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ṣundūq صُنْدوق , var. ṣandūq, pl. ṣanādīqᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 1069 • APD … • © SG | 15Jul2021
1a crate, box; b chest; c trunk, suitcase; d case, cabinet; e money box, till, coffer; 2a pay office, treasurer’s office; b any public institution where funds are deposited and disbursed for a special purpose (e.g., sock fund, health insurance, etc.) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ [v1] : While Lokotsch1927 thought the word may come from an ultimately Ind source, Rolland2014 and Nişanyan2019_06Sept2019 posit a Grk origin (< syn- ‘together’ + déχomai ‘to receive, take, accept’ or tíθemi, θe- ‘to put’, respectively).
▪ [v2] : = modern fig. meanings.
660 ṣundūq ‘wooden container’ in a saying by ʕAlī b. ʔAbī Ṭālib – DHDA.
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▪ Aram ṣəndūḳā (Nişanyan_06Sept2019)
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▪ Lokotsch1927 #1826 assumes a prob. Ind origin but does not give further details. Rolland2014a thinks the etymon is Grk sundókos ‘recipient, container’, from prefix sun‑ ‘together’ + déχ-omai ‘to receive, take, accept’, from IE *dek‑ ‘dto.’ (cf. also ↗funduq < Grk pan-doχ-eîon); reimported into Grk as sánduks ‘case, suitcase’ (classified by Beekes2010 simply as »Pre-Greek«).
▪ Instead of sun‑ + déχ-omai, Nişanyan_06Sept2019 posits Grk συνθήκη synthḗkē, from sun‑ + tíθemi, θe- ‘to put’.
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▪ Tu sandık ‘chest’: <1250? Edīb Aḥmed, ʕAtebet-ül Ḥaḳāyıḳ: kalur munda kiḏiŋ säpäd ṣandūḳuŋ; 1303 Codex Cumanicus: capsia = Pers sanduk = Tu sinduk – Nişanyan_06Sept2019.
▪ Tu sanduka ‘coffin, sarcophagus’: 1665 Evliyā Çelebī, Seyāḥatnāme: türbe-i pür-envārdan bir el ẓāhır olup bu şeyχi dāmeninden çeküp sandūka yanıŋda oturdup. In Tu, sandık is usually ‘chest’, while sanduka mainly renders ‘coffin’ – Nişanyan_15Sept2014.
▪ Lokotsch1927 #1826: [?oInd >] Ar ṣanduq > Tu sandık > several Slav langs
▪ Believed to have been re-imported into Grk as sánduks ‘case, suitcase’ by Rolland2014a, but Beekes2010 (who also registers a var. sendoúkē, dimin. sendoúkion) has »Pre-Greek«.
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ṣundūq al-barīd, n., post-offixe box
ṣundūq al-makātīb, n., mailbox
ṣundūq al-naqd al-duwalī, n., International Monetary Fund
ṣundūq al-tawfīr, n., savings bank
ʔabū ṣundūq, n., (fig.) hunchback
ʔamīn al-ṣundūq, n., treasurer
daftar al-ṣundūq, n., cashbook

ṢNDL صندل 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Jul2021
▪ ṢNDL_1 ‘sandalwood’ ↗¹ṣandal
▪ ṢNDL_2 ‘sandals’ ↗²ṣandal
▪ ṢNDL_3 ‘(freight) barge, lighter; (EgAr) pontoon’ ↗³ṣandal

Other values, now obsolete, include (Lane iv 1872, Hava1899, LandbergZetterstein1942):

ṢNDL_4 ‘big-headed (ass, camel): ṣandal, ṣunādil
ṢNDL_5 ‘a thing resembling the boot, in the sole of which are nails’: ṣandal
ṢNDL_6 ‘skiff, rowboat’: ṣandal
▪ ṢNDL_7 ‘homme brave et courageux’: DaṯAr ṣandīl (LZ1942)
ṢNDL_8 ‘chemistry, pharmacy’: ṣandalaẗ
ṢNDL_9 ‘…’:

