.
maṭbūʕaẗ, n.f., (Tun.) form, blank: PP I f., from ṭabaʕa, lit. *‘(the) printed (one)’.
ṭabīʕaẗ طَبِيعَة , pl. ṭabāʔiʕᵘ 
ID 534 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 902 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 nature; 2 natural disposition, constitution; 3 peculiarity, individuality, character; 4 regular, normal manner; 5 physics; 6 natural science – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Morphologically a nominalized quasi-PP I, f., lit. *‘(the) printed, moulded (one)’. The word can be regarded as formed from the vb. I ṭabaʕa ‘to impress with a stamp, seal or signet, leave or set one’s stamp, seal, mark, or impress’, which in the pass. voice, ṭubiʕa, takes the more specific meaning ‘to have a natural aptitude or disposition, have propensity, be disposed by nature (ʕalà for)’. Like all other values to be found in MSA in the root ṬBʕ, the vb. ṭabaʕa, and hence also ṭabīʕaẗ, belong to the group of derivations from the loanword ↗ṭābaʕ ‘signet-ring, seal’, which ultimately goes back either to a Sem *ṬBʕ ‘to sink’ or to Eg ḏbʕ(.t) ‘signet-ring’. 
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bi-ṭabīʕaẗ al-ḥāl, expr., by the very nature of the case, as is (was) only natural, ipso facto, naturally, as a matter of course
ʕālim ṭabīʕaẗ, n., 1 physicist; 2 natural scientist
ʕilm al-ṭabīʕaẗ, n., 1 physics; 2 natural science
falsafaẗ mā warāʔa/baʕda ’l-ṭabīʕaẗ , n.f., metaphysics
ṭabīʕaẗ fawq al-ṭabīʕaẗ, adj., supernatural
ṭabāʔiʕ al-ʔašyāʔ,, the nature of things, state of affairs.

BP#574ṭabīʕī, adj., n., 1 nature’s, of nature, nature- (in compounds), natural; 2 inborn, innate, inherent, native; normal, ordinary, usual, regular; 3 physical: nsb-adj.; 4 physicist; 5 natural scientist; 6 naturalist:, nominalization of [v1-3] | ʕālim ~, n., 1 physicist; 2 natural scientist; al-ṭabīʕiyyāẗ,, 1 physics; 2 natural science; al-maḏhab al-~, naturalism; ~ ʔanna, expr., it is natural that…, naturally it is….
ṭabīʕiyyaẗ, n.f., naturalism: n.abstr. in -iyyaẗ.

For other items of the root, see ↗ṭābaʕ and ↗ṬBʕ. 
maṭbaʕaẗ مَطْبَعَة 
Sw – • NahḍConBP … • APD … • © SG | created 7Jun2023
▪ n.loc.f 
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