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²ʔabad‑ أَبَدَ , i u 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1ʔabada_1 . – 2 to roam in a state of wildness, run wild, be shy, shy away, run away (animal, game) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Arab lexicographers relate ʔabada_2 and ↗ʔabada_1 to each other via the participle ʔābid(aẗ) saying that ‘wild animals live long, unless killed by accident’ – Lane i 1863. For the overall picture cf. ↗ʔBD. 
▪ … 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘to get lost, comminute’) Akk (ībut ‘to destroy’), Hbr ʔāḇaḏ, Syr ʔeḇaḏ, Gz ʔbd (a) ‘to be meaningless, mad’.
DRS 1 (1994)#ʔBD/T-1: Akk abātu ‘jeter à terre, détruire, anéantir’ (réfl. à n- ‘être perdu, périr’); Ug ʔbd, oCan *abada, Phoen (impfv) yʔbd, Mo ʔbd, Hbr ʔābad, EpigAram ʔbd, JP ʔᵃbad, Mand abad ‘être perdu, périr, errer’; Ar ʔabida ‘s’irriter contre qn’; ʔabada ‘s’enfuir (animal), devenir sauvage (bétail)’; ʔabidaẗ ‘malheur; chose extraordinaire, étrange’; Gz ʔabda ‘fuir, errer; agir sottement, être fou’; Amh abbädä ‘être fou, furieux’; Te ʔabbädä ‘tromper’; ʔabəd, Tña ʔəbud, Amh Arg əbd ‘fou’.
▪ Cf., however, also the cognates of ↗ʔabada_1 (= DRS #ʔBD/T-2). 
See section CONC, above. 
taʔabbada, vb. V, 1ʔabada_1. – 2 to return to a state of wildness: tD-stem, intr.
ʔābid, adj., 1ʔabada_1. – 2 wild, untamed: PA I.
ʔābidaẗ, pl. ʔawābidᵘ, n.f., 1ʔabada_1. – 2 wild animal; monster: PA I, f. | ʔawābid al-dunyā,, the Wonders of the World. – 3 unusual thing, prodigious event: fig. use of [v2] (?).

For other values attached to the root, see ↗ʔabada_1
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