▪ [v1] : ultimately from Skr čandana-m ‘the sandalwood tree’.
▪ [v2] : BadawiHinds1986: from Engl sandal(s), from Lat, from Grk sándalon ‘sandal’ (which, accord. to most sources, is of Pers origin – but see DISC below).
▪ [v3] : BadawiHinds1986 marks ³ṣandal ‘(freight) barge, lighter; (EgAr) pontoon’ as »Grk Pers Tu It« without giving any details, and words of this meaning do not seem to exist in the languages indicated. – Prob. identical with [v6] ‘skiff, rowboat’.
[v4] ṣandal, ṣunādil ‘big-headed (ass, camel)’: accord. to Rolland2014a « probablement d’origine sémitique ». No details given.
[v5] ṣandal ‘a thing resembling the boot, in the sole of which are nails’: accord. to Ar lexicographers (as summarized in Lane iv 1872), the word is from a Pers sandal. – Prob. identical with [v2] ‘sandal(s)’.
[v6] ṣandal ‘skiff, rowboat’: Rolland2014a thinks this is metaphorical use of [v2] (or [v5]?), the small boat (and also the name of a flat fish) being likened to a shoe (boot). « Le […] sens […] relève d’une dérivation métaphorique habituelle entre les noms de poissons, de chaussures et d’embarcations ; une datation des occurrences devrait permettre de vérifier quels rôles ont joués le grec et le turc dans le sémantisme de l’arabe. » – See also below, section DISC.
▪ [v7] DaṯAr ṣandīl ‘homme brave et courageux’ (LandbergZetterstein1942): akin to [v4]?
[v8] : ṣandalaẗ for ‘chemistry, pharmacy’ is a var. of the now more common ↗ṣaydalaẗ. But ṣaydalī < ṣandalī ‘pharmacist, seller of drugs’ (which still can take the pl. ṣanādilaẗ instead of ṣayādilaẗ!) is perh. originally a *‘seller of sandal powder’ (used in medicine, etc.) – Rolland2014a.
[v9] ‘…’:
▪ [v1] : 626 ṣandal ‘tree with fine-smelling wood’ (ʔUmayyaẗ b. ʔAbī l-Ṣalt) – DHDA.
▪ [v4] : 595 ṣandal ‘big-headed’ (ass, camel), 762 ṣunādil ‘id.’ (Ruʔbaẗ b. al-ʕAǧǧāǧ) – DHDA.
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▪ [v1]-[v8] : see above, section CONC.
▪ [v2] ‘sandal(s)’: Rolland2014a thinks that Grk sándalon on which the Engl is based is orig. a *‘sandale de bois fixée par des courroies passant sur le pied; nom d’un poisson plat’ and may therefore be based on [v1] ‘sandalwood’: « Les sandales originelles ont dû être fabriquées avec du bois de santal. » (For the name of the flat fish, see below, [v6].) LiddellScott1901, too, give ‘wooden sole, firmly bound on by straps round the instep and ankle’ as the meaning of Grk sándalon. Rolland, however, goes a step farther, assuming that the word therefore is based on ‘sandal wood’. Is that likely? Etymologists of Grk (Chantraine, Beekes) usually think that Grk sándalon is from a non-Grk source, but they do not identify this source with a word meaning ‘sandal wood’. Accord. to Jastrow1904 (reprod. also by Nişanyan_23Mar2018), the Grk sándalon is attested as early as -C7, and in TargAram (sandal) from C1 onwards, both with the meaning ‘sole with straps, shoe’ and (hence also) ‘flat fish like the sole or turbot’, and both are poss. from a common Pers source, specified by Jastrow as Pers sandal and translated as ‘calceus’.1 If the sole really was wooden, could there be an influence of Grk sanís (Gen -ídos) ‘board, plank, wooden scaffold, etc.’ (cf. also nGrk sanidénios ‘wooden, plank‑…’)?
▪ [v6] : Accord. to Nişanyan_23Mar2018, the meaning ‘skiff, rowboat’ (tabanı düz kayık ‘boat with flat deck’) of Tu sandal is metaphorical use of [v2], i.e., *‘flat like a sandal’. – But isn’t there also Grk sanís (Gen -ídos) ‘board, plank, wooden scaffold, etc.; also: deck (of a ship)[!]’, dimin. sanídion ‘small plank, board’, nGrk sanídi ‘plank’, sanidénios ‘wooden, plank‑…’? Cf. also Tu sandalî ‘throne’ and sandalya~sandalye ‘chair’ which are hardly from ‘sandal(s)’ (but perh. from ‘sandal wood’ – see below, NB in section WEST).
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▪ [v1] : Engl sandalwood (1510s), earlier sandell (c1400), saundres (eC14), from oFr sandale, from mLat sandalum, from lGrk santalon, ultimately from Skr čandana-m ‘the sandalwood tree’, perh. lit. ‘wood for burning incense’, related to candrah ‘shining, glowing’ and cognate with Lat candere ‘to shine, glow’ (cf. Engl candle) – etymonline. || Ge Sandelholz (C15), from It sandalo, from Ar ṣandal, from Pers čandal, from oInd čandana-m ‘the sandalwood tree’, of unclear Drav origin – Kluge2002 / Lokotsch1927 #1825. || from Ital santalo, mLat santalum, from Grk sántalon, Ar ṣandal, from Skr čandanaDWDS. || Tu sandal (<1421?): sandal ve akakyā ve kızıl gül ve inebü’s-saleb (Yadigâr-ı İbni Şerif), from Skr čandana – Nişanyan_19Sept2017.
▪ [v2] : Engl sandal ‘type of shoe’ (lC14), from oFr sandale, from Lat sandalium ‘a slipper, sandal’, from Grk sandálion, dimin. of sándalon ‘sandal’, of unknown origin, perh. from Pers – etymonline. || Ge Sandale, enGe Sandaly (pl., c1500), from Lat sandalia, pl. of Lat sandalium ‘strap shoe’, from Grk sandálion, dimin. of Grk sándalon, of unknown (Pers? Eg?) origin – DWDS. || Fr sandale (c1160 sandaires, c1170 sçandales): from mLat sandalium ‘sandal’, from Grk sandálion, dimin. of sándalon ‘sandale de bois, fixée par des courroies passant sur le pied’ – CNRTL. || Tu sandal ‘sandal (shoe)’ (Redhouse1968): 1680 Meninski, Thesaurus: »sendel vulg. sandal: Başmak. Calceamenti genus« – Nişanyan_23Mar2018; Tu sandalet ‘small sandal, open shoe’: 1941 Cumhuriyet (newspaper): »bilumum yalın kat ayakkabı, sandalet, ağaç çivili kadın ve erkek ayakkabı satanlar...« < Fr sandalette, dimin. of Fr sandale etc., see above – Nişanyan_19Sept2017.
▪ [v3] : ³ṣandal ‘(freight) barge, lighter; (EgAr) pontoon’: accord. to BadawiHinds1986 also in »Grk Pers Tu It«, but no details given; prob. same as [v6], below.
[v5] ṣandal ‘a thing resembling the boot, in the sole of which are nails’: accord. to Ar lexicographers (as summarized in Lane iv 1872), the word is from a Pers sandal. – Prob., however, it is identical with [v2] ‘sandal(s)’.
[v6] Ar ṣandal ‘skiff’ ≈ Tu (Redhouse1968) sandal ‘rowboat’, sandalcı ‘boatman’: 1354 Görir bindi birkaç kişi ṣandala / deŋizden çıkup mīşeye girdiler – Mesʿūd b. Aḥmed, Süheyl ü Nevbahār terc. (Nişanyan_23Mar2018).
[v8] : ṣandalaẗ ‘chemistry, pharmacy’.

