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Boethius: De Consolatione Philosophiae

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook I: THE SORROWS OF BOETHIUS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook II: THE VANITY OF FORTUNE’S GIFTS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook III: TRUE HAPPINESS AND FALSE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook IV: GOOD AND ILL FORTUNE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook V: FREE WILL AND GOD’S FOREKNOWLEDGE
Tíz sús ketâna getráhtede . íst philosophorum . náls rhetorvm. Sús nesól man nîeht tíngon . nóh spráhôn . núbe uuîssprâchôn. Tíu uuîssprâchunga . héizet disputatio. Tér námo íst tánnân chómentêr . dáz philosophi nâh an állên questionibus fuîueletôn . álso sie dâr-ána tâten . uuáz summum bonum sî . únde súmelîh chád sapentia . súmelîh uirtus . súmelih uoluptas . únde fóne díu uuárd ze êrest kespróchenen disputare . diuerse putare . álso uuír áber nû chédên disputare . quod in dubio est . cum ratione affirmare . uel negare. Sîd tes sîechen mûot ze êrest in dîen geréchen neuuás . dáz sî mít ímo máhti disputare . uuánda îo disputatio subtilis íst . únde acuta . fóne díu sólta si ín mít rhetorica suadela . díu delectabilior . únde planior íst . léiten ze dero disputatione . an déro sî nû îo ána íst.

Metre VI.
Nouimus quantas dederit ruinas. 
Novimus quantas dederit ruinas
Vrbe flammata patribusque caesis
Fratre qui quondam ferus interempto
Matris effuso maduit cruore
Corpus et visu gelidum pererrans
Ora non tinxit lacrimis, sed esse
Censor extincti potuit decoris.
Niuimus quantas dederit ruinas . qui quondam urbe flammata . patribusque cesis . interempto fratre . ferus maduit matris effuso cruore.
Úns íst uuóla chúnt . uuélên suîd nero téta . tér roma ferbránda . únde daz hêrtûom slûog . sînen brûoder slûog . únde síh tára-nâh plûotegôta grímmelicho . mít sînero mûoter férhplûote.
Et pererrans gelidum corpus uisu . non tinxit ora lacrimis.
Únde er nîeht netrânda . dâr er íro erstórchenêten bóteh állen eruuárteta.
Sed censor . i. iudex esse potuit extincti decoris . i. corporis.
Núbe chóstare uuésen máhta . sînero erslágenôn mûoter lído. Suetonius ságet . táz er sînero mûoter díccho uergében uuólti . uuánda sî ín sînero síto inchónda. Tô ímo dés nespûota . únde sî dára-gágene uuás antidotis premunita . dô hîez er sia gladio sláhen. Târ-míte uuás ín fúre-uuízze állero íro lído . pedíu gîeng er úber sia tôta . únde ergréifôta sia álla . únde dúrh-uuárteta sia álle . únde chád tô . dáz súmeliche íro líde uuârîn uuóla gescáffen . súmeliche únelo.  
Nous avons bien cogneu com grans domagez et com grans agraventeurez fist l’empereur Neron. Il fist ardoir la cité de Romme et fist ocirre les senateurs et fist ocirre son frere et despecier fist sa mere par membrez et la fist ouvrir pour veoir le lieu ou il avoit esté conceus   et regarda de toutez pars dehors et dedens le corps tout froit ne onques ne pleura, ançois fu si dur que il pot jugier de la biauté morte. 
We han wel knowen how many grete harmes and destrucciouns weren don by the emperor Nero. He leet brenne the citee of Rome, and made sleen the senatoures. And he, cruel, whylom slew his brother; and he was maked moist with the blood of his moder; that is to seyn, he leet sleen and slitten the body of his moder, to seen wher he was conceived ;  and he loked on every halve up-on her colde dede body, ne no tere ne wette his face, but he was so hard-herted that he mighte ben domes-man or Iuge of hir dede beautee. 
We knowe how many ruines made,
What flamed Citie and fathers slain,
that tirant who ons brother kild
Imbrued with mothers bloude, 
With looke overvewed her body Cold
No teares bedewes his face, but was
A domar of dedded beautye.  
Hic tamen sceptro populos regebat
Quos videt condens radios sub undas
Phoebus extremo veniens ab ortu,
Quos premunt septem gelidi triones,
Quos Notus sicco violentus aestu
Torret ardentes recoquens harenas. 
Hic tamen regebat sceptro populos . quos uidet phoebus . ueniens ab extremo ortu . condens radios sub undas.
Tér uuás keuuáltig . úber álle dîe líute . dîe diu súnna úberskînet . ôstenân chómentíu . únde uuéstert in sédel gândíu.
Quos permuns gelidi septentriones . quos uiolentus auster torret sicco ȩstu. recoquens ardantes harenas.
Únde úber álle nórdlíute . únde dîen der héizo súnt-uuínt . hízza tûot . térrendo daz crîezlánt.  
Et toutevois gouvernoit il par sceptre emperial touz les peuplez que li souleuz venans voit en oriant et en occident et en midi et en septentrion.  
And natheles , yit governede this Nero by ceptre alle the poeples that Phebus the sonne may seen, cominge from his outereste arysinge til he hyde his bemes under the wawes; that is to seyn, he governed alle the poeples by ceptre imperial that the sonne goth aboute, from est to west. And eek this Nero governed by ceptre alle the poeples that ben under the colde sterres that highten “septem triones” ; this is to seyn, he governede alle the poeples that ben under thepartyof the north. And eek Nero governed alle the poeples that the violent wind Nothus scorkleth , and baketh the brenning sandes by his drye hete; that is to seyn, alle the poeples in the south. 
the same yet with Sceptar peple ruled,
Euin suche as Son espies at furdest west
from the Orison Come,
Whom frosty seven stars Ouerlookes,
Whom wrothful North with drie heat
 Affraies in sithing of the burning sandz.  
Celsa num tandem ualuit potestas
Vertere praui rabiem Neronis?
Heu gravem sortem, quotiens iniquus
Additur saevo gladius veneno!” 
Num celsa potestas potuit tandem uertere rabiem parui neronis?
Máhta dér hóho geuuált neronem îeht uuénden sînero úbeli ?
Heu grauem sortem . quotiens iniquus gladius additur seuo ueneno.
Áh táz árbéit-sámo geuállena lôz . sô-se suért éitere gespírre uuírt . táz chît . sô úbel uuíht keuuáltîg uuírdet.  
Et toutevois ne pot la haute puissance tourner la rage du mauvais empereur Neron ? Ha las ! ci a greveuse fortune, toutez les foiz que glaivez felons est ajustéz a cruel venim. 
But yit ne mighte nat al his hye power torne the woodnesse of this wikked Nero. Allas! it is a grevous fortune , as ofte as wikked swerd is ioigned to cruel venim; that is to seyn, venimous crueltee to lordshippe.’ 
Could al his lofty power at lenghe
Turne the rage of frantique Nero?
O qrevous hap whan wicked Sword
To cruel Venom Joingnes.  
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