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ʕamūd عَمود , pl. ʔaʕmidaẗ, ʕumud 
ID … • Sw – • BP 3015 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1a flagpole, shaft (of a standard); 1b pale, post, prop, shore, pier, buttress; 1c lamppost; 1d (telephone, telegraph) pole; 2 column, pillar, pilaster; item (of a glass); – 3a (pl. ʔaʕmidaẗ), n., column (of a newspaper); 3b element, cell (eI.) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ (Dolgopolsky2012#135): from protWSem *ʕa˻m˼mūd- ‘prop, pole of a tent, column, pillar’ (< protSem *ʕmd ‘to be raised\propped up, lean against; to stand upright’, *ʕamad- ‘support, pole’ < AfrAs [?] < Nostr *ʕ­˹o˺m˻˅˼dE ‘to stand upright, rise’.
▪ Gabal2012 regards the root √ʕMD as an extension in ‑D of the 2-rad. root nucleus *ʕM‑ to which he ascribes the basic meaning of ‘multitude or meeting/confluence (of several elements), combined with cohesion and uprightness’ (kaṯraẗ aw ĭǧtimāʕ maʕa ĭrtifāʕ wa-ĭltiḥām ʕulwī, ibid.: 1551).
ʕamūd figures among the terms that Bergsträsser1928 regarded as very old and widespread throughout Sem. The n. or the corresponding vb. is probably origin of most of the values found on ↗√ʕMD. 
▪ … 
▪ (Bergsträsser1928:) Akk imdu ‘supporting wall’ (»Stützmauer«), Hbr ʕammūḏ, Aram ʕammūḏā, Gz ʕamd ‘post (n.)’, Ar ʕamūd. ▪ (Dolgopolsky2012#135:) Ug ʕmd ‘column, ceiling beam’, BiblHbr ʕammûḏ, SamHbr ʕammod ‘id.’, Phoen Palm ʕmd, JudAram Syr ʕammûḏ-â ‘column’, Sab (pl.) ʔʕmd ‘columns, pillars’, Mhr ʔamawd ‘ceiling beam’, Jib C ʕamud ‘beam, pillar’ (< Ar?), and Ar ʕamūd- ‘prop, support, column, base’. – Cf. also Akk imdu ‘stanchion, support’, (here?) Sab ʕmd ‘(?) vine support, vinestock’, Gz ʕamd ‘column, pillar, post’, and Ar ʕamad ‘pole of a tent, column, pillar’, as well es Akk emēdu ‘to lean against, cling to, stand near by’, BiblHbr ʕāmad ‘to take one’s stand’, JudAram ʕammeḏ ‘to place’; Mhr hāmōd ‘to prop up one’s head (with a pillow, arm)’, Jib C aʕmid ‘to put a pillow under the head’.
See above, sections CONC and COGN. 
al-ʕamūd al-šawkī\faqrī, n., the vertebral colomn, the spine.
ʕamūd kahrabāʔī, n., electrode.

BP4677ʕamada, i (ʕamd), vb. I, 1 to support, prop, shore, buttress; 2ʕamada; 3ʕammada.
ʕammada, vb. II, ↗ s.v..
ʔaʕmada, vb. IV, 1 to support, prop, shore, buttress: *Š-stem. – 2ʕammada.
taʕammada, vb. V, 1a to intend, purpose, do intentionally, do on purpose; b to approach with a definite aim in mind; c to single out, aim at: Dt-stem. – 2ʕammada.
BP#1145ĭʕtamada, vb. VIII, 1 = V; 2 to lean (ʕalà against), support one’s weight (ʕalà on); 3a to rely, depend (‑hu or ʕalà on s.o., on; 3b to use as a basis (‑hu or ʕalà; 3c to employ, use, apply (‑hu, e.g., a new method); 4a to confirm (‑hu; 4b to sanction, authorize (‑hu; 5 to loan, give on credit (‑hu to s.o. li‑ a sum): Gt-stem.