▪ NB: Tu ³sandal ‘a kind of silk or satin cloth, brocade, sendal’ does not seem to have anything to do with [v1]-[v8]; rather, it is from Fr cendal (c1150), from mLat cendalum, prob. of Ital origin, prob. from Lat sindon, -onis ‘light, fin tissue, musselin’ – CNRTL. – Cf. Ar ↗sundus.
▪ NB: Is Tu sandalî ‘throne’ (Redhouse1890) originally a nisba-adj. coined from [v1] and thus meaning ‘made of sandalwood’? And shouldn’t one also put Tu sandalya, sandalye ‘chair’ here? (Earliest attestations: <1377 Erzurumlu Darir, Ḳıṣṣa-i Yūsuf terc.: »sandaluŋ üstinde Yūsuf oturur / bir münādi geldi gavgā getürür«; Ḳıṣṣa-i Yūsuf terc.: »kodılar bir ṣandalī hem ʕūd-ı ḫām / kim otura üzerinde ol ʔimām«; 1574 Hoca Saʕdeddīn Ef., Tācü't-Tevārīḫ: »bir muraṣṣaʕ sandali koydiler« – Nişanyan_26Sept2017, Nişanyan_23Mar2018.) If so one will also have to compare sandalya in the meaning of ‘office, post’ (e.g., sandalya kavgası ‘struggle for a post or position’).
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