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ḥafal‑ حَفَلَ , i (ḥafl
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1 to gather, assemble, congregate; 2a to flow copiously; b to be replete, teem, superabound (bi‑ with). –
3 to pay attention, attend, give one’s mind (bi‑ or li‑ to, concern o.s. (bi‑ with), make much (bi‑ of), set great store (bi‑ by) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ According to DRS, values [v1] and [v2] belong together (DRS #ḤPL-1), while [v3] has to be distinguished from these as a separate value (DRS #ḤPL-2).
▪ Given the lack of cognates of [v1] and [v2], it is impossible to decide which of the two values should be assumed to be the primary one. The arrangement of the lexical material in root entry √ḤFL in Lane ii (1865) suggests that the collection of water (in a valley, in clouds in the sky, in the eye) or milk (in the udder) is the original meaning from which ʻgathering, assembling, etc.’ is a generalisation/abstraction.
▪ If DRS is right, ¹ˈ²ḥafala is without obvious cognates in Sem, while ³ḥafala has a few cognates in some modSAr idioms.
▪ [v1]-[v2] : Ehret1995#754 thinks the vb. ¹ḥafala ʻto assemble’ is denom. from ḥafl ʻcrowd, large assembly’ which he assumes to be an extension in »noun suffix« *‑l, from a bi-consonantal pre-protSem root *ḤP ‘to take hold of’, from AfrAs *‑ḥap‑ ‘to take hold of’. – Other extensions from the same pre-protSem root: ↗ḤFŠ, ↗ḤFṬ, ↗ḤFN.
▪ [v3] : For DRS the semantics of [v3] (their #ḤPL-2) seem too far from [v1]≡[v2] (their #ḤPL-1) as to assume an etymological relation. Cf., however, Lane ii (1865) where [v3] is explained as the result of semantic expansion from [v1]: ḥafala ’l-qawm ʻthe people collected themselves, aiding one another[!]’, ḥafalū lahū ʻthey combined for him, treating him with honour[!]’. ʻPaying attention, committing o.s. to’ would thus be an original ʻcoming together, gathering with the purpose of doing good to s.o. Moreover, there are items in √ḤFL for which it would be difficult to decide to which of the two fields one should assign them – [v1]≡[v2] or [v3]? Cf., e.g., ↗ḥaffala ‘to adorn, decorate’: is this an original *ʻto make affluent’ (from ²ḥafala) or from *ʻto apply extra zeal to’ (from ³ḥafala ʻto pay attention, attend, give one’s mind to’, or ↗ḥafīl ‘eager, assiduous, diligent’)?
▪ … 
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤPL-1 Ar ḥafala ʻaffluer, couler à flots, (se) réunir’, ḥafl ʻnombreux; foule’, ḥaflaẗ ʻtroupe’ -2 ḥafala ʻs’appliquer avec zèle’, ḥaffala ʻorner, embellir’, ḥafl ʻsoin’, Mhr ḥəfūl ʻpréserver’, Ḥrs ḥəfōl ʻprendre garde à soi’, Jib ḥfɔl ʻprêter attention’, Jib ḥɔ́fəl ʻattention’. -3 […].
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
lā ḥaflᵃ bih, quasi-adj., indifferent, of no consequence.

ḥaffala, vb. II, to adorn, decorate, ornament ( bi‑ with): D-stem, caus., prob. based on ²ḥafala, thus originally *ʻto make replete with’ But cf. also ↗s.v.
BP#3861ĭḥtafala, vb. VIII, 1 to gather, rally, throng together; 2 to celebrate (bi‑\s.o.); 3a to concern o.s. (bi‑ or li‑ with), attend, pay attention, give one’s mind (bi‑ or li‑ to; b to honour, welcome, receive kindly (bi‑ s.o.): Gt-stem, self-ref.; 1 from ¹ˈ²ḥafala; 2 a specialisation from the latter, or denom. from ḥaflaẗ ; 3 from ³ḥafala.
BP#1303ḥafl, n., 1a gathering, meeting, assembling; b assembly, congregation, throng, crowd; 2 performance, show, public event; 3a celebration; b feast, festival: vn. I, from ¹ˈ²ḥafala.
BP#1732ḥaflaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1 assembly, gathering, meeting, congregation; 2 (social or public) event; a party; b show, performance (theater, cinema); c concert; d festivity, ceremony, festival, festive event, celebration: singulative of ḥafl | ḥaflaẗ al-taʔbīn, n.f., commemoration, commemorative ceremony for a deceased person; al-ḥaflaẗ al-ʔūlà, n.f., premiere; ḥaflaẗ ḥāfilaẗ, n.f., numerous assembly; ḥaflaẗ ḫayriyyaẗ, n.f., charity performance, charity event; ḥaflaẗ al-dafn, n.f., funeral ceremony, obsequies; ḥaflaẗ dīniyyaẗ, n.f., religious ceremony, Divine Service; ḥaflaẗ sāhiraẗ and ḥaflaẗ samar, n.f., evening party, soirée; ḥaflaẗ sīnamāʔiyyaẗ, n.f., motion-picture show; ḥaflaẗ al-šāy, n.f., tea party; ḥaflaẗ al-ʕurs, n.f., wedding; ḥaflaẗ al-ĭstiqbāl, n.f., (public) reception; ḥaflaẗ mūsīqiyyaẗ, n.f., concert.
BP#4267maḥfil, pl. maḥāfilᵘ, n., 1 assembly, congregation, meeting, gathering; 2 party; 3 body, collective whole; 4 circle, quarter: n.loc., based on ¹ḥafala. | maḥfil māsūnī, n., Masonic lodge; al-maḥāfil al-rasmiyyaẗ\al-siyāsiyyaẗ,, the official (political) circles or quarters.
BP#1556ĭḥtifāl, pl. -āt, n., celebration, ceremony, festival, festivities: vn. VIII.
ḥāfil, pl. ḥuffal, ḥawāfilᵘ, adj., 1 full (bi‑ of), filled, replete (bi‑ with); 2 abundant, copious, lavish; 3 much frequented, well attended (by visitors, participants, etc.), numerous (of attendance); 4 solemn, ceremonial, festive: PA I.
BP#3417ḥāfilaẗ, pl. ‑āt, ḥawāfilᵘ, n.f., autobus: neolog., PA I.f., cf. s.v.
muḥtafil: al-muḥtafilūn, pl., the participants in a festive event, the celebrators: PA VIII.
muḥtafal, n., assembly place, gathering place; party; muḥtafal bih, adj., celebrated: PP VIII.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥafīl and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤFL. 
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