BP#4282ʕamd, n., intention, intent, design, purpose; premeditation, willfulness (jur.): vn. I | ʕamdan, adv., intentionally, deliberately, on purpose; willfully, premeditatedly (jur.); šibh al‑ʕamd, n., quasi‑deliberate intent (Isl. Law)
ʕamdī, adj., intentional, deliberate; premeditated, willful (jur.): nisba formation of preceding item.
ʕumdaẗ, 1 n.f., support, prop, shore; 2main subject, main issue, basic issue (e.g., of a controversy); 3a (pl. ʕumad) n.m., chief of a village, chief magistrate of a small community (eg.); 3b mayor: [v3ab] is fig. use.
BP#3409ʕimād, pl. ʕumud, ʔaʕmidaẗ, n., 1 support, prop, stay (also fig.); 2 bracket, buttress, post; 3 pole, pillar; 4 column; 5 mast; 6 major general (Leb; mil.); – 7 baptism.
ʕimādaẗ, n.f., office of dean, deanship; (also ʕamādaẗ) office of the dean (university).
BP#2383ʕamīd, pl. ʕumadāʔᵘ, n., 1 support; 2a head, chief; 2b leading personality (in a cultural field); 2c dean (of a faculty); 2d director (of a college or academy); 2e doyen, dean (as, of a diplomatic oorps); 3 high commissioner (also al‑ʕamīd al‑sāmī), resident general; 4 brigadier general (Eg, Syr, Irq, etc.); colonel (Leb); (formerly, Irq) general, (formerly, Eg) lieutenant colonel: quasi-PP I | ʕamīd ʔawwal, n., brigadier general (Leb); ʕamīd al‑ʔadab al‑ʕarabī, n., the foremost representative of Arabic literature; ʕamīd al‑ʕāʔilaẗ, n., head of the family.
ʕamīdaẗ, n.f., dean (f.); directress: quasi-PP I, f.
ʕāmūd, pl. ʕawāmīd², n., = ʕamūd | ʕāmūd al-qiyādaẗ, n., steering column, steering mechanism (of an automobile).
ʕamūdī, adj., 1a columnar, pillar-shaped; 1b vertical, perpendicular, upright: nisba formation of preceding item | ṭāʔiraẗ ʕamūdiyyaẗ, n.f., helicopter.
Yūḥannā ’l‑maʕmadān, n., ↗ ʕammada.
taʕmīd, n., ↗ ʕammada.
taʕammud, n., 1-2ʕamada.
taʕammudī, adj., ↗ ʕamada.
BP#1362ĭʕtimād, n., 1 reliance, dependence, reliance (ʕalà on), confidence, trust (ʕalà in); 2 confirmation; 3a sanction, approbation; b recognition; c accreditation (of diplomats); (pl. āt) credit, loan: : vn. VIII | ĭʕtimādāt,, funds, financial means (for an objective, a project) | al-iʕtimād ʕalà ’nafs, self-confidenoe, self-reliance; kutub\ʔawrāq al-iʕtimād,, credentials (of diplomats); ĭʕtimād ʔiḍāfī, n., supplementary loan; ĭʕtimādāt mutāḥaẗ, available funds.
maʕmūdiyyaẗ, n.f., ↗ ʕammada.
muʕammad, adj., ↗ ʕammada.
mutaʕammad, adj., ↗ ʕamada.
BP#2722muʕtamad, 1 adj., a reliable, dependable; b object of reliance, support; c sanctioned, approved, authorized; d accredited; e allocated, available: PP VIII. – 2 (pl. pl. ūn), n., a commissioner, authorized agent, proxy, envoy, representative; b commissary, commissar; c (Tun.) al-muʕtamad al-sāmī, n., the High Commissioner; d muʕtamad qunṣulī, n., consular agent (dipl.); 3 ʔasās muʕtamad ʕalayh, n., a reliable basis.
muʕtamadiyyaẗ, n.f., legation (dipl.); (Tun.) administrative district (subdivision of a wilāyaẗ, province); district government.

For other meanings of the root, cf. ↗ʕamada, ↗ʕammada, ↗ʕamūd, ↗ʕumdaẗ, ↗ ʕamīd, as well as, for the overall picture, ↗√ʕMD. 
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